Relevance of the topic.Market reforms in the Ukrainian economy for a long time followed by economic recession and crises. In these circumstances, the importance is the development of innovative activity of enterprises, as economic difficulties have adversely affected the efficiency of the development and implementation of innovative projects, is not conducive to the introduction of modern technologies and equipment in the industry and, consequently, slows down the restructuring of the economy as a whole. The problem of enhancing innovation of industrial enterprises with the proclamation of Ukraine's EU integration course is particularly relevant. Without innovation the focus of public policy, without increasing the innovative activity of industrial enterprises is impossible to achieve the main objectives of economic regulation - increasing efficiency and competitiveness of industrial production. Coming economic mechanism of management innovation industrial enterprises only with the inclusion of innovators in the process of socio-economic development of the state. A key factor in the technological development of the state and determines the speed of development and deployment of scientific and technical innovations, is the search for sources of investment innovation and introduction of effective mechanisms for their implementation and use in the modern economic system of Ukraine.
Theoretical problems of management innovation in domestic science covered by such outstanding professionals as Alexandrova, L. Antoniuk, J. Baja, A. Galchinsky, V. Geyets, V. Gusev, S. Yerokhin, S. Ilyashenko, M. Krupko, Lapko, A. Mahmoud, M. Melnikov, N. Language V. Momot, V. Naidenov, L. Neykovo, A. Lieutenant, D. Stechenko, V. Khaustov, D. Chervanev, N. Chukhray etc. Major problems of investment innovations studied by scholars such as I. Blank, N. Vnukova, B. Gubsky, L. Kolobov, I. Kolot, T. Mayorov, A. Peresada, S. Reverchuk, V. Fedorenko and many others, however, most of the works of national experts focused on separate analysis of the current state of innovation policy of our nation, and world economic literature, in particular the work of J. Bailey, L. Gitman, J. Johnson, D. Markowitz, William Sharpe, focused mainly on the range of issues' related to financial investment and the formation of the investment portfolio. For all the importance of the research some problems still remain to be investigated. For example, The lack of a management strategy for the innovation of industrial enterprises. Require specifying the functions of government innovation. Not developed modalities model of innovative activity of industrial enterprises. Lack of validity of the economic mechanism of management innovation of industrial enterprises have led the relevance of the theme of the research.
The purpose and objectives of the study.The aim of the study is a scientific theoretical basis for how to improve the economic mechanism of management innovation industries.
Figure 1. - Methods research
To achieve the objectives of the study were as follows:
1. To substantiate the theoretical foundations of economic levers of management innovation,
2. Identify features of management innovation of industrial enterprises in order to determine the functions of government and support innovation;
3. Identify the trends in the functioning of innovation industry;
4. Determine the efficiency of the mechanism of program-oriented planning of scientific-technological and innovation policies in the industry;
5. Based measures to improve the innovation culture at the state level;
6. Improve the regulatory function of innovative entrepreneurship in industry;
7. Develop modalities for the model of innovative activity of industrial enterprises.
The object of study - the process of management innovation of industrial enterprises.
Objectives of the study - a system of organizational and economic relations existing in the process of the economic mechanism of management innovation of industrial enterprises.
Methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research was scientific principles of modern economic theory, Proceedings of the domestic and foreign researchers in the field of management innovation of industrial enterprises, documents, regulatory developments governing the legal relations in the sphere of public management innovation. The thesis used such methods as: analysis and synthesis - to establish causation in identifying trends in the functioning of the innovation activities of industrial enterprises; abstraction - to highlight the basic concepts of a science and technology parks; statistical observation - the study of influences on innovation activity industry; statistical grouping - to select by stimulating innovative entrepreneurship; comparison, measurement and correlation analysis - to establish the relationship between the cost of technological innovation and the volume of product innovation, formalization - using a model of innovative activity of industrial enterprises, the historical method - the study of ground and development of territories with preferential tax, customs and investment regimes; decomposition - in the development of the foundations of economic levers of management innovation of industrial enterprises. Information base for investigation of materials were statistical yearbooks and bulletins State Statistics Committee of Ukraine; statistical bulletins of socio-economic development of the Volyn region, published materials of scientific and practical conferences, review periodic materials, news reports of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. The scientific value of work. In the master's work will be determined by specific problems and analysis of factors influencing the effectiveness of innovation activities of industrial enterprises, the proposed new scientific solutions, consisting of at ¬ feet of theoretical and methodological developments:
- Clarify the concept of "innovation";
- Formulate the value of innovation for industrial
- businesses;
- Group the main factors of the effectiveness of innovation. The practical significance of the work will be to develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of innovation. Methodical and practical recommendations on ways of improving the productive capacity pidpriemstvza through innovation .. The proposals will improve productivity, increase production of high quality and competitive products. Such notions as the conclusions and recommendations can be used in industrial activities.
Testing of work. The results will include performance and participation in scientific conferences.
In the master's works will be carried out theoretical generalization and practical dos ¬ ment of factors affecting the effectiveness of innovation activities of industrial enterprises
In the introduction to the actuality of the topic of master's work, and the scientific feasibility study, identified the object and subject of study. Formulated goals, objectives, shown in scientific novelty and practical significance of the work performed.
In the first section, "Theoretical Foundations of innovation the company will be disclosed and justified the essence of the concepts of" innovation "," innovation "," investments ", studies the mechanism of innovation in investment management activities, and theoretical aspects, and defined the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of innovations. According to the results of theoretical studies will be done the following conclusions.
