Modern tendencies of development of power engineering in the world and Ukraine are favorable for the expansion of the energy balance of the various types of renewable energy resources. Municipal solid waste (MSW)generated in large quantities and often find no economic use, are constantly renewable secondary energy resources and are of interest, first of all, for local energy. The use of waste as secondary energy resources is an important part of energy saving, but also contributes to the reduction of environment pollution. The main way of MSW is currently deposited in landfills, which is widely practiced throughout the world. The forecast of development of the situation shows that due to current economic conditions, this trend will continue in the next 10-15 years. In these conditions of waste are under intense biochemical decomposition, which called, in particular, the generation of biogas. Emission of biogas entering the natural environment, forms the negative effects of both local and global character. For this reason, in many developed countries of the world are special measures for minimizing emissions of biogas . Therefore, the construction of environmentally sound landfills of solid household waste (shw) will be able to solve socio-resonant question on the closure of existing landfills, unauthorized places accumulation of garbage. 1. study the situation with municipal solid waste management in the Donetsk region, in Ukraine in general, as well as abroad. 2. review the existing methods of processing and recycling of solid household waste in Ukraine and the experience of foreign countries. 3. explore possible methods of disposal of condensate sanitary landfills. 4. develop the technological scheme of obtaining electricity from biogas. ÂAn important aspect of the problems of the environment pollution is the problem of utilization of wastes of domestic origin. Different approaches of solving this problem differ for its essence, as well as for the final result. In most cases in the modern world the methods of waste disposal are used, however, such methods of solving the problem are only temporary. In the world practice of waste management more than 20 methods of neutralization and recycling of solid household WASTE are applied and every method has 5...10 (some up to 50) varieties of technologies, technological schemes, types of constructions. The choice of method and the type of facilities in a particular city or region depends entirely on the local conditions and is performed on the basis of comparison of technical and economic indicators of the options, taking into account climatic factors, the sanitary-epidemiological situation, as well as the population, which is well maintained. Methods of neutralization and recycling of solid domestic WASTE ultimately can be divided into liquidation (make mainly sanitary-and-hygienic tasks) and utilization ( make the same task and the task of the economy – the use of secondary resources).Accoding the technological principle methods are divided into biological, thermal, chemical, mechanical, mixed [1, 4]. Some methods have the main distribution:
In Ukraine at this time storage in landfills and incineration is used and in some, not many cases, there is the process of sorting out of wastes, which are secondary raw materials [5]. However, it has its disadvantages. The large areas of land are used for waste dumps and landfills; they are excluded from the sphere of effective economic usage and environment is greatly polluted [2]. Practical experience neutralization of solid domestic WASTE in different countries shows that there is no universal method, which would be suitable the modern requirements of ecology, economy, resources and the market. The introduction of an integrated system of collection and disposal of solid WASTE, which provides the use of waste as a source of secondary raw materials, corresponds to these requirements, tendencies of development of world practice . All mentioned methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and should be applied depending on specific conditions. Nowadays transition from strategy storage in landfills and incineration to the alternative solutions of the problem, gains great popularity in most of the countries. It reduces the negative impact of waste on the environment [3]. The territory of the LANDFIL(its area 12 ha) is located in 1.5 km to the south of the town of Kramatorsk in the spent career of brick raw material on the grounds of Kramatorsk city council. It is planned to take household waste from cities of Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka, Slavyansk on this polygon, after pre-screening, according to the modern requirements. Formation of household WASTE in Kramatorsk, . Druzhkovka and. Slavyansk is at the level of 138 thousand tons per year. Plot does not apply to the lands of the environmental protection. Transport routes are developed. The processing plant for solid domestic WASTE is located not far from (2,0 - 2,5 km) the landfills. The choice of the place for the polygon is economically expedient. Today serving landfill of solid domestic waste does not correspond to the technical, environmental and sanitary standards. Adopted design solutions give an opportunity of construction of maps of the regional testing ground for the career of clay with all norms and requirements, and reduce negative impacts map of storage of WASTE on the environment. At MSW landfill solid waste from residential houses, public buildings and establishments, the enterprises of trade, public catering, street and garden-and-park estimates and construction debris are accepted. The place for the storage of solid household waste is not provided for the collection of liquid fractions of household waste [6]. In the conditions of disposal, which receive almost 80 % of the total waste stream is rapidly forming the anaerobic conditions in which the bioconversion of organic matter with the participation of the cells methanogenic microbial community. As a result of this biogas is formed. The projected range only in 5-10 years after the beginning of operation can allocate about 30 thousand of methane, which can be used for the needs of economic zone (heating). Taking into account this aspect, it is advisable to perform a separate project for the treatment of biogas. In the development of the project on the collection of biogas should be taken into account morphological composition of MSW, which gives the possibility to determine factors seal with the calculation of the number of biogas (table 2.1). Table 2.1 – Morphological composition of MSW in % by mass
Macro components of biogas is methane and carbon dioxide. ![]() Picture 2.2 – Macro components of biogas Utilization of biogas at the site requires an engineering arrangement on this site. The following scheme is proposed to produce electricity from biogas, presented in figure 2.3 ![]() 1 – filter pipe 2 – pipe, 3 – collection-mixer, 4 – compressor, 5 – filter, 6 – gasholder, In the case of residual biogas, which is produced with this setting, it is recommended not discharge into the atmosphere and burn in ôàêåëüíîì device. In order to prevent the spill leachate off-site waste storage all the area of the polygon is equipped with ïðîòèâîôèëüòðàöèîííûì screen. Completely the question of recycling leachate will be executed in the development of a reclamation project Druzhkovka - Kramatorsk dump. After collecting the filtrate, it must be processed by biological method, as well as the use of recycling. Thus, the analysis of Kramatorsk regional LANDFILL shows that it is necessary to solve the problems connected with treatment of biogas and leachate, as well as the use of these components in the technological purposes. In general, the creation of a complex on removal, treatment and disposal of waste can significantly improve the sanitary-ecological situation in the cities and in the whole - Druzhkovka - Kramatorsk Slavic region. |