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Master of DonNTU Vinichenko Katya

Vinichenko Katya

Institute of Mining and Geology

Speciality: Land surveying and cadastre

Theme of master's work: Features of underground real estate administration within the framework of the land relations

Scientific adviser: Gavrilenko Y.N.


My avarage mark during the whole period of study at the university is 4.91.

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (read, work, communication).

I have an experience with the modern geodesic devices, programs AutoCad, Êîìïàñ, Digitals, ArcView, Mathcad, Delphi, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word). I have been learning programming in language Object Pascal for the solving of engineering problems. I work with data bases MS Access, SQL, dBase, Paradox.

I have certificates of knowledge of English, certificate in cosmetology and visage, driving license.

Interests: design of interiors, English, visage, I like reading books, going out with my friends and travelling.

Professional qualities: responsible, determined, ambitious and sociable.

Contact information:

Short biography

I was born on May 20, 1988, Makeevka, Donetsk region, Ukraine.

My family: father – Vinichenko Viktor, mother – Vinichenko Vika, younger sister – Vinichenko Nastya.


I went to secondary school ¹47 in 1994. My favorite subjects were mathematics and geography. I studied well so I often participated in the competitions in such subjects as math, biology, English and Ukrainian. I have been learning English since I was five and now I’m also improving it especially in my speciality.

I went to the musical school at the age of six. I used to play piano. During the school years I used to go dancing, volleyball, acrobatics. I took part in the concerts and competitions. To the personal achievements of that period count the participation in region competitions and victory in some of them. I have the first adult class in acrobatics. I gave up acrobatics in my 10 year studying at school due to the lack of free time for studying.

I graduated the school in 2005 with the gold medal. I also got the driving license that year.


My preference to exact sciences and drafting predetermined the entering to the technical university. In April 2005 I successfully passed the rating tests and became the student of Donetsk national technical university on speciality «Land surveying and cadastre». The speciality «Land surveying and cadastre» covers a wide range of disciplines in the various branches of knowledge – from exact to law sciences.

In the period of studying in the university I repeatedly took part in scientific conferences. The most interesting lectures for me were the lectures in the geodesy, which were delivered by the professor - Gavrilenko Y.N. Now he is the scientific adviser of my master's work.

I had my bachelor degree in 2005. After that I had my first working experience at the surveying enterprise «Registrator». Now I am in my master’s degree. The theme of my master’s work relates to the underground real property and problems of its’ surveying.

In my near future I am going to do a master’s degree, I also plan to attend courses and sit the test in the real estate rating.

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