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Lutsenko Roman

Lutsenko Roman;

Electrotechnical Faculty

Speciality "Electrical power plants"

Delopment of methods for compuveter sectionof transformerswith daily schedules

Scientific adviser: Pavlovskii Vitalii  


Name: Lutsenko Roman

Date of birth: 17.12.1987

Place of birth: Ukraine, Zugres

School: 1995-2005 school ¹ 9

University: 2006-2010 DonNTU bachelor, speciality: “Electrical power plants”

Average mark in bachelor's degree: 3.5

Languages: Russian — excellent, ukrainian — excellent, english — intermediate

Personal achievements: Repeated competitor in history and mathematics, was fond of playing akkardeone

Hobbies: Computer and sports, like rock music

Personal qualities: Responsibility, commitment, orderliness, punctuality

Computer skills: Windows XP, Vista, 7, Mathcad, Compas 3D, Autocad, C++.

Future plans: Ending the master's work

Contact: 0937297187,