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Kosheverova Katerina

Kosheverova Katerina

Institute of Mining and Geology

Speciality: Drilling

Theme of master's work:

The Development of technical base and technology of pipeless drilling with the combining breaking of the ground rocks

Scientific adviser: Kalinichenko Oleg

About author

Summary of research and developments

Introduction (Motivation)

    The principal novelty of pipeless drilling method of boreholes using the combined way of breaking deposits objectively causes the salving of problems connected with the selection of technology and a regime of parameters of drilling on borehole intervals under processing. Nowadays the processing of transportation and subsidence of erosion products on the borehole trunk especially in periods of changing of washing regimes under transition from intensive hydromonitor rocks breaking on the face to a washing regime with a lower liquid supply, corresponding to a nominal quantity for a work of multifunctional the hydraulic hammer are not practically studied.

    Questions connected with technical providering of changing methods and regimes of rocks breaking when drilling remain open. Nowadays the existing variety of starting knots, providing promote changing of the method of rock breaking on the face of the borehole is caused first of all by insufficient reliability of their performance under rather complicated scheme of adjuster for a given regime of pumping.
    Selected problems mainly determine indices of pipeless drilling of boreholes. Their solving is directed to a search and substantiation of ways more complicated realization of opportunities of submerible drilling shells SDS – 127M and technology of multirun drilling of boreholes depth up to 50 m from an ordinary hydrofoil without timbering of borehole trunk which cut is complicated including hart layer of sand and soft rocks.
Fig. 2. SDS-127M

    The principal objective to be solved in the process of research for Master degree has been directed on a rise of efficiency of drilling of superficial boreholes in sea-water rocks with the use of submerible hydraulic hammers by working out of the technical pronsions providing expansion of SDS function allowing to decrease failure situations performing pipeless drilling of boreholes with combined breaking of intervals of a borehole trunk.
    To realize thise objective 3 problems have been allocated:
    1. To establish the character of concentration of sand particles in rising water stream on the length of an open trunk and estimate the influence of distribution of liquid speeds in a cross stream selection on the character of concentration of sand particles on the length of an open trunk, including conditions when sand layers are constrained on a vertical cut by clay rocks layers.
    2. To develop the technology and regimes of rising water stream providing an accident-free extraction of a drilling shell after finishing a washout stage and sampling on a given borehole interval.
    3. To establish the influence of constructive elements of starting knots of a multipurpose hydraulic hammer for reliability of operation of knots departing on operating conditions of submerible hydraulic hammers.

The main results

    Studying the character of the movement of firm particles in rising water stream experimental researches by Shumilov L.P. To use the scheme of calculation offered by him and to establish interrelations between pumping and the speed of liquid stream on a borehole trunk, additional data are needed such as a borehole diameter and a size of sand particles.
    The problem of determination of a borehole diameter and character of distribution of water stream speed on borehole trunk section was solved by modeling of a system “a drilling shell – a borehole”. When making a model the actual size of SDS-127M and the regime parameters of a drive were used. This is pumping – 300 l/min at sampling and 500 l/min at washing out. To solve this problem a computer program ANSYS was used. The obtained data in the form of a graphic and digital material fixed the actual borehole diameter and the speed of liquid stream on a borehole trunk. Thus the increase of a borehole trunk diameter in comparison with SDS diameter (on a core barrel diameter – 127 mm) for 11 mm (at liquid comsumption 300 l/min) and for 31 mm (at liquid comsumption 500 l/min) was allocated from conditions of sand washout at critical water speed (0,15 – 0,25 m/c) contacting with borehole wall.
    The data given above testify the prospective character of erosion of borehole walls on the length SDS-127M and the formation of zones of sand movement over a sampler on a site of a sharp increase of stream wise section. At liquid comsumption 300 l/min considerable size of “dead” zones of congestion of sand particles are seen. Besides the speed of firm particles movement in water stream (0,15 – 0,2 m/c) doesn’t exceed critical indices for its carrying out of a borehole. The sand is mainly in suspension.
Q=300 л/мин Q=300 л/мин
Fif. 3, 4. Q=300 l/min

