Table of contents
Introduction. Currency of the paper.
Research purposes and tasks.
A specified multitude of operations of the process that provide the specified parameters of accuracy and quality of products is carried out in machine building with the help of milling cutters. The milling cutter is an instrument that has many functional elements, that are oriented upon the instrument towards its longitudinal axis of gyration according to the conditions of machining and the parameters of shaping, and that carries out the specified operational functions of the given operation of the process [1, 2, and 3].
Currency of the paper
During recent years in modern machine building production the increase in working efficiency is implemented at the expense of dramatic increase of the speeds of cutting and functionality requirements of the instrument employed. One of the ways to improve the service characteristics of the applied instruments is putting of the wear-resistant coverings with special properties on their working surfaces. The global practice shows that for the efficient use of the film-slitting tool not less than 80% of its volume should be released with different wear-resistant coverings, that allows raising dramatically the resort of the instrument and providing the high quality of the made components. The most progressive and universal method of putting such coverings is the method of condensation in vacuum on the product surface of the substance made from the plasmatic phase with the ion bombardment, i.e. CIB method worked out in Ukraine.
The carried out analysis of the modern state of the question showed that the great number of processes of making the milling cutters with vacuum ion-plasma sprayed coatings had been worked out nowadays [4, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11]. These processes allow making milling cutters with the specified parameters of their quality and resistance. Together with it, with the development of the scientific and technological advance the requirements for the parameters of the quality of milling cutters constantly rise.
It can be marked, that for making of disk-shaped milling cutters progressive processes that provide the given parameters of their quality are widely used [1, 2, and 3]. Meanwhile, for the raising of the operating efficiency of the milling cutters and for the improvement of their resistance on the modern engineering plants the instruments with vacuum ion-plasma sprayed coatings that are put by condensation and ion bombardment (CIB) are used [4, 5, 6, 9, and 11]. These coatings provide considerable rise of the resistance of the instruments during the realization of the high loaded operations of the process. Together with it, existing processes do not allow raising the service properties of the instruments considerably. It makes necessary the carrying out of further research in the sphere of improving the service properties of the instruments with vacuum ion-plasma sprayed coatings. The further improvement of the properties of the disk cutters with vacuum ion plasma sprayed coatings is possible on condition of working out of additional processes of finishing treatment that are based upon function-oriented and systemic approach.
Research purposes and tasks
The purpose of this paper is the improvement of the quality of the surface coating and productivity of the combined finishing treatment of the disk cutters by way of improving the structural and technological supply of the given processes. According to the formulated purpose the following major tasks are to be done:
- To work out a common approach and methodology of the rational structure of the process of combined finishing treatment;
- To carry out the analysis of the peculiarities of the rational process worked out.
By way of conclusion, it can be marked that the given paper presents complex research on creating special processes of the additional finishing treatment of the disk cutters with vacuum ion-plasma sprayed coatings. In order to create the given processes the following is carried out in the paper:
1. The general approach and methodology of the synthesis of the rational structure of the process of the additional finishing treatment of the functional elements of the instruments is worked out. They are based on the morphological and function-oriented synthesis of the rational processes.
2. The analysis of the peculiarities of the rational process developed is worked out. The dependence and connection of the parameters of the process in relation to the operations carried out are ascertained.
3. The paper presents a concrete realization of the rational process of the additional finishing treatment of the disk cutters using specific examples.
Summary not yet complete. Master's thesis is in the process of refining, ordering, supplement the information and improvement.
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