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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Manuilov Arthur

Arthur Manuilov

Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology

Department of Chemical Technology of Fuel

Specialty "Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials"

"Exploring of new opportunities of the energy use of carbon materials using a computerized measurement system"

Scientific adviser: c.s.c, professor's assistant Vladimir Oshovskiy

Biography Abstract


¹ Section Explanation
1 Full name Manuilov Arthur
2 Date of birth September 21, 1989
3 Place of birth Kirove, Dzerzhinsk, Donetsk region
4 School 1996 – 2006 — School ¹ 7 Dzerzhinsk
5 High school bachelor — 2006–2010 DonNTU;
magistracy — 2010–2012 DonNTU.
6 GPA 4.50
7 Languages possession Russian and Ukrainian — perfectly;
English — medium level.
8 Hobbies Football, Chess, intellectual games, French and English literature, computers and electronics
9 Personal quality Decisiveness, flexibility of mind, desire to improve
10 PC skills 1. Operating Systems: Windows XP,Vista,7.
2. Application programs: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw.
3. Programming Languages: Pascal, Delphi, HTML.
4. CAD's: MathCad, LabVIEW, AutoCAD, Kompas 3D.
11 Future plans To successfully defend the master's degree, to get a job and to become financially stable, independent person
12 Contact information e-mail: