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What is Dymola?
Features of Dymola
Dymola - Dynamic Modeling Laboratory - is suitable for modeling of various kinds of physical systems. It supports hierarchical model composition, libraries of truly reusable components, connectors and composite acasual connections. Model libraries are available in many engineering domains.
Dymola uses a new modeling methodology based on object orientation and equations. The usual need for manual conversion of equations to a block diagram is removed by the use of automatic formula manipulation. Other highlights of Dymola are:
Handling of large, complex multi-engineering models.
Faster modeling by graphical model composition.
Faster simulation - symbolic pre-processing.
Open for user defined model components
Open interface to other programs
3D Animation.
Real-time simulation.
Architecture of Dymola
The architecture of the Dymola program is shown below. Dymola has a powerful graphic editor for composing models. Dymola is based on the use of Modelica models stored on files. Dymola can also import other data and graphics files. Dymola contains a symbolic translator for Modelica equations generating C-code for simulation. The C-code can be ex¬ported to Simulink and hardware-in-the-loop platforms.
Dymola has powerful experimentation, plotting and animation features. Scripts can be used to manage experiments and to perform calculations. Automatic documentation generator is provided.
Basic Operations
Dymola has two kinds of windows: Main window and Library window. The Main window operates in one of two modes: Modeling and Simulation.
The Modeling mode of the Main window is used to compose models and model compo¬nents.
The Simulation mode is used to make experiment on the model, plot results and animate the behavior. The Simulation mode also has a scripting subwindow for automation of experi¬mentation and performing calculations.
Simulating an existing model
Find the model
Dymola starts in Modeling mode. The model to simulate is found by using the Open or Demo commands in the File menu. Example models are also found in the libraries: Modeli-ca or ModelicaAdditions or in other libraries.
Q Modeling Mode
Simulation Mode
The Simulation Mode is used for experimentation. It has simulation setup to define duration of simulation, etc., plot windows, animation windows and variable browser.
The variable browser allows selecting plot variables, changing parameters and initial condi
An animation window shows a 3D view of the simulated model. The animation can be run at different speeds, halted, single stepped and run backwards.
Features of Modelica
are tems.
Modelica is an object-oriented language for modeling of large, complex and heterogeneous physical systems. It is suited for multi-domain modeling, for example for modeling of mechatronic systems within automotive, aerospace and robotics applications. Such systems composed of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic subsystems, as well as control sys-
General equations are used for modeling of the physical phenomena. The language has been designed to allow tools to generate efficient code automatically. The modeling effort is thus reduced considerably since model components can be reused, and tedious and error-prone manual manipulations are not needed.
Modeling and simulation are becoming more important since engineers need to analyse in¬creasingly complex systems composed of components from different domains. Current tools are generally weak in treating multi-domain models because the general tools are block-oriented and thus demand a huge amount of manual rewriting to get the equations into explicit form. The domain-specific tools, such as circuit simulators or multibody pro¬grams, cannot handle components of other domains in a reasonable way.
There is traditionally too large a gap between the user's problem and the model description that the simulation program understands. Modeling should be much closer to the way an en¬gineer builds a real system, first trying to find standard components like motors, pumps and valves from manufacturers' catalogues with appropriate specifications and interfaces.
Equations and reuse
Equations are used in Modelica for modeling of the physical phenomena. No particular
variable needs to be solved for manually because Dymola has enough information to decide
that automatically. This is an important property of Dymola to enable handling of large models having more than hundred thousand equations. Modelica supports several formal¬isms: ordinary differential equations (ODE), differential-algebraic equations (DAE), bond graphs, finite state automata, Petri nets etc.
The language has been designed to allow tools to generate very efficient code. Modelica models are used, for example, in hardware-in-the-loop simulation of automatic gearboxes, which have variable structure models. Such models have so far usually been treated by hand, modeling each mode of operation separately. In Modelica, component models are used for shafts, clutches, brakes, gear wheels etc. and Dymola can find the different modes of operation automatically. The modeling effort is considerably reduced since model com¬ponents can be reused and tedious and error-prone manual manipulations are not needed.
Modelica history
Reuse is a key issue for handling complexity. There had been several attempts to define ob¬ject-oriented languages for physical modeling. However, the ability to reuse and exchange models relies on a standardized format. It was thus important to bring this expertise together to unify concepts and notations.
A design group was formed in September 1996 and one year later, the first version of the Modelica language was available (http://www.Modelica.org). Modelica is intended to serve as a standard format so that models arising in different domains can be exchanged between tools and users. It has been designed by a group of more than 25 experts with previous know-how of modeling languages and differential-algebraic equation models. After more than 30 three-days' meetings during a five year period, version 2.0 of the language specifi¬cation was finished in January, 2002.
Èíñòðóìåíòû Modelica.
Peter Fritzson - "Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1" (November 2003)