Object, subject, research methods
Research and working out of methods of inphase assemblage KSCP
As show operating experience and long-term researches, for low-frequency korpusno-sectional centrifugal pumps (KSCP) the mine water outflow, pumping over not clarified mine water more often representing a suspension with inclusions firm, average duration of non-failure operation fluctuates from 850 till 6000 o'clock at an average resource before major repairs of 7100 hours. For high-frequency pumps the average time between failures less also makes from 800 till 1100 o'clock at an average resource before major repairs of 2400 hours [1].
The major factors defining durability, loss of performance data and time between failures KSCP, are:
1. Hydroabrasive wear process of knots and a flowing part working on the mine water KSCP, leading to increase in volume losses, disbalance of rotors and vibration growth, pressure loss.
2. Corrosion wear process of details and pumps under the influence of mine waters, in the majority being chemically active environments that also leads to increase in vibration and failure of flowing part KSCP.
3. The cavitational wear process especially proving at the first steps mine KSCP, leading to spasmodic growth of vibration and destruction of details of a flowing part of the dynamic car.
4. Work mine KSCP in a zone of not normalized vibration caused by mehano-hydraulic dynamics of system, caused by its design features and an unbalance of rotating details of a flowing part, imperfections of assemblage.
5. The factors defining working capacity of the unit as a whole: quality of centering, type of connecting knot, level vibronagruzhennosti the electric motor, rigidity of frames and the bases, disbalance of the unit owing to a relaxation of fixing details, dynamic processes in pipelines, presence of elements of clearing of vibration, ways of installation of pipelines.
6. Absence of reliable equipment of constant control of parameters of the pump unit, including a pressure, giving, temperature bearing knots, axial position of a rotor, the expense fluid through unloading knot, trends of level of vibration and noise that doesn't allow to organize technical diagnostics of units with an estimation of a residual resource and operatively to prevent emergency refusals and destructions KSCP [1].
Within the limits of the problems facing branch and factories of the mountain-mine equipment, the decision of the problems set forth above and their practical realization, including creation durable mine dynamic KSCP with possibility of opposition of their flowing part to hydroabrasive, cavitational and corrosion destruction with a resource before major repairs not less than 20-25 thousand hours, are actual and have paramount value for power safety of Ukraine [1].
The work purpose
The work purpose is the scientific substantiation of construction durable, with minimized dynamics of mine korpusno-sectional centrifugal pumps (KSCP), pumping over environments with the high maintenance of mechanical impurity and particles of a mineral origin, with steady hydroabrasive, cavitational and to corrosive attack by a flowing part [1].
For task in view realization it is necessary:
1. To establish the general laws of the processes defining durability KSCP, their interrelations with kontaktno-vibrating, hydroabrasive, cavitational and corrosion kinds of influence of mine water on a detail of a flowing part.
2. To develop a method of rationing of indicators vibroaktivnosti details of a flowing part mine KSCP, causing kontaktno-vibrating deterioration and change of the functional characteristics connected with heterogeneity of a field of unbalanced centrifugal forces.
3. To establish is likelihood-statistical methods the general laws of process formation details of the flowing part KSCP, providing their geometrical, kinematic and technological authenticity, and also stability on an indicator of weights and an unbalance.
4. To develop mathematical model of a flowing part and the theory of profiling of shovels of the driving wheels, providing a variation of characteristics without key parameter change external diameter with transition on modulno-functional a method of their manufacture, allowing to receive high-precision modules with possibility each of them to subject to an influence electoral system.
5. To develop mathematical model of an estimation of power and cavitational indicators KSCP with projected performance data of wheels and their optimization.
6. To develop the concept of construction of parametrical number KSCP on the basis of mathematical model and a modulno-functional method of their manufacture with a varied flowing part of the driving wheel for identical on a design and adjacent pumps on giving.
7. To develop methods of streamlining of unbalanced weights on a rotor, using the operating factor characterizing them vibronagruzhennost for the organization of an inphase way of assemblage.
8. To develop mathematical model of the compelled fluctuations of rotor KSCP with the determined distribution of unbalances to a shaft under the law of a chain line or a parabola.
9. To prove the system approach to vibration monitoring KSCP on the basis of the basic frequencies of excitation of vibration, the comparative analysis of mathematical model of the compelled fluctuations with the received experimental spectra of fluctuations.
10. To spend experimental researches of performance data, parameters of a condition and durability constructed KSCP on dewatering installations of mines [1].
Object, subject, research methods
Object of research korpusno-section centrifugal pumps dewatering installations of mines [1].
