Efficiency of devices FACTS technologies for the control
of operating modes of electric power systems


 1. Introduction

 2. Relevance of the topic

 3. Relationship with scientific themes, plans and programs

 4. The purpose and objectives of research and development

 5. The idea of the master’s work

 6. The main tasks of research and development

 7. The subject of research and development

 8. Object of research and development

 9. Methodology and research methods

10. Scientific novelty

11. The practical significance of the expected results

12. A review of research and development on

13. The main content of the master’s work

14. Conclusions

15. Bibliography


One of the fundamentals of the economy and the viability of the population in any country in the world is electricity.

Modern electric power post-Soviet countries in a state of fundamenta l changes associated with changes in property relations, the development of technology, development of the globalization process and the involvement of the state, as the subject of the global economy, with the transition to market principles in the organization and management of resources of different economic systems. This is the reason that power systems are complex dynamic systems with a deep mutual bond [1].

The emergence of the energy market and structural adjustment have led to a situation where the organizational structure of electric power systems does not match the technological structure and the structure of management regimes.

Also, the ever-increasing amount of electrical energy consumption leads to the need to displace traditional generation subsystems. The strong dependence of the cost of electricity from the world energy prices (as well as environmental requirements) becomes a stimulus for the development of alternative sources of electric energy in the EU. Electric Power Development Strategy of the EU would increase the proportion of non-traditional sources from the current 7% to 20% by 2020 [2]. Through non-conventional generation in the EU is windmills and solar generation.

Unconventional energy sources certainly have an impact on the modes of the electricity networks and their development. Changes occur, "the usual" power flow. In some regions, historical power flow direction can be changed to the opposite [3]. The concentration of wind power stations in different regions will inevitably lead to an increase in transit capacity.

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            Relevance of the topic

The distribution of power flows on transmission lines subject to physical laws and not fully controllable. In this dramatic and often inadvertent increase granted by wind turbine power leads to erratic and unscheduled power flow within the grid [4].

Влияние угла δ на устойчивость передачи

Figure 1 — Effect of the angle δ on the stability of transmission

Application of FACTS is one of the most effective means to date to address the sustainability of energy systems [5]. Application of high-speed controllers FACTS reduces or completely eliminates the need to implement emergency measures to ensure sustainability, such as disconnection of generators, a division of the system, load limit, reducing the voltage and frequency. However, the application of FACTS just for this purpose, obviously, is economically justified because of their high cost. The greatest time of the energy system — a steady state, therefore, the appropriateness of installing FACTS certain capacity at a specific location should be considered by the working conditions in the steady state. The possibility of using an already established device for improving the stability is studied further. This approach takes the activities associated with the use of FACTS to improve the sustainability of capital-intensive class in the class is not capital intensive [6].

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           Relationship with scientific themes, plans and programs

R & D is one of the areas of scientific work conducted at the department of electrical systems of the University.

 The purpose and objectives of research and development

            The purpose of the master’s work

The purpose of this work is to study the effectiveness of technology FACTS in power systems.

            The idea of the master’s work

The idea of work is to study the effectiveness of using technology FACTS devices in the implementation of the existing power grid.

           The main tasks of research and development

To achieve the goal in the research problem will be solved:

- coordination of traditional and new devices in the system of emergency management;

- synthesis methods for identifying the need and the installation of control devices to address the heterogeneity of the network, sensitivity to perturbations;

- study the mutual influence of devices FACTS, their influence on the work of the existing protection and control specific electrical network.

            The subject of research and development

The subject of this study — the device technology FACTS.

            Object of research and development

The object of this study are the modes of the electrical system.

            Methodology and research methods

ДTo solve the tasks used are: methods of mathematical modeling, numerical solution of nonlinear algebraic and differential equations to calculate steady-state and transient modes of operation of electrical systems.

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            Scientific novelty

The scientific novelty of this work is to use advanced technology FACTS device models in their simulations. When conducting investigations to control FACTS devices will use current information from devices monitoring system transients (PMU).

            The practical significance of the expected results

In carrying out the work planned to get an assessment of the mutual influence of FACTS devices in power system and recommendations for implementation in existing networks.

