Korovin Konstantin
Electrical engineering faculty 
Power stations department 
Speciality "Power stations"
Modes research of autonomous electric power station on the basis of photovoltaic cells
Scientific adviser: PhD. Levshov Alexander
Abstract on the topic of master's thesis
The purposes and objectives of the study
Current status of solar energy in Ukraine
The future of the industry
Stand-alone power plants are widely in demand in various sectors and geographical regions of Ukraine. Today, energy autonomous consumers are provided mainly by petrol and diesel generators, which operation is costly to the periodic delivery of fuel and maintenance. Additional negative factors in the use of such systems are emissions of combustion products into the environment and noise. Serious environmental problem is pollution fuel containers [1].
A solution of this problems can be used stand-alone photovoltaic power plants at the base. It will provide clean and cheap energy consumers hard. The undoubted advantage of such autonomous power plants is their accessibility and minimal maintenance costs. Ukraine has good potential solar energy, comparable to the European region in which the percentage of use is the highest in the world. For better implementation of such regimes must be analyzed Projects summary of autonomous power stations and develop methods to improve their effectiveness.
The purposes and objectives of the study
Study Objectives: To investigate modes of autonomous power-based photovoltaic devices, develop techniques to improve their effectiveness, to justify the use of such stations in Ukraine.
- Analysis of the status and problems of modern solutions.
- Depending on the definition of the elements generated by solar power.
- Development of methods for improving the operation of autonomous power plants.
- Current experiment.
Current status of solar energy in Ukraine
It's no secret that while the "pillars" of development of industry and energy of the 20th century, coal, gas and oil coming to an end. In the 21st century, humanity began to search actively for new sources of energy sources more affordable, cheap, environmentally friendly, and most importantly – renewable. Scientists have gone different ways: someone develops the idea of wind power, one sees the future of geothermal energy or uses low tides in the oceans, someone involved in bioenergy. In any case, all efforts aimed at development of alternative energy in the world and certainly the complexity of such a power only says that the reliability of received energy is high, as coming from different sources. At the political level so you can see the support at the global level "Agenda 21" [2].
This essay is dedicated to one of the areas of alternative energy – solar power. In Ukraine, the share of alternative and renewable sources in energy balance is 7.2% [4]. The absence of significant energy resources and are often worn-out equipment in the industry, puts the country in a dependent position. This leads to a deterioration in the rate of simple country's economy and social sphere. The introduction of renewable energy in general in Ukraine today can reduce consumption of natural gas and 20 billion m3 [5].
More recently, Ukraine has begun to encourage the development of solar power, so far, however, at the legislative level. In line with the strategy of energy security one of its key areas is the development of alternative energy supply, the use of alternative energy sources. You can also result in a "green tariff" – Ukrainian analogue of the compensation policy of the EU countries. In September 2008, Parliament legislated the instrument as determined rate of interest should purchase electricity produced from alternative energy sources. The principle of it is that the "green rate" suggests the price is much higher than that on which traditional producers sell electricity, and the wholesale electricity market of Ukraine in the face of GP "Energy" is obliged to buy such goods. "Green Tariff" is calculated as follows: retail tariff for consumers of the second class (on which the electricity energy market buying entities) is multiplied by a factor of "green tariff", which is set individually for each of the four main types of sources of "green" energy (the sun, wind, hydro, biomass).
The expected surge of interest in the sector from investors after the adoption of the law did not happen. Therefore, in April 2009 MPs have made the legislation a "green tariff" some very logical changes and additions. First, government guarantees have been established for companies operating in the "green tariff" to receive this rate until 2030, with each year in wanting to join will be fewer privileges. Thus, the ratio of "green tariff" will be reduced for facilities built or significantly modernized since 2014 (10%), 2019 second (20%) and 2024 (30%). Second, the ban was imposed to deny access to electricity to their owners, as well - to avoid the risk of burn - was registered peg sizes "green tariff" to the euro. For electricity generated from the main types of alternative energy, instead of the average was set fixed minimum "green tariff" [11].
The main attractive feature is the use of Solar energy equipment and free renewable energy of the sun. Absolutely indisputable advantage of solar energy is its accessibility. In remote locations, where to hang the cable from the power stations or to deliver other energy sources are expensive and sometimes impossible, the use of solar energy is indispensable.

Developed the world's states and major energy companies (BP, Shell) are investing heavily in solar energy development and related research [8]. In 2010, a quarter of the world's venture capital investments made within the scope of clean technology, solar energy accounted for. The main geographical area of venture capital market is North America, 21% is in Europe and Israel, recognized the attractive investment for China and India on other regions, accounting for less than 1% [12].
In Ukraine, the use of Solar energy equipment is complicated by the presence of the following problems:
- The high cost of the converted solar energy, which can not yet compete on price with traditional sources of her, as well as long-term payback of the equipment, sometimes comparable with the stated life of the equipment.
- Low public awareness of solar energy technologies and the possibilities of its use in Ukrainian conditions.
- The lack of real government support the renewable energy sector in the form of incentives and subsidies, as well as special loans.
- Solar energy equipment market has only a few domestic manufacturers efficient, reliable and durable solar systems.
Institute of Renewable Energy Atlas of the NAS of Ukraine established the energy potential of renewed energy sources, according to which the total potential solar energy for Ukraine is equivalent to 718.4 * 109 MW / h per year, while technically achievable capacity is 345.1 * 107 MW / h per year and appropriate economic potential is equivalent to 53.8 * 105 MW / h per year [8]. Thus, in the Ukraine energy of solar radiation is comparable to those of medium-sized (about 1.5 thousand kW / hour per year per m2), and in some cases exceeds that in Europe, where solar energy is very broad [7].

