Ukrainian industry at the present stage remains the main consumer of energy, for example, the share of industrial consumption of electricity in some regions reaches 60 – 65%. The planned increase in Ukraine's GDP could increase energy consumption, but this increase should be based on the introduction of new technologies. Because of the increased cost of multiple energy sources, their share in production costs for many industrial enterprises has increased dramatically and it is 20 – 30%, but for the most energy – intensive industries is 40% or more. Together with the rising costs of energy come economically feasible limit their consumption within the historically developed technology for each company, there were issues of quality of these resources within the enterprise and security of the main means of production. Factors of the high cost of energy and security have resulted in recent years, a radical change of attitude towards the organization of scheduling in industry and other energy – intensive industries (transport, housing and communal services).
Modern civilized organization of production based on the use of automated metering, to minimize the human involvement at the stage of measurement, data collection and processing and providing adaptability to different tariff systems and schedules of the enterprise accounting. Accounting for the provision of comprehensive and reliable information to all interested parties: the energy suppliers and their customers, employees of the enterprise and service engineering controls and security. In the presence of a modern industrial enterprise ASDC full control of your entire process of resource and has the ability to harmonize with the energy suppliers to move flexibly to different tariff systems, minimizing their energy consumption. In this case, it becomes possible to effectively redistribute all resources within the enterprise by controlling the efficiency of working hours by employees. At the same time ensuring the safety of their work will be provided at a higher level during the day. Today, industrial enterprises in the area of scheduling is related to the introduction of modern ASDC implemented on the basis of modern information technology. Many world leading companies offer integrated solutions dispatch life support engineering services company with microprocessor – based systems and facilities, telecommunication network devices and high – performance workstations.
The purpose of master's thesis is an analysis of the existing automated dispatching and management systems of SES, as well as modeling new integrated solutions for industrial enterprises.
In the master's work questions of automation and control systems, power supply (SPS) of industrial enterprises, the problem of designing automated systems with a high degree of integration into a single automated dispatch accounting (ADCS), an industrial enterprise. The main problem of integration of technological equipment, which has diversified applied focus, a unified information management system of supervisory control. Work is researching and training based on real projects automation PE "Mine Miners – 95. Shows the functional structure, main characteristics and modes of ADCS. The possibilities introduced by information technology, both in terms of introducing new technologies and upgrading existing automated systems. Shows examples of automation and control systems, power supply (SPS) of industrial enterprises, built in compliance with new approaches and methods of production management. Presented in the master work of automation and control solutions SES today are the advanced developments of both foreign and domestic manufacturers. Building a reliable automated control systems and power management (AMR) based on a single system approach (and using new information technology) will solve many current and future problems of domestic industrial enterprises. Under the section of safety and environmental work questions dispatchers on an automated control center. The calculation of cost – effectiveness of implementing automated dispatch control system. Automated Control System (ACS) – a system of man-machine "that provides efficient operation of the facility in which the collection, transmission and processing of information necessary to implement the control functions are carried out with the use of automation and computer technology [1]. A separate function ASUE – a set of tasks aimed at achieving a common goal of management and united by a common criterion of control.
Fig. 1 – ASM industrial enterprise
AMR structure, built using a PC among the main problems encountered when creating enterprise metering – the optimal division of functions between the universal and specialized tools. This ultimately determines the specific choice of hardware, total costs for the establishment of metering system, its operation and achieve efficiency. One extreme in the solution of this problem lies in the transfer of almost all functions of metering on a computer. Full centralization of collection and processing of measurement data on a computer – leads to a decrease in the cost of specialized equipment, but it also increases the cost of communications cables, reducing the reliability and survivability of the system as a whole, and also makes it problematic metrological certification. The other extreme – building AMR solely on the basis of specialized funds. In this case, the saving of cable products, has successfully solved problems of metrological certification, providing decentralized access to information, but decreases the efficiency of AMR in general due to the restrictions of systems in terms of completeness of data acquisition, processing, displaying, documenting and analyzing information. The best approach when creating metering company is in a consistent selection of specialized and universal tools with their functions. In this typical structure of a centralized metering system of the enterprise includes as special systems, and PC (Figure 1) [2]. collection device and data transmission (RTU) in the form of microprocessor – based tools designed to save cable products, as well as to control the channels of communication. The structure of the AMR specific companies differ in the number and type of systems, communication facilities, but for all AMR is characterized by the interdependence of PC functions and systems [3].
Fig. 2 – Block diagram of AMR
Modern specialized information – measuring system of automated supply characterized by a certain number of channels and groups of records as well as a list of staff of the energy (power consumption) and service (non – performing channels, power failures, etc.) parameters. The group is algebraically summed certain measuring channels of one type of account (point counting) in accordance with the scheme of ASU – Energo particular company [4]. According to the relevant group and channel system for certain time intervals accumulates information on the actual cost of energy or energy (electricity, hot and cold water, steam, gas). Instrumental provision of supervisory systems construction as open systems hardware and software that is consistent with international standards, ensures the adoption of the best solution that satisfies both consumers and producers of ACS. Their distinguishing feature is the tight functional and temporal relationship with the production cycle (equipment), production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity, which determines the approach to the creation of open metering system and ADCS [5]. based on the architecture (platform) of these systems should form the basic product – system supervisory control and data acquisition (SDUSD), as well as modules of application software. This approach provides a variety (scalability) and flexibility (capacity) when constructing the ACS on a single platform – from systems based on single – user personal computer (PC) and supervisory board with Mimic (for small and medium – sized substations) to multi – user systems based on specialized servers and desktops stations. In the first case we speak of a single – level process control in the second – two and multi – level architecture of the AMS. Open architecture of ACS should include a clear separation of functions realized by individual servers [5]. At the same time – critical functions can be realized on a double set of servers (primary and backup), while less critical – on the single. This flexible and efficient backup scheme fully ensures high reliability of the ACS. Information SDUSD should flow through the servers, data and communications servers. Data collection server communicate with the local control unit (LBU) to be installed in substations, and communication servers – with other control centers. To facilitate the creation and modification (extension) SDUSD to meet the unique requirements of the customer's software needs to be done as separate modules with standard interfaces. Using open SDUSD high – performance workstations and servers, distributed computer databases and the development of human – machine interfaces provide maximum operator comfort and the best execution of their functional responsibilities for the management of technological equipment. To achieve its object, to be used for automation control systems of modern technology and microprocessor – based automation.
Fig. 3 – Technical means for automatic systems
The future of industrial production due to the necessity of strict control over energy resources, restriction and reduction of their share in the cost of production. Meeting these challenges will be associated with energy conservation and new technologies of enterprise management. Decisive step in this direction – is the development and implementation of integrated automated systems of dispatching control (ADCS), which include the provision of sustenance of all industrial enterprises. Considered a master's degree work ASDC mines, built on the controller allows you to increase the efficiency of management and comprehensive solutions on life support. For effective movement control may be recommended to install an integrated system of management of industrial facilities that will lead to greater efficiency of dispatch services and better service life – support systems of the enterprise.