Theme of master's work:
The development of the mining industry includes the development of new deposits and reconstruction of the existing mine fund, which integrally linked with the construction vertical shafts.
The vast majority of vertical shafts fixed monolithic early strength concrete, which ensures high technical-economic indicators in their construction (90% of the total).
Assessing the state of lining, at the present stage of development, mining, monolithic concrete lining trunks does not fully meet the increasing demands and conditions of work.
Lack of water resistance and corrosion resistance of the concrete lining, the ability to absorb the increased confining pressure, hydrostatic and dynamic pressure of groundwater, causing the need to overhaul the many mine shafts and the increasing cost of pumping out the residual water inflow during their operation.
Concrete lining must to comply with increased requirements, not only as a load-bearing cladding, but also as a waterproofing material.
The foregoing raises the need for the analysis of experience accumulated by the applicable laws of waterproofing monolithic concrete lining mine shafts, the characteristics of the construction of monolithic concrete lining and the formation process of seams, the study parameters and finding the dependencies to the tasks assigned, which is devoted to this work.
The purpose of master's work is to study the parameters of a monolithic concrete lining in the joints in the construction process of vertical mine shafts on a combined scheme of sinking to improve the technical and economic indices of their construction and operation.
The purpose has identified the following problems which the present this work:
1. To analyze and synthesize current research, design and research institutes on the topic. Perform an analysis of lessons learned on waterproofing monolithic concrete lining mine shafts and control of water inflow.
2. To study features of the construction of solid concrete lining, forming process seams, delamination of concrete mixture, washing laitance from the concrete mixture. Develop recommendations to improve the quality of works on laying concrete mixture and curing concrete.
3. Analyze the forces that arise in the joints of concrete. To study the radial dimensions of the region of inelastic deformation at the edge rock mass of the mine shaft.
4. Examine the flow of water through technological seams concreting. Develop alternative measures to reduce it and protect the lining of the mine shaft from corrosion.
5. Conduct laboratory tests of concrete samples on the basis of expanding cements in terms of their volume expansion, compressive strength, water resistance, providing the necessary «backwater» and adhesion of concrete mixture and hardened concrete. Determination of reducing the residual water inflow through technological joints in comparison with known technology.
6. Develop еhe technological scheme of the proposed technology and its basic parameters. Run their economic assessment, to determine the scope.
Analysis and synthesis of the current state of penetration and retention of vertical shafts; array processing of the materials stored using methods of statistical analysis using proven software tools, mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state of rock mass vertical stem with the provisions of the theory of continuum mechanics and technical and economic calculations . P>
– installed according to changes in the strength characteristics of monolithic concrete lining in the «cold» joints on the volume of the expanding concrete mixture;
– improved technological process of building the concrete lining;
– developed the optimum sealing technology technological seams.
Is to establish relationships of strength and waterproofing properties of the monolithic concrete lining on the basis of expanding cements the relationship and its basic parameters and technical-economic indicators, the establishment of features of formation of stress-strain state in the «rock mass - support» in the process. P>
Is to improve the technology of mounting shafts monolithic concrete in a combined technology, with a maximum intensity of production processes, development of practical recommendations to improve the quality of works of the fastening.
The analysis of literary sources to determine the purpose and objectives of the Master's work. The dependencies as boundary conditions for the computer Computer ekspiriments.