Walter Willingert, Daniel V. Wilson.

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Источник: http://eeweb.poly.edu/el933/papers/Willinger.pdf

Abstract. We demonstrate that Ethernet local area network (LAN) trafic is statistically self-similar, that none of the commonly used trafic models is able to capture this fractal behavior, that such behavior has serious implications for the design, control, and analysis of high-speed, cell-based (B-ISDN) networks, and that aggregating streams of such trafic typically intensiies the self-similarity ("burstiness") instead of smoothing it.

Intuitively, the critical characteristic of this self-similar trafic is that there is no naturallength of a "burst": at every time scale ranging from a few milliseconds to minutes and hours,similar-looking trafic bursts are evident.

Our conclusions are supported by a rigorous statistical analysis of hundreds of millions ofhigh quality Ethernet trafic measurements collected between 1989 and 1992, coupled with adiscussion of the underlying mathematical and statistical properties of self-similarity and their relationship with actual network behavior. We also consider some implications for congestion control in B-ISDN and present trafic models based on self-similar stochastic processes. Self- similar trafic models provide simple, accurate, and realistic descriptions of trafic scenarios encountered during B-ISDN deployment.


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