GIS Software - A description in 1000 words
Àâòîð: Stefan Steiniger and Robert Weibel
University of Calgary (CA), University of Zurich (CH)
GIS Software - A description in 1000 words
Stefan Steiniger and Robert Weibel
University of Calgary (CA), University of Zurich (CH)
Version – 1.2 – 08.May.2009
Software that is used to create, manage, analyze and visualize geographic data, i.e. data with a
reference to a place on earth, is usually denoted by the umbrella term ‘GIS software’. Typical
applications for GIS software include the evaluation of places for the location of new stores, the
management of power and gas lines, the creation of maps, the analysis of past crimes for crime
prevention, route calculations for transport tasks, the management of forests, parks and
infrastructure, such as roads and water ways, as well as applications in risk analysis of natural
hazards, and emergency planning and response. For this multitude of applications different types of
GIS functions are required and different categories of GIS software exist, which provide a particular
set of functions needed to fulfill certain data management tasks. We will first explain important GIS
software concepts, then list the typical tasks accomplished with GIS software, describe different GIS
software categories, and finally provide information on software producers and projects.
GIS Software Concepts
To represent a geographic object in a GIS, e.g. a building or a tree or a forest, a data representation
has to be established first. GIS usually provide two different possibilities to represent a geographic
phenomenon: the raster representation and the vector representation. In the raster representation a
regular mesh of cells is used, where every cell records the value of the attribute that describe the
phenomenon - like the Red/Green/Blue values in a digital image. Rasters are typically used to
represent variables that are continuous over space, such as terrain elevations or land cover. In the
vector model, which is commonly used to store objects that are spatially discrete, every object is
represented by a (vector) geometry (e.g.; a point, a line, or a polygon) and value fields that describe
the non-spatial object properties, the so-called ‘attributes’, in a table. For instance, a building might
be represented by a rectangle geometry and have attached two fields that describe the construction
year and the owner.
In GIS software geographic objects that have the same geometric and attribute representation
are typically grouped in so-called ‘layers’ to simplify data management tasks. For instance, all
buildings that are represented by polygons and have information on owner and construction year are
grouped in a layer ‘buildings’. In Figure 1 we show the typical graphical user interface of a GIS
software package that includes the concept of geometries (map view) connected to values in tables
(attribute view), as well as layers that contain one class of objects (e.g. rivers).
Figure 1: A typical desktop GIS user interface with map view, layer view, attribute view, tools for
navigating and exploring data, as well as tools for creating and modifying geometries.
Typical Tasks Accomplished with GIS Software
Before any geographic analysis can take place the data need to be derived from field work, maps or
satellite imagery, or acquired from data providers. Hence, data need to be created (1) and - in case
something has changed - edited (2), and then stored (3). If data are obtained from other sources
they need to be viewed (4) and eventually integrated (conflation) with existing data (5). To answer
particular questions, e.g. who is living in street X and is affected by the planned renewal of a power
line, the data are queried (6) and analyzed (7). However, some specific analysis tasks may require a
data transformation and manipulation (8) before any analysis can take place. The query and analysis
results can finally be displayed on a map (9).
GIS Software Categories
Different types of GIS software exist with different functionality, as not every GIS user needs to carry
out all of the above tasks. For instance an assistant in the public services department of a city may
only provide information on house owners to construction companies and does not need to edit the
cadastral dataset.
Table 1 and Figure 2 summarize commonly used GIS software categories. Desktop GIS usually
serve all GIS tasks and are sometimes classified into three functionality categories: GIS Viewer, GIS
Editor, and GIS Analyst. Spatial Database Management Systems (DBMS) are mainly used to store the
data, but often also provide (limited) analysis and data manipulation functionality. WebMap Servers
are used to distribute maps and data over the internet1. Similarly, WebGIS Clients are used for data
display and to access analysis and query functionality from Server GIS over the internet or intranet.
Libraries and Extensions provide additional (analysis) functionality that is not part of the basic GIS
software, for instance functions for network and terrain analysis, or functions to read specific data
formats. Finally, Mobile GIS are often used for field data collection.
Table 1: Typical tasks accomplished with different GIS software. ● standard functionality, ◊
optional functionality.
GIS tasks vs.
GIS software category
create maps
Desktop GIS
Viewer ● ● ● ◊
Editor ● ● ● ● ◊ ● ●
Analyst ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Spatial DBMS ● ● ● ◊
WebMap Server ● ◊ ◊ ● ●
Server GIS ● ● ● ● ● ●
WebGIS Client
Thin Client ● ●
Thick Client ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Mobile GIS ● ● ● ● ●
Libraries / Extensions ● ● ● ● ●
1 Two important standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for map and geodata
dristribution via WebMap Servers are the Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS).
Figure 2: Different types of GIS software.
Software Manufacturers and Projects
GIS software is not only provided by companies but increasingly also by free and open source
software projects. While commercial vendors usually offer products for all of software categories,
open software projects often concentrate on a single category, e.g. desktop GIS or WebMap server.
The key players in the GIS software market today are Autodesk, Bentley, ESRI Inc., GE (Smallworld),
Pitney Bowes (MapInfo), and Intergraph. GIS software companies tend to target specific application
domains. For instance, ESRI’s ArcGIS product tends to be mainly used for business analysis, planning,
and environmental applications, while Autodesk, GE and Bentley products are rather used in utility
and facility management. Competitive GIS software that is developed by free software projects exists
as well - especially with respect to server applications (MapServer, GeoServer) and spatial DBMS
(PostGIS). Free desktop GIS projects, such as Quantum GIS and gvSIG, currently experience growing
user communities. Such free GIS software rather complements the set of proprietary software instead
of competing with it.
Further Readings
Burrough, P.A., & R.A. McDonnell (1998). Principles of Geographical Information Systems. 2nd Edition.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
DeMers, M.N. (2008). Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems. 4th Edition. Chichester, UK:
John Wiley & Sons.
Heywood, D.I., Cornelius, S., & S. Carver (2006). An introduction to Geographical Information
Systems. 3rd Edition. Essex, UK: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Longley, P.A., Goodchild, M.F., Maguire, D.J., & D.W. Rhind (2005). Geographic Information Systems
and Science. 2nd Edition. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Sherman, G.E. (2008). Desktop GIS: Mapping the Planet with Open Source Tools. Lewisville, TX: The
Pragmatic Bookshelf.
Steiniger, S., & E. Bocher (2009). An overview on current free and open source desktop GIS
developments. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24 (in press).