Decomposition into subsystems and the IT-organization of the distributed parallel simulation environment


The model supported development of complex dynamic systems in various subject areas requires new modeling tools. Important directions of modern simulation technologies is the construction and system organization of the distributed parallel simulation environment [1].

Development of a complex hardware-software product like distributed parallel simulation environment requires a collaborative work of the development team. Applying the component-based approach to development makes sense for systematization of the work on the project.

A split of the parallel distributed simulation environment into the following subsystems (components) was proposed in [1]: 1) dialogue sub-system, 2) subsystem of the topological analysis, 3) subsystem of equations generator, 4) subsystem of virtual parallel simulation models, 5) sub-system of parallel equations solvers, 6 ) data-exchange subsystem, 7) load-balancing subsystem, 8) visualization subsystem, 9) database subsystem, 10) subsystem of IT-support.

Goals and tasks

The goal of this master's work is to find the optimal decomposition into subsystems and development of IT-support subsystem of Web-oriented distributed parallel simulation environment.

The project implementation involves the following tasks:

  • analysis of works in the field of distributed parallel simulation problems
  • study of the modular approach to programming
  • analysis of the classical architecture of the distributed parallel simulation environment
  • development of a prototype environment
  • decomposition of the distributed parallel simulation environment into modules - subsystem, taking into account the web-presentation
  • implementation of IT-support subsystem

Relevance of work. Review of research and development on the subject

It seems necessary to use a new approach to computing services - cloud computing[2] by system organization of the subsystems and by sharing the DPSE resources for experts (developers of parallel models and simulators).

The problem of DPSE development, including its development as the cloud services, is little studied.

Decomposition into subsystems satisfies not only the needs of the separate DPSE development, but also of its cloud implementation.

Scientific novelty

The novelty of the work is the implementation of web-oriented distributed parallel simulation environment with the possibilities of remote access and interaction with various high-performance computing resources. This will allow to use parallel computing with convenience for the end user.


Decomposition of distributed parallel simulation environment into subsystem allows organizing parallel development of Simulations Software by well coordinated interaction of subsystems. The proposed approach to implementing the subsystems corresponds to current trends in the parallel simulation technologies and distributed computing.

Already implemented prototype system allows to estimate the opportunities and convenience of the being developed systems for the end-user.


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