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Faculty: Institute of Mining and Geology
Speciality: Safety of labour activity
By mountain business humanity gets busy a lot of millenniums. One of the first dangerous factors, into which miners ran a mine atmosphere became. In spite of the accepted safety measures, failures on a mountain enterprise are inevitable.
By the main task of labour protection on mines in case of occurring of emergency situation there is providing of safe output of people on a fresh stream and on a surface as quick as possible.
Operating mines in most cases mine coals on large depths develop layers on the steep falling. Liquidation of failures on such mines is complicated to those, that in them there is the powerful source of natural traction, which causes stability of venting streams and does impossible knocking over of current of air, i.e. conducting of general mine reversal. This problem is pretty actual in coal industry. This job performances, researches of mine got on an example "South", elaborative layers on the steep falling, will serve by recommendations to the decision of this problem.
The scientific novelty of work consists is the following:
– first on the computer model of mine software "IRS Ventilation – PLF" allows on a mine with the steep falling possessing powerful natural traction, to reduce this natural traction and to model general mine reversal. Using this program, workers of service VAP can design venting malfunctions and on the basis of findings to conduct measures on the improvement of ventilation. Bringing in corrections in a mine model, they are in a position to nose after the change of ventilation, to analyse him and to find the most rational approach to the decision of tasks on the increase of safety of output of people from a mine in emergencies situations.
The practical value of the work consists in development of technology of increase of safety of output of people by the decline of natural traction of air and conducting of general mine reversal of venting streams.
To do the analysis of existent chart of ventilation of the mountain making and air distribution on making of mine "South" MC "Dzerzhinskugol". To create the computer model of mine by software "IRS Ventilation – PLF". Modeled mine venting network with bringing of natural traction on all contour and after conducting of measures on its decline. To explore efficiency of general mine reversal.
Possibility of the use of job performances is the basic prospect of researches on the enterprises of coal industry of Ukraine.
Master's degree job performances will serve as recommendations on providing of reversal of venting streams on areas elaborative pitching seams.
"Souht" mine was put into commission in December 18773 with the project capacity of 120 000 tons per year.
Mine works off coal seams with an angle of incidence from 5 to 62 deg.
Average thickness of layers is 0,72 m.
Way of working off the layers - straight from the barrel to the borders of a mine field.
The plan of liquidation of failures (PLF) is a basic document in the system of anti-damage defence of every operating, reconstructed, built and closed mine, is made in case of possible failures in accordance with the requirements of «Instruction on drafting of plans of liquidation of failures» and foresees measures on the rescue the people overtaken by a failure, and liquidations of failures in an initial stage and warnings of its development.
His operative part is basic maintenance of PLF, consisting of positions – aggregate of making of emergency area and failure possible in these making.
At drafting of positions in accordance with pointing of «Instruction...» the correct choice of venting malfunction of ventilation of mine and emergency area is fundamental.
The next venting modes can be foreseen in the plans of liquidation of failures:
- saving of the normal mode of ventilation;
- common shaft reversal of venting streams;
- combined mode of operations of ventilators of above all ventilation (for example, the stop of one ventilator and the reversal of another)
- local reversal of venting stream;
- shortening of venting stream;
- increase of stability of ventilation of the mountain making.
Depending on a kind and expected place of origin of failure the next venting modes are used.
At the explosions of gas or coal dust, sudden troop landings direction of venting stream existing to the failure is saved, the methods of increase of serve of air are foreseen on emergencies areas.
At fires in mine yards, trunks, shaft bottoms which crisp air acts on, reversal of venting stream is foreseen.
Expansion of area of reversal on other main making of mine with the giving stream of air must decide at development of plan taking into account concrete mine technical terms.
At fires higher than the channel of ventilator in a trunk with the outgoing stream of air, mine yards of these trunks (at suction ventilation) it is necessary to save normal work of ventilator of above all ventilation of emergency trunk, reverse the other ventilators for providing of steady motion of air on an emergency trunk.