The object of research working processes in mine KSCP as mehano-hydraulic dynamic system at swapping hydroabrasive, highly mineralized, chemically active environment [1].
Research methods. object in view achievement is provided with use of the methodology based on a rational combination of theoretical and experimental methods of researches. Experimental researches are spent in natural conditions and on the bench installations as much as possible approached to operational conditions with use of modern methods of measurements, and also by introduction of all complex of tasks in view to technological processes of manufacturers of pumps and armature to them. Processing of results of experiments is made by methods of mathematical statistics, the theory of probability and casual processes. Adequacy of mathematical models to real systems is established by the comparative analysis of results theoretical and experimental researches [1].
Research and working out of methods of inphase assemblage KSCP
In this section the influence problem vibronagruzhennosti and minimization of power losses on the processes connected with dynamics KSCP and its compelled fluctuations, demanding working out of methods of streamlining of unbalanced weights on a rotor, allocation of the operating factor and working out of inphase ways of assemblage is put and solved [5].
Bar chart (fig. 1) and the statistical analysis of parameters and characteristics of driving wheels of various types and updatings, konstruktorsko-technological execution and materials for mine pumps both horizontal, and vertical configurations has allowed to define character of laws of distribution of density, a dispersion, a deviation, mean square errors, deviations of average size in sample from average size in general totality of parameters of wheels [5].
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Fig.1 Bar chart and the schedule of function of density of probability of distribution of an initial disbalance (1) and residual disbalance of wheels submersible electropump units ANPSH-210 for sample n=20 units; set splitting m=7. |
On the basis of the analysis it is proved that for all kinds of the wheels applied for mine KSCP (including shipped), as the operating factor of the organization of the determined distribution of residual unbalances and inphase assemblage the balancing measure which is the characteristic residual vibroaktivnosti wheels should be accepted. It is shown that the basic direction of creation reliable, durable (more than 20 thousand hours) and maintainable pump units with small vibroaktivnostyu, are working out and introduction of a technique of manufacturing of high-precision driving wheels of pumps, balancing with the subsequent organization of preassembly preparation and finishing technological operation assemblages of the pump unit with their determined distribution on a shaft [6].
At the organization of inphase assemblage by results of balancing in a dynamic mode of a wheel are completed on a shaft with steams, on a positive difference of balancing measures with their distribution under the law of a chain line (fig. 2), with formation in space at rotation of the minimum surface catenoid (fig. 3). Thus the head mistress of a chain line corresponding to a minimum of balancing measures, should settle down in an average part of the pump [6].
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Fig.2 The schedule of distribution of balancing measures for driving wheels (parabolic approximation) pumps of type ЦНСШм 300-600 |
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Fig.3 Catenoid rotations of residual unbalances of driving wheels at their distribution on a rotor under the law of a chain line (1 mine «Відродження» DP «Львовуголь» 2 mine of M.I.Kalinina; 3 mine office «Trudovsky» 4 mine of F.E. Dzerzhinsky). |
On fig. 4 correlation dependences of distribution of characteristics vibroaktivnosti and their spatial display in the light of assemblage representation as technological operation are resulted [4].
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Fig.4 Correlation dependence of distribution of positive differences of balancing measures. |
The analysis of functions of distribution of balancing measures and their adequacy of function of loading shows that as revolting forces of the compelled fluctuations of rotors of dynamic turbomachines taking into account attenuation the mathematical description of functions of a parabolic kind or the law of a chain line, equidistant functions of distribution of balancing measures can be accepted [7].

Such technique of preassembly preparation and inphase assemblage KSCP reduces vibronagruzhennost the unit and increases their durability in two-three times [7].
It is scientifically proved and experimentally confirmed that the decision of a problem of construction durable KSCP with normalized vibronagruzhennostyu, iznoso-korrozionnostojkoj a flowing part, high durability and effinciecy is the multiple-factor problem defined not only creation of hydraulically perfect car, but also scientifically well-founded ways of influence on all cycle formation details and knots of a flowing part on macro- and microlevel, preassembly preparation and unit assemblage [1].
It is established that the increase in durability and resource KSCP demands the complex decision of questions: a choice of materials, scientific methods of calculation and ways of formation the details of a flowing part providing their geometrical equivalence, durability, erosive and chemical stability, stability on weight, rationing of a disbalance of rotating details, working out of methods of assemblage with distribution of a residual unbalance of details проточнёой parts on a shaft [1].
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Remark! When I wrote this abstract, master's work is not yet completed. The definitive variant will be ready by December, 2011. Full text of work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his adviser after that date.