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Master DonNTU Nesterenko Ann

Master DonNTU Nesterenko Ann

University: Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automation
Speciality: Telecommunication Systems and Networks
Theme of master's work: The research of phase synchronization methods and facilities in the satellite channel
Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. professor A. Voroncov

Àutobiography Author's abstracts


The main

The exact time of this event is unknown, but it happened on Saturday, the 18th of February 1989. That day the main event in my life has happened – I was born.

All we are from childhood by birth

My character was given to me from birth and hasn’t changed much till now.

Discipline: I do nothing without permission. My parents didn’t have to hide dangerous and sharp things.

Persuasiveness: compromise can be found in any situation. In the kindergarten nobody except me was allowed to know the menu and verify it.

During my growing up years I was quite and calm child.


It is said that left-handers and Aquarius are creative people. These two aspects are combined in me explaining all-time needed creative realization. I haven’t attended any group but it was compensated at school, exactly at Donetsk educational-methodic complex ¹1.

The creative beginning

I liked the lessons of rhythmic, especially the most remained movement "hippo-po-ta-mus". My fantasy was also developed at the lessons of design. For this purpose everything from my mum’s cosmetics to needlework on paper was used. My pictures and hand-made articles were always exhibited in the school hall, but the embroidered snowman was misappropriated by someone. His further fate is unknown.

I’ve liked to perform since kindergarten years, but the real triumph was the matreshka dance in the first form. After that I performed more than once. In the 8th and 10th forms the literary evenings were taken place. I was permanent scenarist and producer in my form. The "Cherry garden"; by A.P. Chehov and the "Master and Margarita"; by M.A. Bulgakov were staged.

"To study, study and one more time study" - according to the words of the great Lenin

I had no big progress in my study up to the 8th form. Then I understood the importance of the base school knowledge and impetuously become one of the best pupils in my form. In senior forms my marks rarely were different from 10-12.

I was also taking part in "brain-ring", attended the facultative lessons and learnt to get pleasure from the studying process.

The practical beginning

The words "computerization", "informatization", "informational technologies" and similar to them are used today almost at any occasion and so often that I hadn’t any hesitations in perspective and importance of the specialization "Telecommunication systems and networks". That’s why I was persistently trying to enter this specialization in the Donetsk national technical university.

My way to the admission on budgetary form was long and difficult. I entered the university only in summer after having passed the exam, though two ratings and two interviews have already been passed.

Studies are light, and uneducated darkness

To succeed in studying or get your own way in life, you should first of all believe in yourself. I was actively taking part in conferences and reached high results. My attitude to educational process has been being serious.

Manners of informal leader

Everything that is needed for studies can be found at my place (from books to my advice). On the 5th course I became a monitor of my group.

The technical beginning

During the first courses we were learning a lot of base disciplines. The basis of my specialization was wholly understood on the third course. Gradually I’ve gotten an experience working with:

– modeling programs: SystemView, MatLab, Microwave office, LabView;

– means of network projecting: NetCracker, Cisco Packet Tracer, OpNet;

– programming languages: Pascal, C++;

– graphic programs: Compas 3D, AutoCad 2008;

– Web-programming: HTML, CSS.

My bachelor average mark is 4,9.


There is some regularity in the list of things inspiring me. Look attentively and you’ll understand.

The black-white lines of V.V. Majakovskogo, A.I. Solzhenicyna, Ch.T. Aitmatova, M.A. Bulgakova.

The black-white cinema classic.

The compositions of Bethovena, Shuberta, Mendel'sona, Shopena, Chaikovskogo, played on the piano with black-white ivories.

The black-white penguins and pandas.

The snow-white gardenias, which existence opened to me while watching the film "A man with a scar" (1932).

Invaluable experience

My marks in the student’s record book were all but nothing without luggage of knowledge given to me by the teachers. They really can interest in subject and report it.

My study in the university taught me to solve problems and don’t give in before failures. Sometimes it seems easier to conquer the Troy than to pass an exam.

In the searching of the new

At the moment I am writing my master’s work. It’s supporting planed on January, 2012. In this difficult and interesting process takes active part my tutor - Voroncov Aleksandr Grigor'evich.

An important component of my life

People who try living out of the society are either the Gods or the wild animals. To show my social activity I am taking part in debates attached to the urgent questions of my region, social youth projects. Meeting people and learning ideas, problems, decisions you begin understand the life better.

The four basses of life

For my life not to be like a shaky stool I try to foresee, definitely consider in my plans all these four basses.

The first basis (work/business)

The professional role in telecommunication sphere, the place in collective, attitude to the process and work result are important for me. The work should not only give confidence in tomorrow but excite with so much without any persuasion to postpone it.

The second basis (family/circle)

My enclosing today is I am tomorrow. I’ll always be surrounded by upholders and people who I attain to. I’ll prize my present friends and let some new ones come into my life.

In my family the idea of the "family values" won’t be just a sound, empty of meaning, because it is important to show the respect and comprehension to the near relatives.

The third basis (hobbies/interests)

A lot of bright moments will be put into the projector of my soul forever and twist as a band of happiness through the whole life.

The fourth basis (myself perfection/education)

I’ll try to strive with my phobias and fears, improve qualification level in the telecommunication sphere and make my scope wider.

I have just understood how it is important to be surprised and interested in the world. It is no need to search for unusual and mysterious things – they look at us from everywhere.


© Nesterenko Ann, 2011