Source of information: Training Feedforward Neural Networks Using Genetic Algorithms
Multilayered feedforward neural networks possess
a number of properties which make them particularly
suited to complex pattern classification problems.
However, their application to some realworld
problems has been hampered by the lack of
a training algonthm which reliably finds a nearly
globally optimal set of weights in a relatively short
time. Genetic algorithms are a class of optimization
procedures which are good at exploring a large
and complex space in an intelligent way to find
values close to the global optimum. Hence, they
are well suited to the problem of training feedforward
networks. In this paper, we describe a set of
experiments performed on data from a sonar image
classification problem. These experiments both 1)
illustrate the improvements gained by using a genetic
algorithm rather than backpropagation and
2) chronicle the evolution of the performance of
the genetic algorithm as we added more and more
domain-specific knowledge into it.
Neural networks and genetic algorithms are two techniques
for optimization and learning, each with its own strengths
and weaknesses. The two have generally evolved along
seperate paths. However, recently there have been attempts
to combine the two technologies. Davis (1988) showed how
any neural network can be rewritten as a type of genetic algorithm
called a classifier system and vice versa. Whitley
(1988) attempted unsuccessfully to train feedforward neural
networks using genetic algorithms. In this paper we describe
a different genetic algonthm for training teedforward
networks. It not only succeeds in its task but it outperforms
backpropagation, the standard training algonthm. on a difficult
example. This success comes from tailoring the genetic
algonthm to the domain of training neural networks. We
document the evolution and ultimate success of this algonthm
with a series of experiments.
The paper is structured as follows. Sections 2 and 3 give
an overview of neural networks and genetic algonthms respectively
with a special emphasis on their strengths and
weaknesses. Section 4 describes the data on which the expenments
were run. Section 5 details the genetic algorithm
we used to perform neural network weight optimization.
Section 6 describes the experiments we ran and analyzes
their results. Section 7 provides conclusions about our work
and suggestions for future work.
Neural networks are algorithms for optimization and learning
based loosely on concepts inspired by research into the
nature of the brain. They generally consist of five components:
1. A directed graph known as the network topology whose
arcs we refer to as links.
2. A state variable associated with each node.
3. A real-valued weight associated with each link.
4. A real-valued bias associated with each node.
5. A transfer function for each node which determines the
state of a node as a function of a) its bias b, b) the
weights, wt of its incoming links, and c) the states,
x,, of the nodes connected to it by these links. This
transfer function usually lakes the form
where / is either a sigmoid or a step function.
A feedforward network is one whoso topology has no closed
paths. Its input nodes are the ones with no arcs to them, and
its output nodes have no arcs away from them. All other
nodes are hidden nodes. When the states of all the input
nodes are set, all the other nodes in the network can also set
their states as values propagate through the network. The
operation of a feedforward network consists of calculating
outputs given a set of inputs in this manner. A layered
feedforward network is one such that any path from an input
node to an output node traverses the same number of arcs.
The nth layer of such a network consists of all nodes which
are n arc traversals from an input node. A hidden layer is
one which contains hidden nodes. Such a network is fully
connected if each node in layer I is connected to all nodes
in layer i+l lor all I.
Layered feedforward networks have become very popular
for a few reasons. For one, they have been found in practice
to generalize well, i.e. when trained on a relatively sparse
set of data points, they will often provide the right output
for an input not in the training set. Secondly, a training algorithm
called backpropagation exists which can often find
a good set of weights (and biases) in a reasonable amount of
tune [Rumelhart 1986al. Backpropagation is a variation on
gradient search. It generally uses a least-squares optimaiity criterion. The key to backpropagation is a method for calculating
the gradient of the error with respect to the weights
for a given input by propagating error backwards through
the network.
There are some drawbacks to backpropagation. For one,
there is the "scaling problem". Backpropagation works well
on simple training problems. However, as the problem complexity
increases (due to increased dimensionality and/or
greater complexity of the data), the performance of backpropagation
falls off rapidly. This makes it in feasible for
many real-world problems including the one described in
Section 4. The performance degradation appears to stem
from the fact that complex spaces have nearly global minima
which are sparse among the local minima. Gradient
search techniques tend to get trapped at local minima. With
a high enough gain (or momentum), backpropagation can
escape these local minima. However, it leaves them without
knowing whether the next one it finds will be better
or worse. When the nearly global minima are well hidden
among the local minima, backpropagation can end up
bouncing between local minima without much overall improvement,
thus making for very slow training.
