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Kol'ba Konstantine |
Faculty:Institute of Mining and Geology | |
Speciality: Geoinformatics and Surveying | |
Theme of master's work:Research of technology of basic data's treatment of buildings and structures surface laser scan-out | |
Scientific adviser: Germonova Ekaterina |
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About itself (mainly):Middle mark in the period of teaching in an university 4.66. Freely I own Russian, Ukrainian. In a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, own English. I have an experience in the field of geodesy and cartography. I have skills of programming in the environment of Delphi. Resume:Childhood:In a young month April Snow melts in an old park, And merry swings Begin the running approach… And here bore I . Namely on April, 12, 1988. Before entering university lived in the little Donbasskom small town of Ilovaysk with the parents: by a mother - Kol'boy Luboviu and dad – Kol'boy Victorom. I am the unique child in a monogynopaedium, therefore from childhood parents educated me in love and caress. To provide me them it was necessary to work, well and me, as well as most children, gave in child's garden under the name a «Sun». I can not say that especially disordered. In fact exactly in child's garden I was taught vital elements. There I became acquainted with the first friends with which am friends till today and exactly in child's garden I first time, to my mind, fallen in love. Now we with this girl meet sometimes, it lives not far away, and remember our child's years: as I tugged it at pigtails, and it complained a nursery governess, for what I often stood in a corner. Except for it I was a very curious child. liked to be in a course all events and necessarily in them to participate. Therefore I was a favourite for educators. School:And came on September, 1, 1995. Long-awaited day, because I very wanted to go out into school. Thirst did not abandon something new me. Parents dressed on me a white shirt with a black butterfly, pantaloons, gave a backpack and led on a solemn line. At school at once pleased me. The first day is at general school ¹12 passed very well, however as well as subsequent 11 years. I participated in many school measures and olympiads, occupied prize places, that very made happy me and my parents. I always did everything what to justify their hopes. Favourite objects at school it was been: chemistry, geography and biology. Similarly there were favourite teachers. It is a teacher of initial classes, which for all my class was as the second mother and in subsequent replaced it my class leader. I loved its lessons more all. At school I was not very much a quiet and obedient child. With friends we thought of some jokes often. From it we were sometimes caused to the director or wrote remarks in a diary, but not less it did not interfere with that me to do well. A mother desire was, what I had got busy at musical school. But not prokhodiv there and I gave up years, because always pulled me to sport. I began to visit trainings on a hand-to-hand fight and pauerliftingu. University:After the last bell and high-school promenade I with a certificate in hands left in Donetsk National Technical University in a receiving commission. Not long thinking I gave documents on speciality the «Geographic information systems and technologies». Sounded as that is unusual and I would say romantically. Reminiscing that my grand-dad was handy the same type, I decided exactly, go! Handed over preliminary examinations without problems and was included in the rows of students. I was very much rad, well but as there were rads parents. Studied very with application, not lazy, because was afraid that will be driven out, and it was desirable to get a grant. It was heavily, but interestingly. A highly skilled teaching staff constantly fed my desire studies. Practice after the first course cast light in the practical understanding of the mastered speciality. Due to the help of our leader - Shmorguna of Eugen Igor perception of practical skills passed as interesnogo and natural process. Looking back, on the flying years of teaching an awareness comes that they were one of the uvlekatel'neyshikh stages of my life. Practical training was held together with Alexandra Primostkoy in Kiev at the company Blom-Info Ukraine, which is a division of Danish company «BlomInfo A / S», under the strict guidance Dzekanyuka Andrew Ostapovich. He also served as the GIS operator. Worked in a project to create a vector basis of 3D models of European cities. The staff welcomed us very friendly, so weekdays flying fun and interesting, but did not want to leave. The supervisor of master's thesis chose Germonovu Ekaterina. Future Plans:Like all students who want to find a decent job, where you can apply the knowledge gained in the process of learning to university and get new ones. |