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Nazarenko Evgeniya

Nazarenko Evgeniya

Electrotechnical Faculty

Cathedra  "Electric drive and automation of industrial complexes"

Speciality "Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive"

Analysis of the regulatory systems of electric flying scissors continuous-billet mill

Scientific adviser: candidate of technics, docent Mintus Andrey


Name Nazarenko Evgeniya
Date of Birth 11 June 1989
Birthplace Ukraine, Donetsk
School 1996-1997 – Secondary school N1;
1996-2003 - Musical school ¹1;
1997-1999 - CS ¹95;
1999-2003 - SPMS ¹35;
2003-2006 - Donetsk ñollege;
University 2010-2011 – Donetsk National Technical University, Electrotechnical Faculty, higher education, qualification of Master of Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive;
2006-2010 – Donetsk National Technical University, Electrotechnical Faculty, a basic higher education, qualification of Bachelor of Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive
GPA 4.61
Languages Russian, Ukrainian – excellent, English – basic level (vocabulary)
Hobbies Dancing, KVN, film, photography
Personal qualities Responsibility, commitment, integrity, communication skills, tact, initiative
Computer skills OS Windows, programming languages Turbo Pascal, C/C++, programs and software packages MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), AutoCAD, Matlab, HTML, Simatic S5/S7, Photoshop, Internet
Work experience (practice) 2010 July – Second industrial practice Donetsk balancing and commissioning control(DBCC);
2009 July – First industrial practice DBCC;
2007 July – Trial practice, Donetsk Metallurgical Plant, Ukrainian Research Institute of explosion protected electrical equipment
Plans for the future Finding work in the speciality, acquiring a second higher education