A second shortcoming of backpropagation is the following.
To compute a gradient requires differentiability. Therefore,
backpropagation cannot handle discontinuous optimallty
criteria or discontinuous node transfer functions. This
precludes its use on some common node types and simple
optimality criteria.
For a more complete description of neural networks, the
reader is referred to (Rumelhart 1986b].
Genetic algorithms are algorithms for optimization and
learning based loosely on several features of biological evolution.
They require five components:
1 A way of encoding solutions to the problem on chromosomes.
2. An evaluation function that returns a rating tor each
chromosome given to it.
3. A way of initializing the population of chromosomes.
4. Operators that may be applied to parents when they
reproduce to alter their genetic composition. Included
might be mutation, crossover (i.e. recombination of
genetic material), and domain-specific operators.
5. Parameter settings for the algorithm, the operators, and
so forth.
Given these five components, a genetic algorithm operates
according to the following steps:
I The population is initialized, using the procedure in C3.
The result of the initialization is a set of chromosomes
as determined in C2.
2. Each member of the population is evaluated, using the
function in C I . Evaluations may be normalized; the
important thing is to preserve relative ranking of evaluations.
3. The population undergoes reproduction until a stopping
criterion is met. Reproduction consists of a number of
iterations of the following three steps:
(a) One or more parents are chosen to reproduce. Selection
is stochastic, but the parents with the highest
evaluations are favored in the selection The
parameters of C5 can influence the selection process.
(b) The operators of C4 are applied to the parents to
produce children. The parameters of C5 help determine
which operators to use.
(c) The children are evaluated and inserted into the
population. In some versions of the genetic algorithm,
the entire population is replaced in each
cycle of reproduction. In others, only subsets of
the population are replaced.
When a genetic algorithm is run using a representation that
usefully encodes solutions to a problem and operators that
can generate better children from good parents, the algorithm
can produce populations of better and better individuals,
converging finally on results close to a global optimum.
In many cases (such as the example discussed in this paper),
the standard operators, mutation and crossover, are sufficient
for performing the optimization. In such cases, genetic algorithms
can serve as a black-box function optimizer not
requiring their creator to input any knowledge about the domain.
However, as illustrated in this paper, knowledge of
the domain can often be exploited to improve the genetic
algorithm s performance through the incorporation of new
Genebc algonthms should not have the same problem with
scaling as backpropagation. One reason for this is that they
generally improve the current best candidate monotonically.
They do this by keeping the current best individual as part
of their population while they search for better candidates.
Secondly, genetic algonthms are generally not bothered by
local minima. The mutation and crossover operators can
step from a valley across a hill to an even lower valley with
no more difficulty than descending directly into a valley.
The field of genetic algonthms was created by John Holland.
His first book [Holland 19751 was an early landmark
The best introduction for the interested reader is [Goldberg
The data used in the experiments were from one stage in the
processing of passive sonar data from arrays of underwater
acoustic receivers. BBN has been building an expert system
to detect and reason about interesting signals in the midst
of the wide variety of acoustic noise and interference which
exist in the ocean. The mam inputs to the expen system (as
well as to sonar operators) are lofargrams, which (like spectograms)
are intensity-based images depicting the distribution
of acoustic energy as a function of frequency and time.
Narrowband energy appears on the lofargrams as •lines''
which tend to be predominantly vertical. A line has certain
characteristics which provide clues to sonar operators as to
what is producing it. Deriving algonthms which capture all
that the operators can see in real lines has never succeeded
despite a large amount of work in the area. Therefore, we
are attempting to use neural networks in the problem of fine
To start, we formed a database of approximately 1200 fixed-size rectangular pieces of lofargrams, each centered
on a Line of type determined by an expert. Around 30% of
these were from lines of a type in which we were particularly
interested, and around 70% were from lines of a variety of
other types. One experiment we ran investigated whether a
feedforward network could classify the line pieces as either
interesting or not based on four of the parameters which
our system presently uses to characterize such pieces. The
network had four inputs, one output, and first and second
hidden layers of seven and ten nodes respectively for a total
of 126 weights. We used a subset of the examples of size 236
as a training set. It is on this network that the comparative
runs described in Section 6 were made.
