Dekunova Viktoriya Сreation and research of hydropercussion mechanism for rotary-percussion drilling of exploratory wells with the diameter of 132 mm and more RUS | UKR || Master's portal of DonNTU

Dekunova Viktoriya

Dekunova Viktoriya

Institute of Mining and Geology

Department: Technology of Exploration Work

Speciality: Drilling

Theme of master's work:

«Сreation and research of hydropercussion mechanism for rotary-percussion drilling of exploratory wells with the diameter of 132 mm and more»

Scientific adviser: Kalinichenko Oleg

Summary of research and developments


Under conditions of exploratory drilling, where determinative is an insurance of hydraulic hammer’s effective work with relatively small consumption of liquid, double-action mechanisms appear to be very advanced. While these machines are defined as having complex kinematics of operating procedure and a system of liquid distribution that requires a big number of sealing and internal passages for its flow, design of hydraulic hammer (HH-132) after the scheme of double-action mechanisms is conditioned by mechanisms development having relatively high efficiency, big energy and strokes frequency at low delivery of flushing liquid.

Project Relevance

In the last years of domestic as well as foreign practice there is a tendency of active usage of percussive-rotary drilling of bore holes, conditions by potential possibilities of the way to ensure raise of mechanical drilling rate under various mining and geological conditions, but also to solve the tasks of drilling works efficiency and performance figures’ improvement. There is more quantity and more meaning in technological parameters of percussive-rotary drilling than in other known ways. This presumes substantial extension of rate to choose modes from (combination of technological parameters) depending of solid’s properties and mining-geological drilling conditions. At this in the scheme of solids’ dissociation in the stall the dominant relation lies between stroking power and power of percussion, because the stall dissociates under the influence of combined actions of stroking loads and tool’s rotation. Nowadays, having quite convincing data of technological modes development of percussion-rotary drilling; the task of technological support of the required value of stroking capacity up to now stays the least prepared.

Objective and task of developments and studies

The objective of this project is development and study of hydro percussion mechanism for percussion-rotary drilling of exploring and producing wells of diameter 132 mm and more. The idea of the project is the following: by the order of the Rightbank geological expedition PDRGP «Pivnichgeologiya» («North geology») it is required to develop a hydraulic hammer having setup technological and constructional parameters. The tasks to be solved to reach a set objective: design of hydraulic hammer’s external characteristics, which comply to technological modes of drilling under various mining and technical conditions. At this a choice of hydraulic hammer’s external characteristic shall comply to the demand of reaching a space of the required power parameters of machine for effective drilling in soils of V-XII Class. These are not new values of hydraulic hammers purpose, however, under conditions of stiff technical and technological limits, in the first place after the diameter of mechanism’s housing and the existing space of the allowed gear parameters of drill pump, the most important value those solutions acquire a meaning, which are directed at a choice of the required combination of structural and technological parameters of hydraulic hammer with a possibility to realize extreme kind of its performance. The object of investigation is designs of the existing hydraulic hammers, their scope of usage and technological parameters.

Conclusion and practical meaning

Img. 1 Construction HH-132

Thus, under the marked technical and technological limitations, hydraulic hammer HH-132 ensures a space of power parameters to dissolute soils of V-XII Class of boring and has the following parameters:
Hydraulic hammer of diameter 132 mm PARAMETERS
Housing diameter.....108mm
Mass........................... 90 kg
Parameters of gear:
Pump output..............180 – 220 l/min
Working pressure.....2.8 – 3.6 MPa
Technological parameters:
Stroke energy.............88 – 145 J
Stroke frequency.......22 – 37 Hz

The designed hydraulic hammer was tested in a laboratory environment of Donetsk National Technical University and delivered to customer.

List of the utilized literature

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  3. Граф Л.Э., Коган Д.И. Гидроударные машины и инструмент. М.:Недра,1972. – 207 с.
  4. Кушелевич А.Б., Карабаш Д.И., Репьев А.П. Исследование возможности создания гидроударников для интенсификации бурения гидрогеологических скважин. - // Сб. Совершенствование и раразработка бурового инструмента для прогрессивных способов бурения. – М., 1986. – с. 64-70
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  7. Ясов В.Г. Теория и расчет рабочих процессов гидроударных буровых машин. – М.: Недра, 1977. – 153 с.
  8. Шкурко А.К. Бурение скважин забойными ударными машинами. – М.: Недра., 1982. – 167 с.
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Presently master's degree work is in the stage of development. After December, 2010 the complete text of work can be got for an author or scientific supervisor.

© DonNTU 2010, Dekunova Viktoriya