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Makarov Andrey

Makarov Andrey 

Faculty: Computer Information Technology and Automatics

Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes

Theme of master's work:

Research and development of management systems conveyor transport under variable traffic

Scientific adviser: Boris Gavrilenko 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Date of birth: 2nd December 1989

Birth place: Donetsk

School: Physics-mathematical school ¹17 Donetsk

University: 2010–2012 masters course DonNTU, 2006–2010 bachelor DonNTU

Middle mark 4,8

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian (native), English (base)

Personal achievements:

1. Diploma for the best report at international scientific and technical conference of students, Ph.D. students and youths of scientists

2. «Progressive directions of development of mechanic - instrument-making industries and transport»

Hobbies: football, boxing, cars

Personal qualities: responsibility, executiveness, communicability, propensity to the analysis, ability to work in a command, leader and organizational capabilities, ability quickly and it is correct to react in critical situations, whant to professional development.

Computer skills:

Office: MS Office, MS Visio, MS Power Point, MS Excel, MS Access

Mathematical packages: MatLaB, MathCAD

Programming languages: AVR Assembler


Graphic packages: CorelDRAW, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ

Engineerings programs: P-Cad, Micro-Cap, AVR Studio, Electronic WorkBench

Additional courses, internships, grants: drivings licences of category «B,C»

Experience: no

Plans on the future: Will achieve the goals

Contact information: andreymakarov1989@mail.ru, http://vkontakte.ru/id16651107