Kurilenko Nikolay
Mining and geology institute
Speciality: Mineral Processing
Theme of master's work:
Research of parameters of coal sediments which define results of its dewatering
Scientific adviser: Nazimko Elena
About myself
My academic average during years of studying at the university draw to 4.64. I received Bachelor degree in “Mining engineering” in 2009. I speak Russian and English fluently. I know English within the scope of reading and corresponding.
I’ve got skills in working with the further software: MS Office applications, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ, Photoshop, adjusting and optimization of operating systems (Win. XP, Vista) and of application software as well.
I’m fond of music and films.
It was spring 1987. Streets of Donetsk were covered with snow in April. So in one Monday morning, when everyone was unhurriedly walking to their works, at the maternity department of the ninth hospital another small life came into the world. As you have already got it, that was me.
I was named Nikolay by my two year old sister. When my parents had brought me home, and their couldn’t choose a name, she pulled her little arms towards me and pronounce something like “Kalya”. From that moment I was known as Kolya.
When I grew a little, my parents brought me to the kindergarten 156. As all the other children, I played, ran and hopped there – in the other words, I was an ordinary child. I remember my second kindergarten 309, named “Áåðåçêà” more distinctly. My first aptitudes started to develop there. It was my flairs of painting and constructing. Most of all I enjoyed the fact that other children weren’t able to create something of the kind. From that moment my craving for repair and improvement of different stuff (such as mechanisms and electric facilities) became obvious.
My first school bell rang for me on the 1st of September 1995 at school 126. I was standing on the threshold of knew knowledge. I’ve crossed it and took a seat at the third desk of the middle row … I remember nothing more. I remember the only thing: our supervising teacher Rakcheeva Valentina came and started telling something about knowledge, studying and other good stuff. And at that moment I was still dreamy. I wish I could listen to her now...
During all the years of school I was doing well in my studying. The years passed. And I was already standing by the school building and listening to the sounds of my last school ring. I was given my school certificate on the 24th of June 2005. That day is considered to be the very day of my graduation from school.
In summer 2005 I entered Donetsk national technical university’s department of “Mineral processing” by the results of exams.
The years I spent at the university turned out to be the most wonderful in my whole life. Every day I discovered something new, I met many good friends and acquaintances, I learned to enjoy achievements and to go through troubles without losing an optimistic view, to share joy with people around. I can admit know that studying have been rather easy for me due to my high level of school education.
In summer 2009 I received Bachelor degree in “Mining engineering”. Today I’m continuing my undergraduate studying. My scientific adviser is Doctor of Engineering, professor of “Mineral processing” department Helen Nazimenko.
The topic of my graduate is “Research of parameters of coal sediment which define results of its dewatering”.
I can be sure that there is no one in the world who has no aims at all. Everyone has his goals, aspirations and expectations. Each of us, while entering university, was planning something for his future.
My nearest plan is to receive a Master degree. After graduating from the university I want to find a promising and interesting work, which will satisfy my mental and material longings.
At a later date I’d like to live an ordinary life, have a family and children.