At fires in buildings and channels of ventilators (at suction ventilation) it is necessary reverse no emergencies ventilators (at their presence), whereupon to stop an emergency ventilator, close slide damper in the channel of ventilator, to open sluices doors in mine yard; at the forcing method of ventilation emergency ventilator, and other work normally.
For the sloping making with descending ventilation, with the purpose of prevention of knocking over of venting stream under action of thermal depression, it is necessary to foresee measures on the increase of resistance of the parallel making and linkages between them; at impossibility to provide steady descending ventilation to foresee local or general mine reverse of venting streams.
For the sloping making with ascending ventilation, with the purpose of prevention of violation of ventilation in the parallel or overlying making and preventions of penetration of products of burning in fresh streams, it is necessary to foresee the increase of resistance of the emergencies making below than the hearth of fire (pushing an a door to fires, setting of bridges, etc.).
At a fire in deadlock working face it is necessary to save the normal mode of ventilation.
People hatch from an emergency and threatened areas on the developed routes. In basis of description of routes of output of people must be fixed «Rules of conduct of workers of mine at failures».
At description of routes of output of people from making ventilated due to general mine depression, it is necessary to follow the following.
Courses (course, part of course) of emergency area conditionally divided into two zones: most dangerous – after the hearth of failure, and less dangerous – to the hearth of failure. To the area after a hearth take making of emergency area, which at the normal (in the moment of failure) mode of ventilation of area can be gassed or flooded (breaches of water). To the area to the hearth of failure take: at fires, explosions and troop landings of making of emergency area, located in relation to the scene (hearth) of accident from the side of fresh stream, and at the breaches of water are located higher than the possible breach of water. It is thus necessary to foresee possibility of origin of fire or explosion in any place of making of emergency area, sudden troop landing in any place on length of cleansing working face, breach of water – in any place of making of emergency area, where really there can be the breach of water.
The analysis of crashes of the coal industry shows that with growth of depth of mines working and pwr of mines the danger of occurrence of crashes remains high enough.
By practice of holding the mountain rescue work was established that success of miner's salvation at the moment of crashes in mines, efficiency of action by mountain rescuers at time their liquidations and, at last, amount of material compensation in many respects depends on a correct and a timely choice of ventilation regime at the moments of crashes.
The most dangerous crashes are those which in mines networks formed strong internal sources of traction, which overcome pressure of ventilator on crash's site, which overturn an air stream and which disorganise shaft's airing.
Existing methods of an estimation of stability of airing at occurrence of emergency sources of traction and ways of stabilisation of air streams are imperfect, therefore the chosen ventilation regime are not always effective.
Questions about emergency ventilation concern all underground constructions having artificial or natural ventilation.
The most widespread and dangerous to people is a fire. Dangerous consequences of a fire is excretion a considerable quantity of warmth and poisoning the air. The high-temperature flame destroys constructions and will disorganise ventilation, and excretion of carbon's oxide and other toxic impurities makes the air unfit to the breathing of people. Sudden refusal of the mechanical or electric equipment, action of natural factors or people's negligence can cause fire .
At decision of the questions of emergency ventilation use computer models of ventilating networks of underground buildings . Such models allow to simulate consequences of emergency factors in underground building and to develop emergency regimes which provide both safe evacuation of people, and action of special services which liquidate crashes or their consequences.
General characterization of ventilating systems of underground constructions. Extreme modes of ventilation use at fire occurrence in collieries, underground, automobile and railway tunnels. All underground constructions are equipped by system of artificial ventilation which provides air movement in normal and in emergency (in railway tunnels artificial ventilation can be used only in case of crashes). The ventilating system of an underground construction is a complex of tunnels, ventilators, connections of tunnels, the ventilating equipment and constructions for regulation of distribution of air between tunnels.
The most simple are systems of ventilation of railway and automobile tunnels. Generally these systems (or its separate parts) consist of one or several parallel of transport tunnels and vertical mountain's developments (trunks) equipped with ventilators. Ventilators delete air from underwater tunnels through special ventilating channels located in parallel by tunnel.