We now discuss the genetic algorithm we set up to do neural
network weight optimization. We start by describing the five
components of the algorithm listed in Section 3.
1) Chromosome Encoding: The weights (and biases) in
the neural network are encoded as a list of real numbers (see
Figure 1).
2) Evaluation Function: Assign the weights on the chromosome
to the links in a network of a given architecture,
run the network over the training set of examples, and return
the sum of the squares of the errors.
3) Initialization Procedure: The weights of the initial
members of the population are chosen at random with a probability
distribution given by t l r l . This is different from the
initial probability distribution of the weights usually used in
backpropagation, which is a uniform distribution between
-1.0 and 1.0. Our probability distribution reflects the empirical
observation by researchers that optimal solutions tend
to contain weights with small absolute values but can have
weights with arbitrarily large absolute values. We therefore
seed the initial population with genetic material which allows
the genetic algorithm to explore the range of all possible solutions
but which tends to favor those solutions which are a
priori the most likely.
4) Operators: We created a large number of different types
of genetic operators. The goal of most of the experiments we
performed was to find out how different operators perform
in different situations and thus to be able to select a good set
of operators for the final algorithm. The operators can be grouped into three basic categories: mutations, crossovers,
and gradients (see Figure 2). A mutation operator takes
one parent and randomly changes some of the entries in its
chromosome to create a child. A crossover operator takes
two parents and creates one or two children containing some
of the genetic material of each parent. A gradient operator
takes one parent and produces a child by adding to its entries
a multiple of the gradient with respect to the evaluation
function. We now discuss each of the operators individually,
one category at a time.
UNBIASED-MUTATE-WEIGHTS: For each entry in the
chromosome, this operator will with fixed probability p =
0.1 replace it with a random value chosen from the initialization
probability distribution.
BIAS ED-MUTATE-WEIGHTS: For each entry in the
chromosome, this operator will with fixed probability p =
0.1 add to it a random value chosen from the initialization
probability distribution. We expect biased mutation to
be better than unbiased mutation tor the following reason.
Right from the start of a run, parents are chosen which tend
to be better than average. Therefore, the weight settings in
these parents tend to be better than random settings. Hence,
biasing the probability distribution by the present value of
the weight should give better results than a probability distribution
centered on zero.
MUTATE-NODES: This operator selects n non-input
nodes of the network which the parent chromosome represents.
For each of the ingoing links to these n nodes, the
operator adds to the links weight a random value from the
initialization probability distribution. It then encodes this
new network on the child chromosome. The intuition here
is that the ingoing links to a node form a logical subgroup
of all the links in terms of the operation of the network. By
confining its changes to a small number of these subgroups,
it will make its improvements more likely to result in a good
evaluation. In our experiments, n = 2.
MUTATE-WEAKEST-NODES: The concept of node
strength is different from the concept of error used in backpropagation.
For example, a node can have zero error if ail
its output links are set to zero, but such a node is not contributing
anything positive to the network and is thus not a
strong node. The concept of strength comes from classifier
systems and was introduced into neural networks in [Davis 1988]. We define the strength of a hidden node in a feedforward
network as the difference between the evaluation of
the network intact and the evaluation of the network with
that node lobotomized (i.e. with its output links set to zero).
We have devised an efficient way to calculate node strength
not discussed here.
Tlie operator MUTATE-WEAKEST-NODES takes the
network which the parent chromosome represents and calculates
the strength of each hidden node. It then selects the
m weakest nodes and performs a mutation on each of their
ingoing and outgoing links. This mutation is unbiased if the
node strength is negative and biased if the node strength is
positive. It then encodes this new network on a chromosome
as the child. The intuition behind this operator is that there
are some nodes which are not only not very useful to the network
but may actually be hurting it. Performing mutation on
these nodes is more likely to yield bigger gains than mutation
on a node which is already doing a good job. Note that
since this operator will not be able to improve nodes which
are already doing well it should not be the only source of
diversity in the population. In our experiments, m=l.