    When increasing the comsumption to 500 l/min we can see these zones are practically broken and the speed of firm particles movement on a trunk (0,35 – 0,5 m/c) exceeds a critical one for their carrying out.
Q=500 л/мин Q=500 л/мин
Fif. 5, 6. Q=500 l/min

    The preliminary conclusion foresees the necessity of changing a regime of borehole washout during sampling at lower pumping. Liquid comsumption must correspond to a condition of creation of rising water stream speed on borehole trunk providing maximum carrying of sand from a borehole. Such problem can be solved for example using a stream divider, established over SDS, providing necessary pumping for operation of hydraulic hammer at higher liquid comsumption, arriving into a borehole.
    That’s why a distributive knot of valve type is used in following designs SDS-127M. Operation of a knot for operative change of drilling method is provided by increase of liquid comsumption and is done with control gate with which the delivery line of pump binder is traditionally equipped. Solving the problem of universal upper starting knot (USK) with a stream divider the construction of USK given above was taken as a basis. The drawing of designed USK is shown on fig. 7.
ПБС-127М л/мин
Fif. 7. The drawing of designed USK

    Unlike the applied USK in a knot design a spring valve 14 placed over USK rod was additionally introduced. The calibrated dividing apertures “г” in a rod under butt-end of a starting valve are done.
    At higher liquid supply (420 – 450 l/min)its part (150 – 180 l/min) goes out through dividing apertures “г”, valve channel 14 and side apertures “д” in a borehole through displaced apertures done in the adapter 2.
    On the phase of washout pumping increases to 500 – 550 l/min. It leads to USK operating. The valve 5 saddles the cylinder 6, simultaneously the windows “б” open. By means at high-speed pressure and higher pressure difference on a valve 14, the lost compressing a spring moves upwards closing the apertures “д”. Thus all stream directs into a down starting knot (DSK) chamber.
    This construction is a stage of developing SDS-127M and its use can raise reliability of installations’ operation at pipeless drilling of boreholes depth up to 50 m.

List of the utilized literature

  1. Калиниченко О.И., Каракозов А.А., Зыбинский П.В. Новые технические средства и технология поинтервального бурения инженерно-геологических скважин на шельфе.//Труды ДонГТУ. Серия Горно-геологическая. – Донецк. – 2001. – Вып. 36. – С. 144 – 148.
  2. Калиниченко О.И., Каракозов А.А., Зыбинский П.В. Разработка погружных гидроударных снарядов для бурения подводных разведочных скважин со специализированных плавсредств. //Сб. научн. трудов. – Вып.8. – Киев: ИСМ им. В.Н.Бакуля НАН Украины, 2005. – с. 92 – 95.
  3. Калиниченко О.И., Зыбинский П.В, Каракозов А.А. Гидроударные буровые снаряды и установки для бурения скважин на шельфе. – Донецк: «Вебер» (Донецкое отд.), 2007. – 270 с.
  4. Неудачин Г.И., Коломоец А.В., Калиниченко О.И. Опыт применения погружных гидровибрационных буровых установок для взятия проб донных отложений на шельфе морей Дальнего Востока.// Техн. и технол. геол.-развед. работ; орг. произва; Экспресс-информация. /ВИЭМС. – М., 1977. №5. – с.1 – 11.
  5. Применение погружных автономных установок для однорейсового бурения подводных скважин /Калиниченко О.И., Коломоец А.В., Квашин Е.В. и др. // Техн. и технол. геол.развед. работ; орг.пр-ва. Обзор /ВИЭМС. – М.,1988. – Вып.2. – 46 с.
  6. Гидравлика в бурении (Вопросы теории и практики). Труды ВНИИБТ – М: Недра, 1965. – Вып.15. – с. 82 – 105.
  7. Идельчик И.Е. Справочник по гидравлическим сопротивлениям / Под ред. М.О. Штейнберга. – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Машиностроение, 1992 – 672 с.: ил.

    Presently master's degree work is in the stage of development. After Desember 2010 the complete taxt of work can be got for an author or seientific supervisor.

© DonNTU 2010, Kosheverova Katerina