Air falls in mines by vertical and inclined trunks. Near a trunk to which air exit mines, establish ventilators of the main airing. Ventilators connect with trunks by special channels. The ventilator together with the channel is ventilation's installation.
Possibilities of the program "ventilation" Calculation of ventilation in mines (collieries, tunnels, subways) in normal condition and in accidents condition: air distribution, calculation of resistance of mines workings, and ventilation for perspective.
Calculation of accident ventilation conditions: stability of ventilation streams, zone of spreading of fire gases, estimation of gas situation. Construction of shortest escape routes out of gas-polluted mine working for miners and one-movement routes for mines rescuers.
Graphic presentation of mines ventilation scheme and positions of emergency control plan, and print of a text part of emergency control plan.
Program complex allows to organize some autonomous working places (chief – engineer, shift foreman, ventilation and safety measures service) and their communications by means of local network.
One of basic malfunctions is general mine reversal of venting streams. The rules of safety in coal mines (RS) foresee his application at fires in pit head of aeronautical trunks, in trunks and pit bottom with crisp air. During the conduct of mine-rescue works a necessity in reversal of stream can arise up at a failure in any making of mine. In this case the question is about expansion of area of reversal. A question about including of the mountain making in the area of general mine reversal must decide taking into account the number of people getting in a gassed atmosphere, to time and terms of their motion on the gassed making, stability of venting blasts in the normal and reversible modes of ventilation, gas situation in the district of the supposed hearth of fire. In the area of reversal providing of safety of people is the above all condition of including of the mountain making.
The aeronautical making in which possibly reversal of stream in case of occurring of fire divide by 4 basic groups: trunks (including pit head) and pit bottom; main making, on which air is given on ventilation of a few panels, layers, wing of mine; making of the taking-out fields; making of taking-out areas.
Making of taking-out areas join in the area of reversal in exceptional cases, when for the output of people on an outgoing stream it is necessary to arrange more than one point of switching in reserves self-rescuer. Certainly, it is necessary to confirm by a calculation and experimental way that a reverse will turn out in this case.
Duration of reversal of venting stream must be equal to time, to the necessity for the exit of people from the most remote making on a fresh stream and on a surface.
It is necessary also to set time in the flow of which concentration of methane in a reversible stream in the places of the supposed hearths of fire will attain 2%. This term must be taken into account at drafting of PLF for establishment of time of conclusion of people from a dangerous area. Requirements of RS to the reversible mode of ventilation.
Taking into account high responsibility of the reversible mode, RS produces the row of necessary requirements to him:
- practical verification of the reversible mode must be carried out 2 times per a year in the hottest and most cold time of year and to be officially designed by an act;
- the expense of air in every making must make no less than 60% from an expense in the normal mode of ventilation;
- the serve is assumed and less of air on the special permission of local organ of Gospromgornadzor on condition that concentration of methane in the general outgoing venting stream of mine and district venting streams will not exceed 2,0% at continuous reversible ventilation in the flow of 2 hours and more;
- duration of reversal must be equal to time, to the necessity for the exit of people from the most remote making on a fresh stream and on a surface, or until concentration of methane in making will not attain 2,0%;
- at implementation of reverse all switching on venting options must be executed for time no more than 10 minutes;
- electrical installations in times of implementation of reverse must be well-to-do, and people are shown out of mine.
Note: possibility of reversal of venting stream in the mountain making of mines, where the isolated undeclared fires are, is determined by a technical director (by the main engineer of MHC, PA or independent mines) on the concordance with the organ of Gospromgornadzor, Central staff of MMRP and SRIMB. This position does not spread on the cases of emergency reversal, liquidations of failures foreseen by plans.
Options of animation:
the number of frames – 13;
the number of cycles – endlessly;
size 26,2 KB.
GIF Animator.
During work the analysis of existent chart of ventilation of the mountain making and air distribution is conducted on making of mine "South" MC "Dzerzhinskugol", the computer model of mine is created by software "IRS Ventilation – PLF". Modeled mine venting network with bringing of natural traction on all contours and after conducting of measures on its decline, efficiency of general mine reversal was explored.