Computer Science and Technologies faculty
Computer Engineering department
System Programming specialization
Theme of master's work:
Development and research of topological analysis subsystem of network dynamic systems as objects of simulation
Supervisor: prof., d.t.s. Svjatnyj Vladimir
I was born on December, 1st, 1989 in the city of Donets'k (Ukraine). The first years of my life I lived with parents in the private house. When I was 6 it was replaced by apartment in city centre. On the new place I began visit the second kindergarten.
First 7 classes I was studying in a comprehensive school №33 (now - a humanitarian grammar school with the second foreign language - French). These years I did not have any distinctive merits.

However all has changed after entering in 2002 (after 7 classes of studying at school) in Donets'k technical lyceum. The relation here considerably differed from school, that has allowed to fulfil my potential. It was much more difficult to study here, but I took part in every possible competition. I had found out that the best for me are programming and mathematics:
- I place at the city stage of computer science contest in 2002-2003 educational year
- III place at the city stage of mathematic contest in 2003-2003 educational year
- III place at the city stage of computer science contest in 2003-2004 educational year
- II place at the city stage of computer science contest in 2004-2005 educational year
- III place at the city stage of computer science contest in 2005-2006 educational year
- II place at the city competition of the computer programs developed by pupils of establishments of city submission
Every year I took part in programming research work in Small academy of sciences (in 2004 has occupied III place at II stage). Besides visited such competitions of the mathematics like "Kangaroo" and "The Gold Key".
Also there are achievements in economy (I place at the city stage of contest in 2005). Has been awarded for active participation in activity of lyceum and research work on technological department.
All 4 years I was in good community with good and attentive teachers who have played a very important role in formation of the personality of each pupil.
The lyceum I had finished in 2006 with four certificates and a gold medal for excellent studying.

In 2006 started to study in the Donets'k national technical university on the "System programming" specialization of "Computer facilities and science" faculty. I liked most of subjects in which it is necessary to program and show some creative skills. The most interesting subjects for me have begun from the second course.
I took part in Ukrainian contest of system programming.
In 2010 I got bachelor's degree with distinction. In this year I entered magistrature with rating 10.1. I had decided to continue study because wanted to get better knowledge in my specialization, what can helps me to find a good and interesting job.
University gave me good basic skills in system programming, so now I can learn any programming language or technology very easy. The most interesting for me are Microsoft .NET and C#.
I chose "Development and research of topological analysis subsystem of network dynamic systems as objects of simulation" theme of my master's work because in present-day world skills of parallel programming are very important.
In the future I want to work in large company (better - to have my own), engaged in computer hardware and software.
About personal interests I can tell, that I read only the books connected with my speciality and esoterics. Also I find a time for self-training on those computer technologies which I'm interested. I like to play computer games in which most of all I appreciate presence of a good story or necessity to think. I watch all informative television broadcasts and video-trainings on psychology and NLP.