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Ivanenko Ivan

Ahmed  Khalaf  Zager  Alsady

Faculty: Computer Science 

Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks

Theme of master's work:

Research of  Java database technolojies  

email :

Scientific adviser:prof .Dr.LADYZENSKY.V 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract




Ahmed  Khalaf  Zager  Alsady


Date of Birth:-





Very good  (fluent reading and communication)












Middle  school


Al-FAROQ  middle school 1989-1992 –Baghdad –Altalbia  (3 years)


Secondary school

Al-NEZAL  FOR BOY S  Secondary School: 1992-1995 Baghdad –Al-Senq region (3 years)  

Exam No.  (2-3308006)




B.Sc. degree , in Computer Science  1996- 2000 Mansour university college Baghdad-Iraq  No.(9611003818) (4years)



M.S., degree Computer Science, specialty in computer system and network, 2009-2011 Donetsk  National Technical University. Donetsk- Ukraine

DI N2 (022977) (2 years)



Personal  achievement:-

 1.     Create new web application connection to MySQL server
      The basic idea of this project create two page in client side (by java technologies ) and create             two table in server side (by SQL server ) and  I can bring an data or information which I  need it        from server by send request and receive the respond in client side  
3.     Human Resources Management Services by  Create system for employment in university  , and        give them  course in applications programs and system programs


 4.     Create databases for all employees their working in  management and technical and teaching of          university  


 5.     Design web site for  College of Arts, Baghdad University, 2003


 6.     Website Design Laser Institute University of Baghdad 2003


 7.     Giving lessons in the language of C + + in the Faculty of Engineering University of Baghdad            2005


 8.     Project work expert system  calculating the proportion of sugar and cholesterol in the blood            system by using the computer language, descriptive language Breaulok


 9.     Sharing in Conference in Donetsk Nation Technical University   with name             “ calculating         processing time to transfer information from server to client “  and Received a certificate of              appreciation Because I made ​​the best presentation  in a scientific conference in 2010


 10.       Sharing in conference in Baghdad university  with  name “ why we study information                       technologies “ in 2005



Fishing.  2. Play football  3.I like hearing soft music   4.Psychological reading books
5.I love reading poetry    6. Cooking   7. Hear the news on television     7. Swimming
9. Shopping


Personal qualities:-

  1.      Work well with others and  respect other people’s right to privacy
  2.      Solved problem Settled a difficult personnel problem
  3.      Keep a secret
  4.      Plan my time well
  5.      Consciously try to improve my work
  6.   I honest in my attitude toward myself and other people
  7.   Help the poor   



Skill computer:-

Operation system

Excellent work with operating systems such as DOS and Windows


Application programs

Excellent work with application program such as office(word, excel, access, power point, frontpage , viso  )


Programs  Languages

Assembler, Pascal, C, C++, VHDL. Visual basic ,fox pro ,java ,SQL




planning for the future:-

Planning to complete a Ph.D. in Ukraine also  I develop all my projects scientific to have benefited in the writing of a thesis and Ph.D. trying repaired some of the pitfalls that accompanied me during the study period and improve my skills in programming languages ​​and Information Technology as my goal is completed a PhD in Information Technology All of this is to serve my country dear Secretariat carried me to get Master's degree  to  Work in state institutions  in my country