As Nostradamus predicted on 29 of October 1987, when USSR approached to the disintegration,
I came into the world. In early childhood was a very quiet child and walked in a
garden. To my surprise, did not yell and did not cry, and with a smile on face visited
doctors which did pricks, and stomatologies which created blanks in my smile. Not
strongly loved preschool employments, but with pleasure listened histories about
different people, migrations of ancient tribes, Ancient World, which my father told
me. In a garden it was very desirable to go out into school for realization of the
creative and scientific potentials, but then always wanted to go back into a garden.
At school I had good marks, because study was easy for me. From the first for the
third class engaged in dances, walked in the group of drawing. With pleasure read
books on history, decided tasks on mathematics. Approximately after 5th class I
began to go in for Dzyu-do.
After a 8th class entered the Donetsk kollege. I got good knowledges on different
subjects in a friendly milieu there. I felt drawn to the informatics, jurisprudence
and history.