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Miteyko Vitaly S. Institute of Mining Engineering and Geology TechnologiesDepartment Speciality:Working mine mineralsThe topic of the master's project:«A ground of parameters and construction of cartridge of not explosive destroying material is the creating directed destruction» |
Unexplosive rupture substances (URS) and materials (URM) have found the broad application in the world practice during last 40 years. Over that period more than 60 unexplosive rupture compositions were developed. While the use of traditional explosive substances is impossible or banned with the safety rules, these compositions are employed in construction eliminating load-bearing elements, foundations of buildings, installations, industrial and habitable objects. They are also used in extracting and dressing of blocks of valuable rocks. The use of URS allows to increase the quality of the dressing of extracted substances and to decrease the quantity of waste products, due to lack of dynamic effect.[1]
The greatest number of URS is developed in Japan. The most known substances belong to the following Japanese companies: Onoda Simeit Co Ltd (Breestar), Sumitomo Siment Co Ltd (C-Mait), Nippon Siment Co (Himebraker). But Japanese compositions cost too much. More cheap analogs are substance NRS-1 from Russia and NRV-80, which is produced by domestic manufactures.
As a rule, unexplosive rupture substances are expected to be the powder, which hardens and enlarges its volume after interaction with water. It can develop the high pressure, when it resists to self- widening of substance.[2] The traditional use of the given substance means that the preliminary prepared suspension URS must be saturated in the special blast holes. It doesn’t let to use effectively the substance in rising and horizontal blast holes. Besides, the pressure is even in all directions, so we can’t control the tendency of substance’s destruction.In solution of the number of tasks in mining, the destruction of massifs of rocks is practiced. Hollow charge VV are used for this purpose. However the use of shooting on stratums, which are unsafe in dust and gas, has definite restrictions. And the use of shooting on stratums, which are unsafe in sudden emission of coal and gas, is not always practiced and needs special work conditions.[3]
The goal of the research – development of the construction and explanation of the parameters of chuck URM allowing to destroy massif of rocks.
The idea of the research – is in the creation of the destruction in rocks, by using the new peculiarities of self- widening substances and controlling their work.
Objectives, settled in the master’s research:
1. Identification of regularities of substance’s work in conditions, which are similar to the shaft.
2. Development of the constructions of chuck URM.
3. Explanation of the rational parameters of developed chuck.
The object of the research – structurally heterogeneous rock mass. The subject of the research –the processes of destruction of the rock mass. The ways of the research – systematization, analytical, method of physical modeling, bench-top tests, method of statistic processing of data.[4]
Scientific novelty of the research consists in the following: - for the first time peculiarities of the work of the compositions URM in the area of unequal- component tensions are sated; - peculiarities of the behavior of the process of hydration in the time.
Practical value of the research consists in the creation of chuck URM, which allows to control the direction of destruction of rocks.[5]
The problem of the destruction of rocks are studied in detail, and generally are based on the use of cumulative charges VV. However, the use of the explosive destruction is not always acceptable because of safety. It requires the stop of the works, withdrawal of people, special regime on the stratums, which are dangerous due to sudden emissions of coal and gas. The examples of necessity of the practical use of cumulative charges in mine are the forced failure of rocks. This process is accompanied with the following:
1. Method of the forced failure, according to the 2.13 of Instruction. It is recommended for the use only in mines, which are safe in gas and dust.
2. Implementation of the forced failure by this way has the sense only after its exit in the dismantling cundy and in erection of the complex on the dismantling. Otherwise console leads to the fit of the complex on “Jestko”. Preservation of dismantling cundy will be quite difficult.
Disadvantages of the advanced shooting:
1. The big length of the holes, big consumption of VV.
2. Big dynamic influence on the rocks under the explosion, that is dangerous on the highly explosive stratum.[6]
Unexplosive rupture substances are used broadly in the world practice during the last years. They can dramatically increase in the volume and create high pressures, as a result of the reaction of hydration.
At present time the materials on the base of unexplosive substances (URS) are used in engineering construction for destruction of the bases and another building constructions. In mining this matters are used for destruction of the firm fragile rocks, crushing of the outsize blocks, cutting of the semiprecious raw materials and in other cases instead of traditional explosive substances (GOST 9479-84). This is conditioned with the high safety of the implementation of the works, absence of the seismic effect and explosive gases.
The use of the unexplosive rupture substance NRV-80 (DSTU BV.2.7-75-98) is expected as a technical means of the creation of the rupture tensions. It is produced in Ukraine and may be modified in the future with the additions, which increase the speed of the reaction of the hydration. This substance is powder on the base of calx, dust-forming, incombustible, unexplosive and can be used in mining.
There are no scientific developments in the area of the creation of the destruction of the rocks with the help of URM in the world.
The main perspective of the researches is the opportunity to use the results of the research on the Ukrainian mining enterprises.
At present the work for the magister degree is being carried out, in January 2011. For farther information ask the author Miteyko Vitaly S. and teacher Sakhno Ivan[7]
The results of the master’s research are the base for the further explorations.
1. Кавано Тошио. Невзрывчатое средство разрушения Секко то сэккай. Gyps and Lime, 1982, N 176, с.41-48. 2. Авторское свидетельство СССР N 1648911, кл. C 04B 7/00, 1989.
2. Сахно И.Г. Лабораторные исследования свойств и разработка методов управления компрессионно-прочностными характеристиками саморасширяющихся составов / Вісті Донецького гірничого інституту. – 2005. - №2 С..
3. Касьян Н.Н., Сахно И.Г. Лабораторные исследование влияния компонентного состава НРВ-80 на его рабочую характеристику при укреплении вмещающего горные выработки массива // Вісник Криворізького технічного університету. 2009. - №23. - С. 31-34.
4.Ершов Л.В., Л.К. Либерман, И.Б. Нейман "Механика горных пород" – М.: Недра, 1987. – 192с.
5.Касьян Н.Н., Негрей С.Г., Сахно И.Г. О влиянии механического отпора выдавливанию пород почвы горных выработок на их смещения // Разработка рудных месторождений. – 2004.– Вып. 87. – С. 28-29.
6. КД Система забезпечення надійного та безпечного функціонування гірничих виробок із анкерним кріпленням. Загальні технічні вимоги / Минуглепром Украины 1998.
7. Касьян H.H., Сахно И.Г. Влияние схем расположения анкеров в слоистом массиве на его деформационные характеристики // Вісті Донецького гірничого інституту. - 2005. - №2. - С. 84-86.