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Ischenko Alexander

Alexander Ischenko 

Electrotechnical faculty

Department of Power Plants

Speciality "Power Plants"

Analysis of the starting modes, coasting and automatic starting modes of electric motors in the system of own needs of power units in response to changes in the schemes of power supply pumping stations

Scientific adviser: docent Valeriy Pavlyukov 



Full name — Alexander Ischenko.
Birthdate — December 12, 1988.
Birthplace — Donetsk.
School — Donetsk Profile Gymnasium №122 (11 classes, 1996-2006).
University — Donetsk National Technical University (bachelor — 2006-2010, master — 2010-2011).
Average score during studying in the Bachelor — 4,45.
Languages — Ukrainian (perfectly), Russian (perfectly), English (intermediate).
Individual achievement — victory in school competitions in history.
Hobbies — Literature (science fiction, fantasy, historical, documental), gaming (computer games, wargames).
Personal qualities — decency, fast learner, initiative.
Computer skills
1. operating systems: MS Windows 95, 98, XP, 7;
2. software: MathCAD, AutoCAD, Компас, LabView;
3. programming languages: C++.

Additional courses, fellowships, grants — No.
Work experience — No.
Future plans — Ending Masters, job specialty, getting a second education and literary activities.
Contacts — e-mail: