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Ekaterina Butsik

Faculty Physical-Metallurgical

Speciality High Heat Power Sistems

Speciality: Heat energetics

Final work theme:

Research of means and ways in processing of mine gas for the purpose of its effective use for warmth and electric power reception

Scientific adviser: associate Professor Dmitry Parhomenko

Materials on the theme of master's work Abstract


Middle mark in the period of studies in university equal to 4,8.Speak the Russian language and Ukrainian language, and also the English language with the vocabulary.In time studies in university learned the programme language of Basik,Pascal and Statistica. Personal qualities: responsibility, confident, purposeful, resforcefs has sense of humor.

Short biography:

I, Butsik Ekaterina Robertovna, i was born on October 19, 1986 in town Donetsk. Mother – Butsik Anjela Ivanivna, radio operator.

     The child I grew inquisitive, but thus not too sociable, therefore tried to do all itself, without someone's help. Inquisitiveness washing it was expressed that I assorted literally «to last small screw» everything that came across under a hand. The truth to collect back was any more so interestingly, and "superfluous" details quite often remained.I did not go To a kindergarten.These years I have spent with a family.


In 1995 when to me it was executed seven years, I have arrived in a comprehensive school number 29 I-III steps of the city of Donetsk. At this school I also studied next ten years. For this time I have got set of acquaintances and friends. Besides, I accepted active participation in concerts, was engaged in ball dances. My class was amicable and cheerful. I and am on friendly terms till now with the schoolmates and I communicate. The class teacher was the remarkable teacher - Bydenko Larisa Andreevna - sympathetic, and simply good person. I am very grateful for the shown care to it.


Thanks to the knowledge and skills I had received at lyceum, in 2005 I successfully passed the ratings tests and entered the budget founded group of Heat-Power Engineering department at Physical and Metallurgical Faculty of the Donetsk national technical university.

In 2009 I got the diploma of bachelor with a honors and joined Master course.

In October, 2009 I entered the International University of the finance (Donetsk branch) where now I get the second education on a specialty "Finance".

Plans for the Future

      In the nearest future I plan, first and foremost successfully defend Magister research paper and receive a diploma. After graduating from university I’d like to have a little rest and then to find a decent and well-payed job, of course. And then let it run its own course.

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