Gubsky Alexander E.

Faculty of Computer Science and Technology

Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Major: Automated Systems Software

Development and testing of modeling systems based on UML in the environment of Rational Rhapsody

Scientific adviser:: Andrjukhin Alexander


UML (born Unified Modeling Language - the Unified Modeling Language) - language for describing graphical object modeling in software development. UML is a language of wide profile, this is an open standard that uses a graphical notation to create an abstract model of the system, called the UML-model. UML was created to identify, visualize, design and documentation of major software systems. UML is not a programming language, interpreted code, code generation is possible. Using UML is not limited to software modeling. It is also used for modeling business processes, systems engineering and mapping organizational structures. UML reach agreement in graphic notation to represent general concepts (such as classes, components, generalization (generalization), association (aggregation) and behavior, and focus more on design and architecture.


The aim of this work yavlyaetsya study development environment based on visual modeling language UML - IBM Rational Rhapsody, as well as getting the program codes of the simulated systems, which can be tested and debugged using this medium.

Background and Motivation

To meet market demands and maintain the leading position it is important to use the most modern development tools. Over the last decade, the foundation of such tools has become the language UML, recognized the de facto standard in the creation of complex systems and software. Undoubtedly, the most effective tool for realizing its possibilities, taking into account the features of embedded systems is the development environment of IBM Rational Rhapsody. Alleged scientific innovation The work involves construction of modeling systems, as well as getting the program codes of these systems, using the development environment IBM Rational Rhapsody. This environment is new. It allows to model, develop, test program to a new level. Allows you to test the program in real time, at the level of models.

Expected results

Getting the two systems implemented using IBM Rational Rhapsody in different programming languages.

presentation of the results available

The method of construction modeling systems that effectively uses the system itself, IBM Rational Rhapsody


IBM Rational Rhapsody - development environment based on visual modeling language using UML (Unified Modeling Language). Rhapsody revises the traditional process of developing embedded systems and real-time applications, eliminating the traditional barriers between the stages of the development process based on the documentation. Rhapsody provides system engineers, software developers and testers to the overall development environment based on visual modeling, which can analyze the requirements, design systems and software, create and develop an application, as well as quickly, efficiently and timely to test the current results at any stage of the development process: from requirements analysis to final embedded system. A prerequisite for inclusion in IBM Rational Rhapsody product line SWD Software was the rapid growth of interest in domestic developers of embedded systems and real-time applications to the methodology and development tools based on visual modeling is already well established among the developers of the server, infrastructure and interface software for general use. The modern market of embedded applications and real-time system imposes on developers of high demands, increasing complexity of technical solutions and reducing the development cycle. Manual methods of analysis, design, implementation, testing, documentation, and deployment is too slow and unreliable to maintain competitiveness in the global economy. To meet market demands and maintain the leading position it is important to use the most modern development tools. Over the last decade, the foundation of such tools has become the language UML, recognized the de facto standard in the creation of complex systems and software. Undoubtedly, the most effective tool for realizing its possibilities, taking into account the features of embedded systems is the development environment of IBM Rational Rhapsody. 8 frames 70 KB

Picture 1 — Stages of development

Model Driven Architecture ® (MDA ®) - approach to software development models, including the writing of specifications and the actual development of applications that allows the functionality and behavior of the system should be separated from implementation details. This allows applications to be easily transferred from one medium to another by first creating one or more platform-independent model (PIM), which are then translated into one or more specific platform models (PSM). MDA - includes a wide range of concepts to be applied to all sectors of software development projects including e-commerce, financial services, healthcare, aerospace and transportation. Developers of embedded systems need to focus on their specific needs in order to maximize the benefits of MDA in meeting their specific needs in real time, compact code, safety, reliability and management of specialized equipment, which often exist in their environment. Rhapsody in the key technologies of demand-driven Embedded Developer and always follow the concept of separation of functionality and performance behavior in detail, allows embedded developers to get the most out of their processes MDA. Rhapsody is the market leading UML 2.1 Model Driven Development (MDD) solution, since it is built around a number of promising technologies that provide users with the most efficient means of production systems and software. Rhapsody has always focused on the needs of developers and fully supports the concepts of MDA. Rhapsody UML 2.0 support is unparalleled and uniquely allows you to overcome the functional and object-oriented discontinuities in one environment, allows a very flexible design. For a really effective model-driven development, Rhapsody provides a development environment that keeps you in constant communication with the behavior of the system through the implementation and verification on the basis of graphic design. Rhapsody Model Driven environment based on standard UML 2.0 implementation in combination with structural modeling, such as block diagrams, creating a complete system and software environment.