In the direct conversion of solar power select solar energy into electricity, which is carried out by means of semiconductor photovoltaic cells (solar cells).
Solar cells - a device consisting of a thin (50 microns) films of silicon or other semiconductor materials and implements the so-called photoelectric effect. The essence of this physical phenomenon is that in contact with electromagnetic radiation (in our case, the visual and infrared wavelengths) in a semiconductor material with a p-n conductivity it absorbs a photon and there is the EMF that can be a source of supply for any external loads.

At the moment, solar power stations using different types of solar cells. Each PEP may have a different structure, based on various kinds of materials with semiconducting properties. But unfortunately not all materials meet the general requirements for systems:
- Increased reliability and performance regardless of the terms of use.
- No problems with the delivery of the required material for the manufacture of system components in sufficient quantities.As well as installation of a line of mass production.
- Positive payback period, depending on the energy consumption for the creation of the system.
- Reducing costs and energy consumption management system transformation. Comfort in terms of technical control and maintenance.
Currently, more than 80% of the world's solar cells (solar cells) is manufactured based on crystalline silicon. In 2009, 34% solar cells were fabricated on monocrystalline silicon, 47% - based on poly-or multicrystalline silicon, 1.5% – in the form of microcrystalline silicon films. About 17% of global solar cell solar cells today are made in the form of thin films of materials such as amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, copper and indium diselenide (CIS) and other deposited on various substrates.
The technology of production of monocrystalline silicon wafers and PV-for it is based on two methods:
* Czochralski method (Czochralski method, CZ) – growing a single crystal silicon from polycrystalline silicon melt, and then it cut into the plate and polishing;
* Floating-zone method (Float-Zone method, FZ) – growing a single crystal in the direction of movement of its narrow band of the melt created by induction heating, and then saw cut into wafers and polished.
The maximum values of the efficiency of solar cells and modules made in the laboratory *
Type |
The coefficient of photoelectric conversion,% |
Silicon |
Si (crystalline) |
24,7 |
Si (polycrystalline) |
20,3 |
Si (thin film transfer) |
16,6 |
Si (thin-film submodule) |
10,4 |
GaAs (crystalline) |
25,1 |
GaAs (thin film) |
24,5 |
GaAs (polycrystalline) |
18,2 |
InP (crystalline) |
21,9 |
Thin films of chalcogenide |
CIGS (photocell) |
19,9 |
CIGS (submodule) |
16,6 |
CdTe (photocell) |
16,5 |
Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Silicon |
Si (amorphous) |
9,5 |
Si (nanocrystalline) |
10,1 |
Photochemical |
Based on organic dyes |
10,4 |
Based on organic dyes (submodule) |
7,9 |
Multilayer |
GaInP/GaAs/Ge |
32,0 |
GaInP/GaAs |
30,3 |
GaAs / CIS (thin film) |
25,8 |
a-Si/mc-Si (thin submodule) |
11,7 |
Organic |
Organic polymer |
5,15 |
* - based on the site http://www.nitolsolar.com/
Material for solar cells in his master's work, I chose silicon as well as at the moment it has a high efficiency, and meets all the requirements of the systems.
In Ukraine gelioenergeV such products produce only a few Ukrainian companies, the most famous of these"Quasar" and "Afros" . Other companies represented on the market as brokers, who supply equipment to the Ukrainian market of Germany, Israel, China, etc.
In context, that in Ukraine there are powerful producers of semiconductor silicon – pure metals plant in Svitlovodsk (Kirovohrad region) and a plant in Zaporozhye Semiconductor (a subsidiary of "Grafit Sich") [10]. This creates a unique advantage for the further development of solar cell production in the country.
The future of the industry
Now Ukraine has become the way of serious development of alternative energy sources, in particular, and solar energy. The first steps taken by the authorities: the laws on "green tariff" and the development of the industry. There comes a time to build new facilities, while for the tide of investments in the industry. There are already companies that can provide the equipment and resources, new power plants. With proper management and a normal investment climate, the industry in the short term can make a big step forward and increase its share of the energy market of Ukraine.
In this regard, we note that on April 20 of 2011 in Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration held a presentation of two investment projects to build solar power stations in Primorsky region. Both projects involve the construction of a solar power plant of 10 MW. The first investment project presented Donetsk Company "Ukrgelios." According to the project will be located in gelioelektrostantsiya Banovka village and take in the area of 48 ha. The cost of the project – 109 mln.
The second investment project presented by representatives of the German campaign Manages energy. The project cost – 10 million euros (100 million hrn.). Solar Power Plant will be located in Primorsk and takes 21.5 hectares of land. Leadership of the district authority has approved both projects, but with one condition: the customer is obliged to invest in the development of social projects about 4% of the total project cost [13].
Also, the Austrian company Activ Solar Gmb, engaged in mining of quartzite, the production of silicon, installation of solar energy systems and power plants, even in 2009, received official approval of the Ukrainian authorities to implement its investment project. The company plans ambitious enough, because until 2012 is planned to build in the Crimea as much as 5 gelioelektrostantsy a total capacity of 300 megawatts. And if the project is fully implemented, the Crimea is not only able to provide domestic electricity demand by 30%, but also can "boast" the largest solar power plants in Europe.
To date, much work focused on the construction of 2 helio stations located near the village Rodnikovoye (Simferopol district) and village Shelkino. Experts Austrian company chosen by chance Crimea to build future power plants, because the duration of sunshine in the region-building (in Simferopol district) is 2452 hours per year (about 7 hours / day). And for comparison, even more than the well-known resort town, as Evpatoria and Yalta [14].
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!!! At the moment of writing the abstract the master's work is not yet completed. Completion of work is planned by the december of 2011. Final complete text of work and proper materials can be got for the author of work or for the scientific advisor after the indicated term.