1.NAME Minakova Helen
2.Date of birth August 3, 1989
3.Place of birth v.Shernuhino Lugansk region
4.The school(s) of SCHOOL#35 1996 — 2004; school-gymnasium ¹ 22 2004 — 2006
5.UNIVERSITY 2006 — 2010 bachelor Donntu; 2010 — 2011 magistracy Donntu;
2010 — 2012 International university of financethe speciality "Finances "
6.The average score 4.32
7.Languages russian and ukrainian (proficient), english (with dictionary)
8.Hobby literature
9.Personal qualities polite, reliable, energetic, friendly
10.The computer programming languages: C/C++ Web-programming: HTML, ÑSS Work with graphics: Adobe Photoshop
Mathematical packages: Math Cad
Work with OS: Windows 98/XP Office Tools: MS Office xp/ 2003/2007, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint
11.Work experience don't have
12.Plans for the future completion and defense of master's work on two specialities. Find a job which would be developed my personal
qualities and professional skills.
13.Contact information e-mail elena.minakova@inbox.ua