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Sokov Ivan

Sokov Ivan

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Department: Automated Control Systems

Speciality: Computer systems of medical and technical diagnostics


Theme of master's work:

Design of SCS on the prediction of blood loss during delivery

Scientific adviser: Vasyaeva Tatyana Alexandrovna

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Date of Birth:

September 23, 1975.

Place of Birth:


School (s):

1990 (8th classroom) school № 54 of Donetsk.

1982-1990 (1-8 classroom) school № 9 of Donetsk.

Vocational School:

vocational school № 9 Donetsk (1990-1993).


Israel College of Technology (1999-2002).


Master's, Donetsk National Technical University (2010-2012 гг.).

Bachelor of Donetsk national technical university (2006-2010 гг.).


Russian (native).

Ukrainian (native).

Hebrew (good).

English (reading, translation, correspondence).


computers, electronics, cars, sports (swimming, table tennis, darts).

Personal qualities:

responsibility, punctuality, commitment, discipline, industry.

Computer skills:

1) Operating systems: MS Windows 2000/XP/7.

2) Programming Languages: C / C + +, Borland C + +, C #, Visual Basic, Pascal / Delphi, Assembler.

3) Development Environments: NetCracker, GNS3, BPWin, Macromedia Flash, CorelDRAW.

4) Databases: MS Access, SQL.

5) Internet technologies: HTML, CSS.

6) Office Suite: MS Word, MS Access, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint. Прослушать На латинице Словарьсуществительное0.industry


medtech "Paid Dental" Donetsk (since 2006).

car fault diagnosis "Hevrat-Hashmal" Israel (2000-2005 gg.).

master maintenance of production equipment "Yunidres" Israel (1998-2000 gg.).

welder truck trailers "Shladot" Israel (1997-1998 gg.).


driving license of category «A, B, C».

Future plans:

finish university, finding a good job in prestigious company.

Contact information:

e-mail: sokov_ivan@mail.ru

ICQ: 420333597

vkontakte.ru: massad_ua