CROSSOVER-WEIGHTS: This operator puts a value into
each position of the child's chromosome by randomly selecting
one of the two parents and using the value in the same
position on that parent's chromosome.
CROSSOVER-NODES: For each node in the network encoded
by the child chromosome, this operator selects one of
the two parent's networks and finds the corresponding node
in this network. It then puts the weight of each ingoing
link to the parent's node into the corresponding link of the
child's network. The intuition here is that networks succeed
because of the synergism between their various weights, and
this synergism is greatest among weights from ingoing links
to the same node. Therefore, as genetic matenal gets passed
around, these logical subgroups should stay together.
CROSSOVER-FEATURES: Different nodes in a neural
network perform different roles. For a fully connected, layered
network, the role which a given node can play depends
only on which layer it is in and not on its position in that
layer. In fact, we can exchange the role of two nodes A and
B in the same layer of a network as follows. Loop over all
nodes C connected (by either an ingoing or outgoing link)
to A (and thus also to B). Exchange the weight on the link
between C and A with that on the link between C and B.
Ignoring the internal structure, the new network is identical
to the old network, i.e. given the same inputs they will
produce the same outputs.
The child produced by the previously discussed crossovers
is greatly affected by the internal structures of the parents.
The CROSSOVER-FEATURES operator reduces this dependence
on internal structure by doing the following. For each
node in the first parents' network, it tries to find a node in
the second parent's network which is playing the same role
by showing a number of inputs to both networks and comparing
the responses of different nodes. It then rearranges
the second parent's network so that nodes playing the same
role are in the same position. At this point, it forms a child
in the same way as CROSSOVER-NODES. The greatest improvement
gained from this operator over the other crossover
operators should come at the beginning of a run before all
the members of a population start looking alike. HILLCL1MB: This operator calculates the gradient for
each member of the training set and sums them together to
get a total gradient. It then normalizes this gradient by dividing
by the magnitude. The child is obtained from the
parent by taking a step in the direction determined by the
normalized gradient of size step-size, where step-size is a
parameter which adapts throughout the run in the following
way. If the evaluation of the child is worse than the parent's,
step-size is multipled by the parameter step-size-decay=0.4;
if the child is better than the parent, step-size is multiplied
by step-size-expand=1.4. This operator differs from backpropagation
in the following ways: 1) Weights are adjusted
only after calculating the gradient for all members of the
training set and 2) The gradient is normalized so that the
step size is not proportional to the size of the gradient.
5) Parameter Settings: There are a number of parameters
whose values can greatly influence the performance of the
algorithm. Except where stated otherwise, we kept these
constant across runs. We now discuss some of the important
parameters individually.
PARENT-SCALAR: This parameter determines with what
probability each individual is chosen as a parent. The
second-best individual is PARENT-SCALAR times as likely
as the best to be chosen, the third-best is PARENT-SCALAR
times as likely as the second-best, etc. The value was usually
linearly interpolated between 0.92 and 0.89 over the
course of a run.
OPERATOR-PROBABILITIES: This list of parameters
determines with what probability each operator in the operator
pool is selected. Usually, these values were initialized
so that the operators all had equal probabilities of selection.
An adaptation mechanism changes these probabilities over
the course of a run to reflect the performance of the operators,
increasing the probability of selection for operators
that are doing well and decreasing it for operators performing
poorly. This saves the user from having to hand-tune
these probabilities.
POPULATION-SIZE: This self-explanatory parameter
was usually set to 50.
An example of an iteration of the genetic algorithm is
shown in Figure 3.
In this section we discuss a series of experiments which led
us to our final version of the genetic algorithm and one more
experiment comparing the genetic algorithm to backpropagation.
To evaluate the algonthm with a given set of operators
and parameter settings, we performed a series of ten independent
runs recording the evaluation of the best individual
as a function of the number of iterations. Afterwards, we
averaged the results so as to reduce the variations introduced
by the stochastic nature of the algonthm. Even after averaging
some variations remain, and so it is a judgment call
to separate random variations from significant differences
between averaged runs.
