Summary of research and developments
- Topicality
- Thesis goals and tasks
- Thesis tasks
- Thesis unit
- Scientific novelty
- Thesis contents
- Conclusions
- Sources
Ukrainian coal-mining industry is one of the basic spheres of economy. It is an indispensable part of other important industries: power industry and metallurgy. Though, any of the industry types makes so complex negative influence over the environment, as coal-mining does. The coal-mining companies "construction and maintenance is accompanied by the rocks" drawing, massif rocks deformation, dust and noxious gas discharge, sour mining waters drainage, the pollution of surface, ground and underground waters, soil and atmosphere[1].
Rock trades attract specific attention as the source of pollution. Donbass region has 1257 waste banks, the total volume of which makes 1056519,9 thousands m3 and which occupy the area of 5526,3 hectares, which makes 0,2% from total region territory.
Waste dumps make significant influence over landscape changes and occupy big amounts of territories, the greater part of which is fertile soils. The biggest harm they make is the discharge into the atmosphere the dangerous volatile mixtures, emerged after their burning. Nearly 30% of rock trades in Donbass region are burning waste dumps[2]. Waste banks discharge nearly 4% of total region discharges. Nitrogen dioxide, sulfury anhydride, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, carbon oxide are the substances, which are being discharged into the atmosphere. The amount of waste dumps pollution agents makes about 70 thousand tons a year, including carbon oxide - 38 thothusand tons, solid particles (including coal dust) - more than 14 thousand tons, nitrogen oxides - more than 5 thousand tons[3].

(Animation: 146 KB, 5 frames, the delay of 1 s, repeated shots looped)
The aforementioned agents make significant influence over human health, change soil and plants' cover, animal world, wood and agricultural lands efficiency. That is why the necessity to adopt measures on burning rock trades prevention and extinguishing, the conduction of their condition constant monitoring is quite evident.
Effect of burning waste dump on the environmental components are presented in Figure 1.
Thesis goals and tasks
Thesis goal is to define the pollution agents discharge into the atmosphere from "Trudovskaya" mine waste dumps and to develop the recommendations its specific burning points extinguishing.
Thesis tasks
- The assessment of the influence of burning waste dumps on all environmental elements;
- Analysis of waste dumps extinguishing existing methodology;
- Assessment of waste dumps heat condition using modern research methods;
- Heat shooting data processing, combustion areas research using heat shooting data;
- Pollution agents gross discharge calculation using several methods, obtained results analysis and comparison;
- Development of the recommendations on the aforementioned waste dumps extinguishing.
Thesis unit
Existing combustible waste dumps at "Trudovskaya" mine had been chosen as the thesis unit.
The "Trudovskaya" mine is located at Petrovsky district in Donetsk. The nearest railway station is Mandrykino station 11,7 km from the mine at Mariupol - Yasinovataya road in Donetsk railway road. The nearest mine is "Cheluskintsev" mine, which is located on the east from "Trudovskaya" mine 4,5 km away. Free Georgievsky area is located to the west, free Novotrudovsky area is located to the north.
The mine had been put into operation in 1952. The current annual mine manufacturing capacity makes approximately 1000 thousand tons. Manufacturing assets make 80 million tons. The remaining exploitation term make 65 years.
According to mine manufacturing unit plan the total waste dumps makes 28,4 hectares. And waste banks (three conic trades having the height of 9,6 m, 97,5 m and 75,2 m ), according to approximate estimations, occupy the area which doesn't exceed 10,3 hectares. The remaining area of 18,1 hectares is located at flat waste dumps with the height from 57,0 m to 60,8 m[4].
Scientific novelty
The combustible waste dumps in "Trudovskaya" mine had been examined in details, the pollution agents qualitative and quantitative content had been defined. The aforementioned research sets principally new methodology of pollution agents' gross discharge from waste dumps. Such methodology allows the obtaining of data on agents concentration, using heat shooting data only, without an experimental definition of their specific gas discharges. The research presents the most efficient and economically profitable method of combustible waste dumps extinguishing using bishofit solution.
Thesis contents
The first section of master's research presents the assessment of coal mining negative influence in total and particularly waste dumps on all environment elements.Shows the geological characteristics of waste dumps [5,6]. The research provides the analysis on the reasons of waste dumps self - combustion and literary survey of their extinguishing existing methodologies[7,8].
The second section is of an experimental character with the detailed description of the methodology of atmosphere discharged pollution agents quantitative contents' definition together with the execution of heat shooting aimed at combustion areas revealing and the adoption of timely activities on combustible waste dumps prevention and extinguishing[8].
Third section presents brand new methodology of dangerous agents' gross discharge from waste dumps, offered by Scientific research institute of Donetsk region. The section presents comparative analysis of the results with the values obtained during the estimations, done in accordance with standard methodology ("Methodology of polluting agents atmospheric discharge by principal manufacturing sites and technological processes by coal mining industry companies", adopted by Ukrainian Fuel and Power engineering Ministry in 1996). This section also offers the calculation of pollution agents' dispersion and the definition of buffer area frames[9].
The fourth section offers the recommendations on combustible waste dumps extinguishing, using the most efficient and economically profitable method with the application of bishofit mixture MgCl2-6H2O[10].
The conducted researches confirmed that the combustion of waste dumps makes a direct influence on all environmental components and human health. The aforementioned fact confirms once again the urgency of waste dumps condition monitoring and timely revealing of combustion areas for the further adoption of measures on trades extinguishing. My master's thesis will result at the execution of the researches, which could be successfully applied in practice for the diminishing of waste dumps negative influence over the environment.
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