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Student of Donetsk National Tachnical Univarsity Karavskiy Alexandr

Karavskiy Alexandr

Institute of mountain business and geology

Speciality: Land management and a cadastre

Theme of master’s work:

Determination of flooding areas of city Belozerskoe as a result of influence of the mountain making with the purpose of subsequent guard and rational use of earth

Scientific adviser: Krenida Jury Fedorovich

Materials on the theme of master's work:

Summary of research and developments

Method of the forecast of occurrence of flooding of surface. The offer of measures on prevention of flooding of the bases of buildings and constructions in city Belozersky.

Job urgency

Recently there is question on productivity of agricultural cultures in Ukraine. The price for the foodstuffs have grown very much because of absence of good harvests. Insignificant productivity is promoted by degradation of the earths including floodings connected with closing of mines and stop of water outflow.

The job purpose

To execute the forecast of occurrence of flooding of city Belozersky depending on increase of subsidences at time of working of layers of coal mine "Belozersky"

The General deformation of terrestrial surface

Graphics: file size - 64Kb, pixels - 256X448, the number of cadres - 6, the delay between cadres - 150 ms, the delay before repeat - 0 ms, the number of cycles of repetition - not limited.

Research problems

1. To execute the forecast of surface’s subsidences from working out of separate layers.

2. To estimate occurrence and increase of flooding of the bases of buildings and constructions.

Idea of job

The idea of job consist in definition necessity of prevention of flooding of the buildings and constructions bases on the base of forecast of surface’s subsidences.

Possible scientific and practical results, their novelty and value:

Method of the forecast of occurrence of flooding of surface. The offer of measures on prevention of flooding of the bases of buildings and constructions in city Belozersky.

The city Belozersky with the population about 37 thousand persons and the area about 185 hectares is located in Dobropolsky area of Donetsk area within mountain tap of mine "Belozersky". Relief of city is flat. Ground waters are located on depth 0.8м. Under city within mine "Belozersky" 20 million t of coal lies down. Coal lies down in 9 layers (in the job I used only two layers), which are located on depths 250-800м, capacities of layers of 0.6-1.5 m, hade 10..

For estimation of influences of the future mountain developments the maximum deformations from separate layers are defined and summarised. These deformations have received the name of probable deformations of surface. In the job I used such formula (Rules of protection of constructions and natural objects from harmful influence of underground mountain workings out on coal deposits):

Where, m – capacity of layer

N1 And N2 – factors taken from tables

Then by means of the formula (2) pay off subsidence for separate clearing developments. (Fig 1.)

Figure 1 – Subsidence of surface for separate lava

Figure 1 – Subsidence of surface for separate lava

Figure 2 – The General deformation of terrestrial surface
Figure 2 – The General deformation of terrestrial surface

We can understand from drawing that the surface will settle approximately on 140 sm. As a result of it there are ground waters on surface.

After reception of the general deformation of surface zones of flooding by ground waters by means of program ArcView have been found. Two dot themes of "горизонтали" and «гидроизогибсы» have been created for this purpose and by menu Surfase two surfaces are constructed. Then by means of menu Analysis – Map Query the difference of these two surfaces which showed the flooded territories has been found..

The basic measures of struggle against floodings is installation of drainage systems. There are two principal views of drainages: opened and closed. The open drainage system consists of set of open channels which are from each other on some distance. The closed drainage system represents system of drains which keep within on certain depth ground. Drains can be made of plastic, brick, ceramics, stone and other materials. Besides, on responsible sites of the closed drainage system establish viewing wells with sediment bowls. They play the important function in the course of water treating and adjustment of job of all system. Wells are made from plastics or the reinforced concrete. In final point of drainage system the water modular well should be established. All water from this system also will flow down in it, and then go by itself in ravines, reservoirs etc. In case drainage systems are above water level in water modular well for pumping waters are used special drainage pumps.

Further I plan

1) to study methods of struggle against floodings more profoundly;

2) to compare some software products on efficiency of finding of zones of flooding.

3) ) to study question of deformation of sewer pipes at subsidence of surface

List of the utilized literature

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  2. Гавриленко Ю.Н., Ермаков В.Н.. Техногенные последствия закрытия угольных шахт Украины: Монография [Текст] – Донецк, 2004. – 631 с. [Электронный ресурс] / Персональный сайт Аноприенко А.Я., -
  3. Оглоблин Д.Н., Бастан П.П., Герасименко Г.И., Никольский С.И., Папазов М.Г., Травник С.Ф., Фисенко Г.Л. Маркшейдерское дело. Издание 2-е, переработанное и дополненное. М. «Недра», 1972. 584 с.
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  5. Ананьева Ю.А. Разработка системы прогноза допустимых показателей деформации земной поверхности для подрабатываемых зданий и сооружений. [Электронный ресурс]/ Персональный сайт Ананьева Ю.А.,
  6. Райхель Б., Райхель Ю. Что делать с угольной промышленностью? [Электронный ресурс]/ День Киева, -
  7. Земисев В.Н. Расчеты деформаций горного массива «Недра», 1973. 144 с.
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  9. Чрезвычайные ситуации природного характера на территории Украины - смещения, подтопления, проседания, эрозия, абразия и карст [Электронный ресурс]/ Твое здоровье, -
  10. Магда Я. Быть или не быть? Эколого-геологические последствия массового закрытия шахт Донбасса [Электронный ресурс]/ GEONEWS Лента новостей, -

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