Experiment 1: This experiment was designed to compare
the performances of three different versions of
WEIGHTS and MUTATE-NODES. To do this we
performed three series of runs, each with the same parameter
settings and with CROSSOVER-WEIGHTS as one of
the operators. The only difference between runs was the
version of mutation used. The results are pictured in Figure
4. As predicted, there is a clear ordering in terms of
performance: 1) MUTATE-NODES, 2) B I A S E D - M U T A T E -
Experiment 2: This experiment was designed to
compare the performances of three different versions
and CROSSOVER-FEATURES. To do this we performed
three series of runs, each with the same parameter
settings and with MUTATE-NODES as one of the operators.
The only difference between runs was the version of
crossover used. The results are pictured in Figure 5. They
indicate that there is little performance difference between
the different types of crossover.
Experiment 3: This experiment attempted to determine
the effectiveness of the special-purpose operator MUTATEWEAKEST-
NODES. To do this, it compared an averaged
run with just the two operators MUTATE-NODES
and CROSSOVER-FEATURES to an averaged run with
these two operators plus MUTATE-WEAKEST-NODES.
The results are pictured in Figure 6. Having MUTATEWEAKEST-
NODES improved the performance at the be ginning
of the runs but diminished the performance in the
middle and at the end. This could indicate that we need to
change our definition of node strength.
Experiment 4: This experiment investigated the effectiveness
of a hill-climbing mode for use at the end of a
genetic algorithm run. The hill-climbing mode has HILLCLIMB
as its only operator and has the parameter PARENTSCALAR=
0.0 (so that the best individual is always chosen
as the parent). The experiment compared an averaged run of
800 iterations with MUTATE-NODES and CROSSOVERNODES
to an averaged run of 500 iterations with these two
operators and 300 iterations in hill-climbing mode. The results
are shown in Figure 7. Note the rapid progress immediately
after entering hill-climbing followed quickly by
a period of little or no progress. This reflects the speed of
hill-climbing mode at climbing local hills and its inability
to go anywhere once it hits the peak. It is clear that hillclimbing
mode carries with it a big risk of local minima and
therefore should only be used when it is relatively certain
that a global minimum is near.
Experiment 5: This experiment compared the performance
of standard backpropagation with our genetic algorithm
for training our feedforward network. We used the
backpropagation algorithm described in [Rumelhart 1986a]
with a learning rate (i.e. gain) of 0.5. The genetic algorithm had two operators. MUTATE-NODES and CROSSOVERNODES,
and wis thus a variation on a standard genetic
When comparing them, we considered two iterations of
the genetic algorithm to be equivalent to one iteration (i.e.
one cycle through all the training data) of backpropagation.
To see why, observe that backpropagation consists of looping
through all training data doing I) forward propagation
and calculation of errors at the outputs and 2) error backward
propagation and adjusting of weights. The second step requires
more computation in our network and almost all other
networks of interest. The evaluation function of the genetic
algorithm performs the same calculations as step 1). The
very little computation. Hence, one iteration of backpropagation
requires more than twice as much computation as
one iteration of the genetic algorithm.
The runs consisted of 10000 iterations of the genetic algorithm
and 5000 iterations of backpropagation. The results
are shown in Figure 8. Clearly, the genetic algorithm outperformed
We have accomplished a number of things with our work
on using genetic algorithms to train feedforward networks.
In the held of genetic algorithms, we have demonstrated a
real-world application of a genetic algorithm to a large and
complex problem. We have also shown how adding domainspecific
knowledge into the genetic algorithm can enhance
its performance. In the held of neural networks, we have introduced
a new type of training algorithm which on our data
outperforms the backpropagation algorithm. Our algorithm
has the added advantage of being able to work on nodes
with discontinuous transfer functions and discontinuous error
The work described here only touches the surface of the
potential for using genetic algorithms to train neural networks.
In the realm of feedforward networks, there are a
host of other operators with which one might experiment.
Perhaps most promising are ones which include backpropagation
as all or part of their operation. Another problem
is how to modify the genetic algorithm so that it deals with
a stream of continually changing training data instead of
fixed training data. This requires modifying the genetic algorithm
to handle a stochastic evaluation function. Finally,
as a general-purpose optimization tool, genetic algorithms
should be applicable to any type of neural network (and not
just feedforward networks whose nodes have smooth transfer
functions) for which an evaluation function can be derived.
The existence of genetic algorithms for training could aid in
the development of other types of neural networks.