Picture 2 — Simulation in Rhapsody

Graphical environment gives you visualize and understand how the system behaves during execution. Allows you to work freely within the source files, and provides a change at the source code is dynamically updated in the model, so the model and code are always synchronized. Taken together, the build environment for any right inside the RTOS model, including the generated code, any legacy code, third party libraries, and other components of the model, etc. A key part in real time, allowing the model Rhapsody, which will be automatically targeted to any platform, which in real time will be ported. An example of stepwise fashion model, and behavior to see if it meets specifications, as well as automatic testing and verification system with the requirements.

Picture 2 — Connection with any infrastructure ÑÌ

Connection with any infrastructure, CM, to small and large teams to work seamlessly on-together on projects, whether it's a team of local or distributed around the world, as well as providing advanced level of the difference model and association opportunities. Connection with any infrastructure, CM, to small and large teams to effectively collaborate on projects, whether local or distributed team of developers worldwide, and providing different levels of advanced models and integration capabilities.


Despite the fact that UML is widely distributed and used standard, it is often criticized because of the following disadvantages:

  • redundancy of language. UML is often criticized as unduly large and complex. It includes a lot of redundant or nearly unused diagrams and designs. More often it can be heard with respect to UML 2.0, than UML 1.0, because newer revisions include a more "developed-committee" compromises.
  • Incorrect semantics. Since UML is defined combination of a (abstract syntax), OCL (description language restrictions - formal validation) and English (for more semantics), it is devoid of constraint inherent in language, precisely defined formal description techniques. In some cases, the abstract syntax of UML, OCL and English contradict each other, in other cases they are incomplete. Inaccurate description UML itself is equally reflected in the users and suppliers of instruments, leading to incompatibility of tools for treating it unique specifications.
  • Problems in the study and implementation. The above problems make a challenge study and implementation of UML, especially when management forced to make use UML engineers if they have no prior skills. Only
  • code reflects the code. Another view - that the important work the system, not a beautiful model. As succinctly put it, Jack Reeves, «The code is the design »(« code and have a project "). In accordance with this opinion, there is a need for a better way to write software; UML valued by approaches that compile the model to generate the source or executable code. However, this may still not be enough, because UML does not properties of completeness and any Turing-generated code will be limited that can see or suggest interpreting UML
  • cumulative load / load mismatch (Cumulative Impedance / Impedance mismatch). Mismatch of the load - a term from the theory of systems analysis to identify failure of the system to accept input out the other. As in any system of notation, UML can provide some system more concisely and effectively than others. Thus, the developer favor solutions that are more comfortable coming to the interweaving strengths of UML and programming languages. The problem becomes more apparent when language development does not adhere to the principles of the orthodox doctrine of object-oriented (not trying to conform to tradi- variational principle PLO).
  • trying to be everything to everybody. UML - a common modeling language destination, which is trying to achieve compatibility with all possible language development. In the context of a particular project, a team of designers to achieve particular purpose, shall be selected opportunities applicable UML. In addition, ways to limit the scope of UML in a particular area pass through the formalism, which is not fully formulated, and which is itself a target of criticism.


  1. Rational Rhapsody [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå:

  2. Rhapsody [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå:

  3. Îñíîâû UML è IBM Rational Rhapsody äëÿ ðàçðàáîò÷èêîâ ïðîãðàììíîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå:

  4. User Guide [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå:

  5. Installation Guide [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå:

  6. Rational® Rhapsody®, Version 7.5 - Äîêóìåíòàöèÿ ïî IBM Rational Rhapsody [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå:

  7. IBM Rational Rhapsody Java Tutorial [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå:

  8. Ó÷åáíèêè ïðèìåðû è äåìî ïî IBM Rational Rhapsody [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå:

  9. IBM Rational Rhapsody Ñ++ Tutorial [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå:

  10. Ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî ðàáîòå ñèñòåìíûõ èíæåíåðîâ ñ IBM Rational Rhapsody [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå: rsdp/v1r0m0/topic/ doc/pdf75/tutorial_Systems_Eng.pdf

  11. Ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî ìîäåëèðîâàíèþ ãåíåðàöèè è êîìïèëÿöèè êîäà ñ ïîìîùüþ IBM Rational Rhapsody [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ] — Ðåæèì äîñòóïà ê ñòàòüå: File/Downloaded%20Materials/T5-UsingRhapsody.pdf
