Mine surveying and provision of information about the mine technological processes in Bulgaria – achievements, problems and goals

N. Vulkanov, K. Boev, St. Topalov, University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia -Bulgaria

Èñòî÷íèê: International Society for Mine Surveying. XIII International Congress, Budapest, Hungry, 24 - 25 September 2007.

A. Possibilities and use of GNSS

The activities related with solving of basic tasks in open pit mines, are favorable for application of GNSS1 technologies within and without real time conditions. The said have different requirements for content, accuracy and operational efficiency of the results, Table 1.

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The mine geodetic networks are structured in two classes – permanent and temporary. First ones are located at places beyond the scope of mining works. These are connected with the National geodetic network. Its density and location provide possibility for determination of temporary points on the territory of the mine – with high accuracy and operational efficiency.

Temporary points are established at places, where necessary for carrying out of activities for mine surveying. The period of its use is limited by the technological processes in the mine.

The surveying of mine workings is one of most common operations of mine surveying. The modern total stations are very efficient tool for these purposes.

Some problems may arise in case of insufficient dense and accurate geodetic base, as there are used too many generations of points from working base, and thus the accuracy drops sharply and significantly for the surveying works. The geodetic base under such structure will be released from specified problem, in case of using of DGNSS methods.

The classical approach to the study of deformations of mine workings requires construction and completion with equipment of observation stations, with control and working bench marks. Existing big displacements, abrupt visors, etc., place seriously the problem for reduction of results from linear measurements. For this purpose GNSS measurements provide a solid alternative, as the accuracy thereof is not depending on location ratio of points, subject of connection.

Measurement systems used for determination of operating elements of excavators, tracking and management of transport vehicles, etc., do not need at this stage any specialized geodetic or mine surveying equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages, which favor or impede the performance of geodetic and mine surveying tasks if using GNSS are as follows: high accuracy; independence from horizontal visibility, frequently limited, especially if close to working horizons and borders; independence from declivity of sides connecting neighboring points; possibility for application of flexible schemes for observation, where visibility, configuration and distances do not have key role; lesser dependency from meteorological conditions as compared with classical geodetic methods; dependency from vertical visibility, which may render at some places impossible any GNSS measurements for considerable period during daytime; vertical accuracy may be proved as insufficient for some applications; necessity in some cases to stay for long time at the points, which may pose threat for humans and equipment .