Theme of master's work:
Scientific adviser: professor Yevgeny Rudenko
      The production of metal plays one of leading roles in development of economy of Ukraine. Presently main direction of technical process is a decline of unit cost, fight for the economy of metal and energyresourses. Presently in the whole world widely uses on figures nonstoped slabes. The chart of production of wide folias is more economic as compared to a chart a bar is slab. However rolling of folias and stripes from slabes which pour off on MNLZ has a row of failings. For example, it is necessary to have a large park of machines for founding of slabes of different width. Primary purpose of reducion of diminishing of width of nonstoped slabes to the necessary sizes.
      The process of reducion is carried out in the vertical cages of flattings mills which until now use as descalers, but large diminishing of width of slabes in such cages to want of durability of drive. There is technology after which it is possible to carry out a few passage-ways in a vertical cage which does not stipulate after itself considerable charges.
      Lately at the reconstruction of draft groups of cages of figures of the hot rolling in place of vertical descaler set a strong vertical cage for realization of process of reducion of slabes. Reducirovanie is conducted for 1-3 passage-ways. In a next cage a roll peting and at possibility wrung out on a thickness in the horizontal fellings.
      This work is actual, because the experimental models got in this work are needed for development of mathematical models which will be fixed in basis of the mathematical technological providing of control system reducion.
      There are a few ways of realization of process of reducion. First on an asm which separately stands and consists of vertical and horizontal rollers. Second in the draft line of figure. Asms for reducion, did not get distribution, because they are bulky, cost expensive and does not provide necessary quality of surface of slab. On figures, in the draft line of reducion carried out in the special cages.
      More wide distribution was got by technology of reducion of slabes in the draft line of the states with the use of powerful universal reversible cages. The mode of wringing out is in the vertical and horizontal fellings of interdependent: wringing out in the horizontal fellings and power terms of rolling depent from wringing out in the vertical fellings.
      The process of reducion can be realized by a classic method or as part of the united process of «reducion rolling». Classic redusion contains two types of operations: transversal wringing in the vertical fellings and ironing in the horizontal fellings of slabes with the purpose of removal of local at edges. The mode of wringing out is in the vertical and horizontal fellings of reducion cage of interdependent.
      Distinguish two variants of process ironing:
      The first type of ironing, without wringing on a thickness, uses after the large wringing out in the vertical fellings, when it is needed to remove considerable influxes on a lateral edge. At rolling in the vertical fellings greater part of the wrung out metal to pass to the influxes of lateral edge to the roll. With the next wringing in the horizontal fellings the metal of influxes passes to distribution and only partly goes to extraction. At large correlations of width of roll to his thickness which has a city at rolling in the draft group of the continuous sheet states, wringing in the vertical fellings to 2 - 3 % practically does not cause the change of initial width of slab.
     At slab, repeatedly deformed on a width in a vertical cage, there is an increase of thickness in a area. Hereupon the energypower parameters of rolling grow in the first horizontal cage.
      После обжатия прямоугольного сляба в вертикальных валках форма раската в плане характеризуется суженым по ширине с вогнутым торцом передним концом,
     It is possible to say on the basis talking of information, that in the works known before all of parameters are described and studied for one passage-way, when slab has a rectangular form. For 2-3 passage-ways which ordinarily uses at ironing (at the considerable diminishing of width) information absent. Similarly it should be noted that on this time difficult theoretical methods of research of the unset processes of forming, in particular ends of high stripes are on the stage of development, require development of difficult expensive software and calculable complexes.
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