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Moschenskiy Andrew

Faculty of computer information technology and automatic

Department of electronic technics

Speciality: Electronic systems

Theme of master's work: Substantiation and research of the electronic scheme structure of control parameters of water in ICWS

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Korenev Valentin

The childhood

I, Moschensky A.J., was born on December, 18th, 1988 in the wonderful Donetsk city in a simple family. My parents: the father – Moschensky Yury Georgievich, Russian, finished  ÌÀI; mother – Moschensky Tatyana Alekseevna, Russian, works in a private concern on sale of any medicines.

At the age of two or three years went to submit a kindergarten under the name connected with a bird (I do not remember precisely). To go to a kindergarten I not so loved, but the destiny was that and willy-nilly I got acquainted with many future friends. I communicate with many till now. Celebratory feasts have left in the evenings set of bright impressions. I very much liked travel  to the grandmother in village on the summer.


In 1996 I went in 1-À a class of comprehensive school ¹17 of physics and mathematics where studied throughout all school years. The remarkable woman, the master of the business - Svetlana Grigorevna Shevchenko was the first my teacher. Upon termination of the third class for merits and excellent study was awarded by a certificate of progress and good conduct. In the fifth class there was a change of the class teacher and we met the fine teacher, the teacher of Russian language and the literature and simply good person – Bolovina Olga Nikolaevna. The next years studying were not such lungs as before, but I overcame any difficulties and continued to study well. During school years took part in a large quantity of the city and regional competitions on the mathematician, the physicist and geography. In many competitions occupied prize-winning places. As the most interesting considered physics, mathematics and geography.

During studying at school, in parallel was studied at Donetsk music school ¹2 on a training class on a piano. Learning game elements on this fine musical instrument, periodically participated in various musical competitions and other actions connected game on this remarkable tool. For all 7 years of studying became the winner of competition game on techniques three times, has received plural quantity of reading and writing. The certificate with a honors at music school, however, have not given, as I very much did not love chorus. 

As the most wonderful school days I consider 10 and 11 classes. For some reason these years knowledge given to me especially easily. I had not to spend much time behind lessons. Often enough in the evenings walked with friends that also left set of impressions. In May, 2006, being still the schoolboy, has handed over ratings and has entered in Donetsk national technical university on faculty of computer information technology and automatics. Thus, the school certificate not so strongly excited me, but I finished studying at school without uniform 4. A medal gave not as to order such things as it has appeared, it was necessary in advance!


With a choice of a place of reception of higher education I long did not think. Long before introductory ratings I decided that it will be DonNTU. It was necessary to choose faculty. The choice falled on a specialty electronic systems (ElS).

One week prior to September, first I am unexpected for myself have learnt that I will be the head of newly made group ElS-06 of department the electronic technics. On September, 1st for me the new coil of my life has begun. At university there were new friends and new possibilities began to open. 

During studying at university I have learnt a considerable quantity of new sciences which hitherto to me have not been conducted. Many of them have brought the certain contribution to formation of my person.

On younger courses mathematical disciplines which were conducted by Loktionov I. were very much remembered. This teacher differed not absolutely ordinary methods of carrying out of employment and had huge luggage of the knowledge connected with the given science. On the second year it is necessary to note a subject «Field Theory» which many very much were afraid. It was gave to me easily enough and I without special complexity handed over it on excellent".

Senko V. F, Korenev V. D, Zori A.A., Burkivchenko V. I, Stuff of M. Ã, Tarasyuk V. P – these teachers gave me knowledge on many disciplines on students years. They always were able to state a material well enough for many students, could interest students in a readable subject. Thanking it I received luggage of knowledge necessary for me which helps me with a writing of mine master’s work and which I will use all life.

After 4 courses I received the bachelor's with a honor and continued studying in a magistracy on this remarkable specialty.

The subjects connected with definition of parameters of water, have come to mind for many reasons. One of the major – presence of the big aquarium of the house. Thanks to plural operating time in the field and the help of my supervisor of studies of Korenev V. D the theme of mine master’s work has been generated: «Substantiation and research of the electronic scheme structure of control parameters of water in ICWS». Korenev V. D – special gratitude for the help and assistance in a writing master’s work.


Plans for the future

In the near future the main things for me will write and successful protection master’s work. Further I’ll plan to continue studying and development of other useful and interesting sciences, and also successfully to found a job.