            A review of research and development on

At the department "Electrical Systems", Donetsk National Technical University, the following theses:

Work Maslov S. "Improvement of the subsystem model to support decision-making personnel of electric power facilities". In the work presented algorithm to determine the installation location devices FACTS, and was modeled in the MathCAD model of EPS-based multipoles.

РWork Bajdak A. "Research management overflow capacity between networks of different nominal voltage electricity". The paper presents an algorithm to determine the degree of heterogeneity of EES and its implementation, as well as generate recommendations for installing FACTS devices in power system.

In staff Vinnytsya National Technical University: Prof. Lezhnyuk P., Associate Professor Kulik V. and others developed methods to identify heterogeneity of EES and deal with the consequences [7].

In the Institute of Electrodynamics NAS Butkevych A. FACTS consider an application to address increasing the capacity of weaker sections of energy systems and sustainability [8].

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            The main content of the master’s work

In the introduction of master's thesis formulated the scientific and technical task and the substantiation of the relevance of the issues under examination. Defined purpose and objectives of research, presented scientific novelty and possible practical implications of these results. Also provides a general description of the work.

In the first section below provides characteristics of the problem mode control electrical systems in modern conditions, and determined its composition. The second section reviewed the classification of devices, FACTS, and shows the equivalent circuit of the main devices.

Static controlled reactive power sources, designed to stabilize voltage in power supply units can be of two kinds.

The first of these devices are based on the use of controlled reactors and capacitor banks (Fig. 1).

рисунок 2
Figure 2 — STK parallel connecting the reactor

Office of the reactor power can be smoothly controlled by a thyristor switch (Fig. 2) or by biasing the whole core of the reactor or its separate section (Fig. 3).

Рисунок 2
Figure 3 — Power Management and the reactor with the help of thyristor switch

For another type of static reactive power sources, intended to stabilize the supply voltage can be attributed thyristor converters that can generate and consume reactive power (Fig. 4).

Рисунок 4
Figure 4 — Regulation of power capacitor bank with thyristor keys

Рисунок 5
Figure 5 — Stand-alone inverter voltage

If this inverter is connected to the tires, which included a line through a parallel transformer (Fig. 6a), then sometimes it is called a parallel control of power flows or static condenser (STATKON).

Рисунок 6
Рисунок 7
Рискнок 8
Figure 6 — Possible ways to incorporate autonomous voltage inverter in the network

The second type of device that would allow to change the line resistance can be obtained if the voltage inverter, the above, or any other variable reactive power source connected to a line through the transformer primary winding is included in the line sequence (Fig. 6 b). Such a regulator is called a serial power flow controller (SPFC)

Another type of devices that allow for the combined effect of the line consists of two inverters (И1 parallel and serial И2), whose poles are connected by bond DC with a total condenser (Fig. 5, c). Such a regulator is called the universal power flow controller (UPFC).

The third section of the work associated with the analysis of application of the technology of flexible power transmission lines in EPS.

Based on analysis of several studies [9,10] we can conclude not only about the effectiveness of FACTS devices to control the modes of EES, but also a number of problems when used. The effectiveness of the FACTS depend on the type and the control law is implemented, the installation location device in the system, taking into account the mutual influence of different types of devices at each other and to the devices of RPA [11].

In the fourth section of the analysis software, which can be the basis for research.

- координации традиционных и новых устройств в системе противоаварийного управления;

Study of the efficacy of devices SSSC, STACOM, UPFC performed using programs developed in Matlab based on the models listed in the FACTS section libraries Power System.

As the disturbances were considered different types of short circuits and variations of successive transitions of one species into another circuit. Also varied the time off a short circuit.

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On the basis of a result of the research results will be possible to generate recommendations for the introduction of flexible units in the existing power grid lines, to evaluate the effectiveness of the installation of these devices and to take into account their mutual influence in the associated power system.


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At the time of writing the abstract work is not completed. The final results can be obtained from the author or supervisor after December 2011.

© Master of DonNTU 2011 Mikulin Igor