Master of DonNTU Viktoriya Kabashnyuk

Viktoriya Kabashnyuk

Faculty: Computer information technologies and automatic

Cathedra: Electronic technique

Speciality: Scientific analytical and ecological devices and systems

Supervisor of studies: Dmitry Kuznetsov

Review on the theme of master's work: "Foundation of methods and development of resources of ECG monitoring of human"

The object of research

The object of my master's work - is a portable 12-channel electrocardiograph.

Goals and objectives

It is the development of portable, inexpensive 12-channel ECG on modern element base with simultaneous removal of 12 standard leads.


ECG input circuit should amplify a weak signal in the voltage range 0,5-5 mV in conjunction with the constant component of up to +- 300mV and the synphase component of up to 1 V. The frequency band is from 0.05 to 100 Hz [1].


In our time disease of the heart are widespread. And increasingly, such diseases and variations affect the young people. It is therefore very important to advance to capture and recognize them. Cardiography is dealing with these questions.

In Ukraine for the past 25 years the prevalence of cardiovascular disease among the population increased by 3 times, and the mortality rate from them - at 45%.

Between standard, enhanced, and chest leads, there are relationships that need to be considered in the development of cardio equipment:

Figure 1 - Einthoven leads

where L, R, F-are the potentials of the left, right hand and left foot respectively.

Figure 2 - Reinforced Goldberger leads

Figure 3 - chest Wilson - Goldberger leads

where Ci-is the point on the surface of the chest, i = 1 .. 6 [2].

Placement of electrodes for removing 12 standard leads is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Placement of electrodes on the human body

Animation consists of 10 frames, the volume of the animation - 122 KB; size - 500x280 pixels

Designing the structure of the input circuits 12-channel ECG

The most complete information about the patient's condition can be obtained only if the parallel withdrawal of all 12 leads.

Go to the sigma-delta ADC

Figure 5 shows a typical structure of a single-channel ECG.

Figure 5 - Typical structure of single-channel ECG with a low-resolution ADC

Using of modern high-performance multi-channel delta-sigma ADC, high-resolution fast channel switching can significantly simplify the circuitry of channels of ECG [3]. The resulting structure is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Structure of the measuring channel ECG with a delta-sigma ADC

Structure of the input circuits 12-lead ECG was obtained with the light of the above (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - The proposed structure of the input circuits 12-channel ECG


The proposed structure of the input circuits 12-lead ECG by using a sigma-delta ADC is characterized by a high-resolution fairly simple circuitry. In addition, the simultaneous removal of all 12 standard leads, which is the key to obtaining the most complete picture of the patient's condition, allows [4, p.255].


1. Instruments for measuring bioelectric potentials of the heart. General technical requirements and test methods. GOST 19687 - 89 - M.: Publishing House of Standards, 1989 - 19 s.

2. Technology EKG/ By red. A. Arakcheeva, O. Sivachova. - 2011 [Electronic resource] URL: (date accessed 04/25/2011).

3. T.Miani, A.Vlasenko Sigma-delta ADC AD7739, AD7734, AD7738, AD7739 in systems with low power [Electronic resource] URL: (date accessed 14/04/2011) .

4. V.Kabashnyuk, D.Kuznetsov, Justification structure of the input circuits 12-channel electrocardiograph, Automation of technological objects and processes. Search for young people. Collection of Scientific Papers XI Scientific-Technical Conference and postgraduate students in the city of Donetsk, May 17-20, 2011 - Donetsk, Donetsk National Technical University, 2011. - 306.


By the time of writing of the abstract Graduate work is not completed yet. Final results were obtained in December 2011. You can take full text of the research from the author or supervisor after this date.