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Student of Donetsk National Technical University Olga Grigorieva

Olga Grigorieva

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Speciality: Economical Cibernetics

Theme of master's work:

Optimization Simulation of large dinamical system

Scientific adviser: Olga Dmitrieva

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | About author



I was born on October 7th, 1989 in Makeyevka. That day was a real treat for my parents, Nikolay and Natalia Grigoryevy. Today, my mother is an accountant in the Kiev district education department, and my father - an engineer in the company "AMI." I always was active child, and when I were three years old, I came to kindergarten ¹ 3 at first. There I almost immediately became a regular host on children's matinees. It was my first experience of participating in public life.

School years (comprehensive school ¹ 58)

September 1st, 1996 ... On this day I first crossed the threshold of the Donetsk school number 58 as its pupil. By this moment, I had enjoyed reading and I was rather curious. My first teachers, Lyudmila Kratinova and Elena Bogomazova, always answered my questions. So today I am sincerely grateful for them.

But on Sept. 1, I did not only sit at school desks, also I took my first steps in the dance hall. I could say, it was much harder for me than comprehension of school’s wisdom. But I have not stopped and during two years I were engaging actively in the ensemble "Radost" led by Irina Popova, and next 5 years I was successfully dancing in the group "Victoria", which Viktoria Shevchenko still leads. During this time I participated in regional, local and all-Ukrainian competitions. Today letters of commendation and 2 medals, bronze and gold, are reminding me about those good times.

Fortunately, my hobby has never been in the way of my excellent studies, besides, I found time for participation in and organization school events communication with many friends.

When I was studying at school I realized that, despite my enthusiasm for literature, my future life will be connect with the exact sciences such as mathematics, physics and computer science. That's why I decided to finish my school education in Donetsk College.

School years (college)

September 1st, 2004 ... I finally reached my goal - went to Donetsk College. I could note that I had to stop dance classes and began actively study, because entrance at the 10 class in this college was quite difficult for me. But I did it - the hardest stage was successfully overcome. Further study has not caused any difficulties. So in June 2006, I stood with a silver medal at the awarding of certificates. By this time I had been sure in my late life, because I knew, the next barrier had been taken - I entered to the Donetsk National Technical University, squaring sufficient number of points on the exams.

Choice of university and faculty for me was obvious. My parents completed the Donetsk National Technical University at the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, so I didn’t have any doubt about the quality of teaching. But choice of my future profession was rather difficult. But in college I was studying in the classroom with in-depth study of the economy, it seemed logical to continue similar education in “Economic Cybernetics ", although some time I was seriously thinking to go in programming.

In many ways I owe my success to my collegiate mathematics teacher Vladimir Chernyshov.


I was acquaintanting with DonNTU during the summer practice in admissions, where I met some of my future classmates. September 1st, 2006… I went to my first lecture in the BIH. First term flew almost imperceptibly, our group has actively participated in student activities: the faculty, department days and different KVNs. However, I could find enough time for study.

Now I can happily say that I don’t regret that I have chosen specialty, "Economic Cybernetics". It really opens up opportunities for the future, because during training we learnt not only economic subjects, but we tried to analyze the available data to make decisions in difficult situations and use modern technology to perform the required tasks.

Scientific conferences became for me one more interesting aspect of student life. It gives the opportunity not only derive new knowledge, but also meet interesting people.

When I was a student I was able to return to my hobby - dancing. And I began take part in performances with show-ballet «Estrellas».

After finishing the fourth year I began make content for the sites. It brings me good extra income, but also it’s a source of information and new knowledge. Often, they are pretty useless, but sometimes I find truly amazing information and stories. To date, about 400 my articles on various subjects are already published on different sites.

My supervisor was Olga Dmitrieva. Together we have identified a theme of my master's thesis: "Optimization Simulation of dynamical systems of large dimensions”. This direction attracts me by wide opportunity to apply mathematical methods to economics.

Future Plans

At first, I am going actively continue to study English and at summer of 2012 I want obtain a certificate FCE.

Parallel to this, I'll make my master's work and hope I can successfully defend it in 2011.

By this time I'm going to find a job in compliance with my specialty. And then, gradually, step by step I will go up the career ladder.

And naturally, as every girl, I dream about creating a strong family, for which I'm sure I could always find the time. In the company of home people I would be happy realize my childhood dream - to visit London.

In addition, I would like to visit Europe, to walk the streets of New York and Masdar - a city of our future.

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