Master of DonNTU Viktoriya Kabashnyuk

Viktoriya Kabashnyuk

Faculty: Computer information technologies and automatic

Cathedra: Electronic technique

Speciality: Scientific analytical and ecological devices and systems

Theme of master's work:

Foundation of methods and development of resources of ECG monitoring of human

Supervisor of studies: Dmitry Kuznetsov


The childhood

I, Victoria Kabashnyuk , was born on May, 17th, 1989 in Donetsk. Mother-Kabashnyuk Irina (1968) finished Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU) on a speciality 'System engineerings'. Now she is housewife. The father-Kabashnyuk Jury (1964) finished The Donetsk technical Industrial school of automatics on a speciality 'Underground mining of coal deposits', and later he finished three courses DonNTU on a speciality 'Working out of underground deposits'. Now he is mountain master on the mine 'Holodnaya Balka'.

My sister, Kabashnyuk Anastasiya, studies in 1st class now.


When I was 7 years I went to school 54 of Makeyevka. Study at school for me was pleasant, and problems with study I haven't and I finished 9 classes with honors. I studied in a class with the Ukrainian language of learning. In school days I participated in the amateur performance, some time was engaged in a theatrical training, my poems were printed ln lyceum newspaper. In 2002 my school closed also 9th class I ended at school 103. 10th and 11th classes I finished in Makeevsky city lyceum in a class with a physical and mathematical bias.

During training at school I took part on the Ukrainian language and biology competitions.


In 2006 I ended the Lyceum and entered in DonNTU on faculty 'Computer information technologies and automatic' (KITA) on a speciality 'Scientific, analytical and ecological devices and systems'. On 1st course I participated in a debut of the first-year student of a KVN command (which has received a prize in a nomination the best number of KVN), and executed variety number.

My theme of master's work is 'Foundation of methods and development of resources of ECG monitoring of human'. My supervisor of studies-a Ph.D., assistant professor of department ET Kuznetsov Dmitry.

Plans for the future

Now my primary goal is a writing and protection of master's work. In further I hope for successful employment. Because work must bring to us not only monetary, but also the creative income that is to give the chance to be realized as the person. Further I expect to receive the second higher education maybe in art sphere.