DonNTU Master's portal of DonNTU

Магистр ДонНТУ Куров Михаил Ильич

Mihail Kurov

Elektrotehnіchny Faculty

Dept. Electrical systems

Speciality "Electrical systems and networks"

Development and research subsystems educational research CAD overhead transmission lines that have a new kind of current — carrying wires

Scientific adviser: Valentin Gorin, Ph.D.




A review of research on the topic:
The main content of work
Self-supporting insulated wire with insulation of XLPE as a basis for design of 35 kV TL
Wires for TL 35 kV


To date, the relevance of using computer-aided design (hereafter CAD) is an important task for organizations that are involved in the design of overhead transmission lines (hereafter TL). Since automation is the best solution for your computer, then this task much easier. For the calculations corresponds to an application that is designed for this type of calculations, and the uniqueness of the designed object, or select one of the options for implementing the project meets the designer himself.

Therefore, the use of CAD is a relevant and cost-effective solution that will reduce costs for overhead projection.

Currency of the theme

The scientific importance due to the creation of a universal algorithm (CAD) software, which enables design overhead of any complexity using different kind of wires.

The practical relevance of the implementation of the developed CAD design organizations that deal with issues such as design or reconstruction of the TL.

The purpose of the work

Development and study of educational research CAD of the overhead transmission lines, based on the wiring new construction, namely SIP.

The idea of work

The initial data are the achievements of undergraduates Alagulovoy AV and Hvorostyanenko MA [1,2], which are engaged in improving the algorithms and subsystems CAD.

According to their work they are created a complex software applications for designing overhead lines using conventional kind of wires.

Thus using the above software package to create a new algorithm for the design of overhead line, based on the wire new construction, namely SIP.

The main tasks of research and development

With the use of specified kind of wires, namely SIP, you must create an algorithm for CAD.

Research technique

Assessing the economic efficiency of the new CAD using wires SIP, compared with the traditional kind of wires.

The scientific novelty

Is to develop an algorithm for the design of distribution networks 35 kV, based on wires SIP.

Practical application

The scope of the MI CAD overhead in the design of electrical networks using wires SIP.

To content

A review of research on the topic:


There is today a suite of applications CAD overhead in our university. At the department of electrical systems DonNTU developed two versions of CAD, which are successfully used in the scientific process over the past 30 years: one - the use of OS DOS, the other - OS WINDOWS XP. In 2010, Hvorostyanenko M. and Alagulovoy A. developed [1, 2], a new software suite CAD taking into account existing in Ukraine, RB: 2006.

This complex is also used in the study of masters of the discipline air CAD TL.

A review of research on the topic in Ukraine

Today there are several successful software products that are implemented in CAD software, as they try to implement for use in design organizations.

A review of research on the topic in the world

Successful implementation of the CAD software package development EnergyCS Line [3] (Russia). It is designed to automate the process of designing a mechanical part of the TL, fiber-optic cables, fiber-optic communication lines, flexible oshinovok open distribution devices. This complex includes the previously obtained estimates for the design of objects, as well as databases of background information on the wires, cables, supports VL, isolators, climatic regions of Russia.

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The main content of work

CAD system using SIP wires

CAD [6]consists of technical and documentation systems:

Technical system contains a linear, construction and installation of the subsystem.

In the linear subsystem run these types of calculations:

— calculation of the mechanical strength of the wires;

— placement of poles on the longitudinal profile of TL;

— calculation of the intersection of engineering structures, artificial barriers.

In the construction and assembly subsystem, the following procedures:

— load calculation and choice of foundation supports of TL [9];

— choice of foundation or typical bearing attachment for TL;

— calculation and selection of devices that support overhead grounding for TL;

— Defined by mounting arm sag of TL.

Documentary system consists of nine units, each of which comes from a separate calculation of the technical system, or your own document and contains the following reports:

— journal of placing towers of TL;

— statement of intersections with TL;

— the drawing of the longitudinal profile of TL;

— drawing intersections witch TL;

— statement of supports and foundations of TL;

— statement of devices that support overhead grounding for TL;

— statement of vibration dampers;

— statement insulator chains;

— the assembly table.

To content

Self-supporting insulated wire with insulation of XLPE as a basis for design of 35 kV TL

Figure 1 — Comparative size of double circuit 10 kV overhead TL with cables SIP-3 and one-chain TL 35 kV.

Decision [7] "about the use of protected wires passing overhead lines 10 and 35 kV of woodlands, gardens, park zones in populated areas and in crowded conditions" can really be called a key opens the possibility of building low-cost, compact 35 kV.

Therefore, it is possible to significantly reduce the interfacial spacing and consequently the opportunity to move into a basic scheme of insulation instead of hanging, which immediately reduces the height of the overhead TL 35 kV dimensions of 10 kV overhead TL.

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Wires for TL 35 kV

Figure 2 — Wire brand SIP-3

Design of wire brand SIP-3:

1. Conductor - stranded of round wires of aluminum alloy, compacted, has a round shape.

2. Isolation - from light-embedded cross-linked polyethylene black. Nominal thickness of insulation on the wires protected naminalnoe voltage 10-20 kV — 2,3 mm, a rated voltage of 35 kV — 3,5 mm. Lower limit deviation from the nominal thickness of the insulation — (0,1 + 0,1 x BN] mm, where the BN — the nominal thickness of the insulation. Upper limit deviation is not specified.

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An important part of the master's work is the creation of CAD which allows the use of new kinds of wires for TL. Thus mechanical calculation is repeated for SIP [9], but with some modifications dimensions as SIP have their own XLPE insulation, which reduces the dimensions of the TL. As a result, the projected 35 kV can be constructed in dimensions of 10 kV overhead TL [10].The results of the design taking into account the specifications and use of SIP provide cheaper and more cost-effective overhead, as the SIP has several advantages over traditional wires.

On the moment of writing this abstract the master's work was not completed. Its final variant can be obtained from the author or the scientific adviser after December 2011.

To content


1. Хворостяненко М.А. — «Разработка и исследование программного обеспечения подсистемы относительно линейной части УД САПР воздушных ЛЭП напряжением 35-750 кВ».

2. Алагулова А.В. — «Усовершенствование информационного и математического обеспечения УИ САПР воздушных ЛЭП напряжением 35-750кВ».

3.Ильичев Н.Б. Расчет и проектирование ВЛ, ОРУ и ВОЛС в среде EnergyCS Line/ Н.Б. Ильичев//М.,2007 — С. 12–16.

4.Журнал CADmaster [Электронный ресурс] — Режим доступа: ссылка,

5. Ильичев Н.Б. — Программный комплекс «EnergyCS Line» V 3.5 . Руководство пользователя./ Н.Б. Ильичев//Иваново, 2007 — 79 с.


7. Деев А.В. — «Компактные ВЛЗ 35 кВ» материалы третьей Российской с международным участием научно практической конференции.

8. Официальный сайт производителя проводов СИП [Электронный ресурс] — Режим доступа: ссылка,

9.Правила улаштування електроустановок. Глава 2.4, глава 2.5 із зміною №1. — К.: ГРІФРЕ, 2006. — 126с

10. Електроний журнал [Электронный ресурс] — Режим доступа: ссылка,

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© Master DonNTU Mihail Kurov 2011. All rights reserved
