Background One of the most important problems of modern urbanization is questions of transport service maintenance and organisation of city traffic.
The city passenger transport is one of the most important factors providing life-support of a city, efficiency and its normal functioning. It unites isolated urban parts in a one uniform complex organism.
In cities, the construction and optimisation of routes on an existing traffic system is an essential problem. In Donetsk, for example, there are more then hundred routes of passenger transport. It is highly difficult to keep all them in mind together, and almost impossible to analyse. Moreover, it is required to optimize not only one type of transport, but all of them in complex – buses, trolley-buses, and trams. This task is the hardest in organisation, as it requires coordination of big amount of managing organisations. But it is also hard technically as it requires collection, systematization, and analyses of huge amount of initial data.
Everyone needs information about routes and schedules. Means for its cartographical representation in the Internet exist already about ten years. However, in Ukraine, we deal with a paradoxical situation when information services for the mass consumer are practically absent. The reason is known. It is the constituted state monopoly on the spatial information with its simultaneous actual disinterest in granting of services on its basis. Secrecy of coordinate definitions with necessary accuracy still remains a basic obstacle for any service developments. For investors and commercial companies, this market is very attracting but uncertainty of a legal field and, accordingly, impossibility to count risks restrain them from investments in this sphere.
Only last months (even not years), the situation has been starting to change under the pressure of popularity of foreign projects like Google Maps; and similar domestic services have started to develop.
But now, they cannot satisfy consumers’ inquiries. New maps for trip planning, plans of road traffic network (RTN) and public transport routes, schemes of highway directions, information about traffic jams, reconstructed and closed roads are required. The Internet is the ideal place for providing the information services from basic map display to optimum route search with advanced options. A server technology PostGIS allows to create such information systems and transport portals in the Internet easily.
Object of investigation: transport infrastructure of Donetsk city.
Subject of investigation: road-traffic network and passenger urban transport of Donetsk city.
Aims and tasks: development of methods of electronic road maps creation on the basis of various data within one input technology; processing, registration, and updating of the spatial information.
For the realization of the above aim, we will need to solve the following tasks:
1. First of all, it is required to divide city on transport region based on the analysis of building, evaluation of city road traffic network (purpose, speed and intensiveness of traffic, categories of roads, highways and freeways, schemes of roads and their analysis, index of direction and density of RTN, busyness of main transport centre) and obstacles for traffic (railways, rivers, and arterial roads with our constant insufficiency of roundabouts). This work is hard for automation; however, it is done not so often. That is why, it is usually done manually, or geo-information system (GIS) is the best suitable instrument for this. Anyway, it is done on map. And, the more convenient instrument will be in hands of expert, the better result will be obtained.
2. Then, means of spatial analysis let to define transport needs of city regions on the basis of analysis of various factors: density of population and vehicle flow, location of main centers (stations, markets, malls, entertainment centers), etc. It is obvious that the digital maps, also prepared in GIS, suit the best for fulfilment of such analysis.
3. After that, means of network analysis let to build optimum routes on real road traffic network with its possibilities and limitations (permitted traffic directions, turns, traffic capacity, etc.) Functionality pgRouting can also be used to achieve maximum efficiency of transportation by given stock of vehicles. Workable examples already exist.
4. Finally, the database of passenger transport routes with topological scheme is a good foundation, both for preparation of traditional transport maps, and for creation of interactive information systems for inhabitants. For example for the Internet service, letting anyone find a way from point A to point B through active routes of passenger transports.
Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty of the work is in complex approach based on one input technology, processing, registration, and updating of the spatial information for electronic road maps developing on example of network model for Donetsk city or an individual transport region.
Methods of investigation used in this master work are based on theoretical and methodological data of geo-information mapping presented in works by ours (A. I. Martynenko, A. A. Lyutyi, S. N. Serbenyuk, A. M. Berlyant, L. M. Bugaevskii, A. G. Ivanov, and others) and foreign (T. Kilpelainen, L. Sarjakoski, S. Spaccapietra, B. Bedard, L. Harrie, M. Sester, and others) scientists.
In the present work, there are two steps proposed:
1. Analysis of transport infrastructure of Donetsk city that is divided on the following sub-stages:
• Evaluation of transport region of Donetsk city (population, number of industrial enterprises (large, medium, and small), number of employees, objects of cultural and social purpose, personal vehicles);
• Evaluation of work of public passenger transport (number of routes, comparative analysis of previously active and now active routes, tendency towards passenger transport developing provided by various documentations of urban and regional authorities, etc.);
• Evaluation of work of RTN.
2. Mathematical modelling of urban transport networks with use of ArcView and pgRouting GIS-applications (methods of shortest path determination, etc.)
About the program used for the realization of the task
The main peculiarity of navigation maps is a basic presentation of roads and addresses. First of all, initial information must be true according to road and address network. Infrastructural objects (POI – points of interest) are secondary here; and then, the rest borders of area. According to this, the basic data for preparation of navigation maps is ordered by special mode for achievement of optimum work.
For work with a city map, the following number of data should be used:
• Functional division of city area;
• Hydrography;
• Railway and tram networks;
• Medians;
• Address list of buildings in the form of address points.
For realization of my work, I am going to apply GIS-applications of ArcView 3.1 and pgRouting that let users model and analyze networks. These applications simplify modelling, analysis, and network managing.
pgRouting functions:
• The shortest path Dikstra: algorithm of routing without heuristics;
• The shortest path Star: routing for large database (with heuristics);
• The shortest path Shooting-Star: routing with limitations (with heuristics);
• Travelling Salesman Problems (TSP);
• Route calculation (by interpolation).
• Access to several clients through JDBC, ODBC, or directly with a help of PL / PgSQL: clients can be either from PC or mobile devices.
• Use of PostGIS for its geographical data in format that, in its case, uses data OGC. It allows to use available open conversion data.
• Open Source software package as qGIS and uDig can change attribute data.
• Data change can be reflected immediately through motor routing.
«Cost» parameter can be dynamically calculated on the basis of SQL, and its cost can be entered from several fields or tables.
Thus, the developing and modernization of urban passenger transport are the factors that stimulate social-economical developing of the city, and confirm its territorial integrity.
As it was declared before, the present work includes two stages. In consequence of their fulfilment, the following tasks will be solved:
1. RTN of Donetsk city analyzed;
2. Analysis of urban passenger transport routes given;
3. And the main aim of the work done: the creation of electronic map for route optimization on corresponding road network of Donetsk city with the help of GIS-applications of iArcView and pgRouting.
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