It is proved that the innovative activities of enterprises is a progressive form of development, which allows to achieve long-term competitive advantages, enhance the technological level of production and resources of the enterprise. It is proved that the innovative development of any enterprise depends on the investment opportunities to support innovation. Own funds of the company, access to sources of investment resources for financing innovation, the availability and interest of investors in the implementation of innovation are critical factors for success in the innovative development of the enterprise. Therefore, innovation and investment activities of enterprises in the dissertation are invited to consider in unity. Investment support innovation activities of enterprises depends on the specifics of the investment object - innovation. Rate of return on investment in innovation for society as a whole is much higher due to external effects and an average of 30% to 80% and may reach even 400% for certain investments, which characterizes the investment in innovation as lucrative.
Despite the large potential revenue from the sale of investment innovation innovation activities of enterprises are too problematic. The first is connected with the specifics of innovation. Nature and specificity of innovation define features of investments in innovative development of enterprises. For such investment is characterized by a longer payback period, high risk associated with the uncertainty of the final result of innovation.
Investments in innovation activities of enterprises do not provide the stability of revenue from their commission, and require large one-time capital investments. However, the possibility of obtaining much higher profit margin compared with other types of investment and spheres of activity may compensate for higher risk investments in innovation.
This analysis led to the conclusion that the unsatisfactory condition of enterprises of almost all sectors due to the lack of long-term, strategy, innovation management, as well as the current mechanism for innovation development, which would ensure the conditions for the continuous creation, development and dissemination of innovations and became the basis for economic development of the economy . At the core of its creation must be based on the interests of man as the main component of the socio-economic system contribute to the promotion of domestic inventors and innovators, to encourage them to register their inventions in the Patent Office of Ukraine, not in foreign offices, and create an environment more appealing for creative developments, that will strengthen the scientific and technical potential of the state and provide an innovative way.
The second section of "Analysis of innovation potential in various regions in Ukraine's economy" provides research the current state of innovation development of Ukraine and some regions, the formation of innovative potential of industrial enterprises in Ukraine.
The innovation system of Ukraine is going through difficult times of its formation and development, which is mainly due to political events and ongoing processes of redistribution of power at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Permanent repartition of influence spheres as ministries, agencies and their governing officials can not create the system as a system of organizational, economic, and informational support development of innovative processes at the state level, and even more so - to allow the system to develop, apply and work effectively in a market and the Ukrainian market. It is worth noting that it is necessary to take into account experience in public management innovation economically developed countries of the world such as USA, Germany, France, on the organizational and economic mechanism for implementing the NTP, optimally combines economic, and legal and administrative forms and methods of state regulation, including : organizational and economic forms of implementing the priorities of the institutional structure of the priorities NTP, the system of market incentives and the use of mixed forms of encouraging innovation. Innovation processes in the national economy of Ukraine have been reflected in the works Chumatchenko NG, Yakovleva OV, Stechenko DM, Saw VI, Ivanilova A. and others. However, some issues require further elaboration.
Ukraine has a high potential for industrial development, within each area. This is associated with significant mineral resources, the development of fuel and energy complex and transport structure of industrial and scientific-technical base, considerable human resources. In addition, industry is inherent in a closed technological cycle of production. Observed increasing amounts of experience not only with companies of CIS countries, but also with European countries. The domestic market is characterized by large capacity, and external markets - developing tradition.
For the domestic economy of innovation and innovation development are the driving force that can ensure the economic independence of Ukraine, to overcome the gap with developed countries. Innovative development to ensure the introduction of new technologies, advanced equipment on the existing production facilities of the real sector through technical and technological re-equipment, especially in energy.
In the third section, "Recommendations to improve the efficiency of innovation" solved optimization of innovative processes, improve innovation in the Donetsk region, as well as measures to improve the performance of innovative enterprises in the case of the coal industry.
The main problems of innovative development ¬ ku in Ukraine and its regions at the present stage are:
- Lack of realistic mechanisms for pooling of available resources, their concentration on the largest and most promising areas of development;
- No correlation between the increase in sales by private firms and the growth of funding their research and development;
- Innovation policy has no clear direction in solving specific economic problems of the regions in their restructuring based on market factors.
A set of methods and means of state innovation policy is broad enough. This is a different government measures to stimulate innovation by business, tax adjustments, patent-licensing laws, depreciation, management of technology transfer, the system of contractual relationships; lifting of some restrictions on the environment, antitrust law, various forms of support for institutional cooperation between small and innovative businesses .
Therefore, the main activities of promotion of innovative activities in Ukraine at the present stage of development of the domestic economy should be considered:
- Develop and implement mechanism to provide benefits to industry who have and implement innovative products;
- Distribution of offers innovative enterprises of medium-term loans at a discount rate of credit;
- Concern about the state cleaner production, encourage activities aimed at maintaining up ¬ vkillya;
- Increased costs for training high-class training courses;
- Motivating employees to innovate, reduce migration of scientists;
- Legislative changes in the industry of innovation on the benefits and incentives;
- Increased funding sources;
- The company's policy must be innovative spryamovanist.Tisne cooperation with foreign enterprises, exchange of experience;
- Revitalization of the parks by state support;
- Use of experience in the U.S. and Japan on cooperation between universities and enterprises.
Implementation of the proposed areas of promotion of innovative activity in Ukraine will significantly raise the level of innovative activity of industrial enterprises, stabilize the accelerated process of modernization of production, efficient use of internal and external investment in innovation.
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