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Student of DonNTU Kapusta M.

Kapusta Margarita

Institute of Mining and Geology

Speciality: Engineering geodesy

Theme of master's work: The problems of the buffer areas of industrial enterprises

Scientific adviser: Andolenko S.S.

Abstract of thesis on the theme of master's work

Background, motivation, scientific innovation:

There is a legal and regulatory literature to establish boundaries SPZ. According to her SPZ related to the number of manufactured products now. Only a refining element is a wind rose. This approximate method of calculation has been associated with an insufficient degree of development and implementation of information technology in the method of calculation. As known, the distribution of pollutants in the territory has a complex structure which depends not only on the amount of emitted pollutants, but also determined by the construction of chimneys, both qualitative and quantitative composition of the emissions and meteorological conditions in the industrial enterprise. Introduction of modern information technology allows to take into account all these factors and to specify the boundaries of the SPZ for each specific company.


Purpose - to review existing normative literature on the establishment of boundaries of sanitary protection zones (SPZ) and the traditional ways of establishing boundaries. To study the technology for determining boundaries SPZ based dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. Write a program that will allow the construction of the SPZ particular company.

To reach this goal the following tasks:

- Studying the legal and regulatory framework for the establishment of sanitary protection zones (SPZ) of industrial enterprises in Ukraine;

- Study of basic principles of the SPZ. Adjustment SPZ based dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere;

- Calculation of SPZ an example a particular company.

Problems of creation of sanitaryprotection zones:

The issue of a sanitary protection zones (SPZ) around industrial enterprises stood in front of the City Architect's too late, since the vast majority of urban areas has been built up at a time when even the term "sanitary protection zone does not exist. Moreover, not all companies currently have around its borders open space, where there is a possibility of arrangement of the SPZ, and where there is the green zone, it consists of those trees that were in the arsenal of Landscape Architects Office of the City. Recent studies have shown that by using different kinds of them in the SPZ can improve the environmental condition of the territory, which surrounds the source of emissions. The SPZ of the company is represented in figure 1.

SPZ of the company

Figure 1 - SPZ of the company

Animatiom was creatad in the program Longtion GIF Animator 3.2, consists of 5 shots, volume of animation 125 KB

When selecting trees and herbaceous plants for zones of high air pollution should take account of their resistance to toxins and environmental geography. The essence of resistance to toxins is the ability of tissues and cells to neutralize the acid anions, which are in them, with the help of free inorganic cations: potassium, magnesium, sodium. These are plants that in the course of evolution have adapted to growing on soils rich in cations such as alkaline, slightly saline, carbonate, as well as plants with a wide amplitude of adaptation to soil conditions.

Summary results:

Need for SPZ and its dimensions are set near the legal and normative acts. Enterprise-class is defined output and capacity of the enterprise.

The main economic activity of JSC "Coke chemical plant equipment" is a custom manufacturer of cast iron castings, forgings, tools, parts, machinery, metal (the volume of products: non-standard cast iron - 1,575.0 tons / year steel - 410 tons / year). This enterprise can be attributed to class 4 and the size of the SPZ must be 100 meters, but when necessary and appropriate techno-economic and hygienic substantiation of the SPZ may be increased, but not more than 3 times.

Determining the size of the SPZ is reduced to the complex calculation of dispersion and harmful substances, which are distinguished from all sources of emissions, taking into account the summation of their actions and presence of impurities, which are formed adjacent businesses and transport. Obtained from the calculations SPZ must be specified as upward and downward, depending on the wind patterns of the area of enterprise.

Concentrations of pollutants in the surface layer of the atmosphere under the torch of chimneys at various distances from the source emissions are distributed in such manner. Near the source of the impurity concentration is low. It increases and reaches a maximum at some distance from the pipe. The maximum concentration and nature of the change depends on the release rate, chimney height, temperature and velocity of emission, as well as on meteorological conditions. The greater source of emissions, the more dispersed impurity in the atmosphere before reaching the underlying surface. The greatest concentrations are usually achieved at a distance of 10 to 40 vertical pipes.

The purpose of my job is a creation program, which is a result of inventory for each direction of the wind and each of the wind velocity will determine the concentration of the substance in the nodes of the estimated area in the ground layer (2m). The size of the estimated area shall be not less than 50 times the height of the highest source of emissions. For further detail of the estimated area covered by the grid, a step which depends on the class of enterprise: 1,2 Class-250m; 3 Class-100m, Class 4-50m, Class 5 - 25m. Points with identical values constitute the MPC units in the figure so-called contour concentrations. It is allows you to define the boundaries of the SPZ in view of dispersion of harmful substances.


In the course of the work it was set, that the calculation of SPZ sizes in Ukraine is executed without the account of many important specifying factors (speed of wind, amount of concrete matter extrass et cetera). The land prices in the city is high, that's why it is need to have a clear SPZ border, and not to impose restriction on land parcels, which are purchased by citizens. At this momebt the master's work is in the stage of development.

The master's thesis is not get completed. Final completion: December 2010. The complete text of work and materials on a theme can be got at an author or at a leader after the indicated date.

The list of references

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