control system (ADCS) in the energy sector is a management system in
real time
by automating processes for the generation, transmission and
distribution of
electric energy. ASDC is physically at the top level of at least one
computer, which is usually called the leading station (CS) and the
lower level
- from multiple remote remote terminals (UDT) .
UDT are
units that interact directly with the managed process. They collect
data from
real-time (analog and digital) with sensors in the controlled power
record the sequence of events, broadcast (and periodically, with the
and on-demand) data collected on the master station for processing and
preservation; perform regulatory action in response to commands
supplied from
master station, perform the functions of local
proportional-integral-differential control loops .
introduction of ADCS is limited, mainly by setting Telemechanical
systems of different manufacturers.
sharp increase
in demand for information support of all the services of power plants
substations, XPS, EDS, and power has led to the need to replace the
and implementation of new subsystems ASDC at all levels - from the
level of ACS
substation to a level ASDC grid. ADCS subsystem perform similar control
functions (Power, AMR) at all levels must fulfill the following
Flexibility of
the structure;
Fig. 1 – Basic architecture of an ASDC system
This approach to the selection of a single underlying software will: Unify the ADCS-level XPS and EDS; Unify the ACS level power plants and substations; To develop a library of software modules that extend the basic package; To reduce the unit costs of development and implementation of ADCS; To organize a centralized support the implementation and operation of the subsystems of ADCS. Close interaction between the subsystems ASDC necessary for the effective operation of each of them. However, the features of basic tools and substantially different indices of reliability (including readiness), making inappropriate or impede the implementation of the entire complex ASDC based on a single hardware and software platforms. An important task is to provide a bidirectional interface between the subsystems based middleware (gateways) running on standard network protocols at various levels, among which are the networking version of Windows Protocols ODVS, DDE, COM (OLE) and other open protocols, such as , OPC.
The basic paradigm of modern architecture development computer-OIC (operational and information systems) in the energy sector represents a transition to open distributed systems that involve the distribution of functions, including the master station, among the homogeneous computers connected through local area network (LAN). Sometimes the new architecture is applied redundancy, although its importance has declined since then as a spare backup is only a part of more complex and flexible fault-tolerant schemes. The new systems responsible for ensuring the necessary high-availability distributed among all the computers involved in carrying out the functions ADCS. This change was caused by a combination of several factors: the development and the development of open systems, the requirement to the creators of systems of higher compliance (legally and factually) a significant decline in prices of computer speakers and increase their productivity, more reliable and affordable technology of computer networks, the desire to increase the efficiency of electric utilities of ADCS and a number of other circumstances. Indirect result of this development was the increased complexity of the quantitative analysis of alternative development computer configuration of the OIC. Now under design and preparation of technical documentation of new systems need better technology assessment of the readiness and reliability of their work.