Master of DonNTU Evgeniy Tatolov Master of Donetsk national technical university
Evgeniy Tatolov
Faculty of computer science and technology (CST)
Department of computer engineering (CE)
Speciality «System programming»
Scientific adviser Ph.D., Assistant Professor Irina Zelenyova
Scientific consultant Ph.D., Assistant Professor Sergey Tsololo
Theme of master's work
«Development and research an approach to the unification of synthesis of Moore FSM on FPGA»

Life way: childhood, school, university

To reach the goal, we must first go
O. Balzac


I, Evgeniy Tatolov, was born on December 30th, 1989 in the marvelous city of Donetsk, which, those times, was the part of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). My mother – Olga Tatolova and father – Robert Tatolov surrounded me with care and love from my early childhood. I feel this support all the time, it helps me to overcome life tests, sometimes very difficult ones.

First years of my unperceived life I spent in Donetsk. My parents come from the nice town Gorlovka, that's why it's not surprisingly, that very soon I became the inhabitant of this locality near Donetsk. Thanks to my relatives I didn't attend the kindergarten and spent all the time in interesting, carefree games, classes of gymnastics in a local sport school, reading fairy-tales and watching cartoons. Soon I was really fed up with the last ones and attempts in gymnastics were not very successful, but reading became the most important my hobby, and do not lose positions until the present.

From the early childhood I was inculcated with love to animals, especially to the cat family. Since those times I categorically do not accept any rude or cruel behavior with the representatives of animal world.

School and basketball

At the age of six, in 1996, I entered school ¹14 in Gorlovka. My first teacher – Elena Tarasyuk – is a great person and educator. I remember her lessons of kindness, justice and honesty with great pleasure.

One of the most significant events of my life took place, when I was the pupil of the fifth form – I began my sports activities. In the autumn of the 2000 year my future coach – Alexandr Serov – started the selection to the school basketball section. Classmate told me about this, I became interested and decided to try. Very soon trainings four times a week became an integral part of my life for almost seven years.

Time was passing: trainings, competitions, tournaments followed each other. Our team became more experienced and intransigent. Little by little our tactic game became better: work and professionalism of the trainer and our aspiration helped to transform from outsiders into the three-times champions of the region and participates of the Ukrainian championship. First adult level and collection of diplomas and medals – are my pride and reminder about special period of my life. Factors, which are irreplaceable in a nowadays world – character, incompliance and belief in yourself – were raised in me only with the help of sport. I am sure.

What about school, I studied well and got only good and excellent marks. My biggest attention and interest were paid to Literature, History, Jurisprudence and Economy. After the finishing of the ninth form I chose the most prestigious specialization of our school – Economics and Law. Being a pupil of this class, I learned the basics of entrepreneurship, planning of business and theory of economics.

In senior classes more than others I liked lessons, which were held by our principal – Ludmila Isakieva. Her excellent knowledge, interest and understanding of pupils left me many pleasant memories about school years.

Bachelor's degree

Thoughts about future direction of education visited me for the first time, when I was a senior pupil. Understanding, that labor market is full of specialists in humanitarian sphere made me to connect occupation with technical sciences. More particularly – with actively developing computer technologies. I was already quite experienced user of personal computer and Internet by that time.

The decision to enter Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU) was made after continuous and fundamental analysis, doubts and uncertainty. And, in the same time, choice of the technical specialization – «System programming» – became a great stimulus to study Mathematics strenuously. Perfect human, mathematician and teacher – Alexandr Kurnosov – was the first one, who showed me beauty and elegance of Mathematics. Persistence in study allowed me to pass exams with excellent marks and become the first-year student.

The first course turned to be the most difficult for me. The reason of that was in inability to divide time between many absolutely different subjects. After accurate studying of theoretical material there was no free time for using new knowledge in practice. Attempts to memorize methods for solving automatically didn't bring me any results either.

Bachelor's degree (basic higher education) has lasted for four years and crowned with getting diploma of bachelor (with honors) in computer engineering. Most of subjects, which I was taught, in this or that way developed my professional skills, ability to study and master new spheres of technique and technologies.

Among software-oriented courses I would like to mention «Object-oriented programming» by Andrey Moldovanov, «Organization of databases» by Leonid Dorozhko, «System software» by Olga Shevchenko, «System programming» by Sergey Teplinskiy, «Parallel and Distributed Computing» by Vladimir Svyatny and also «Programming in modern operating systems» by Sergey Teplinskiy and Olga Shevchenko. These subjects helped to acquire attainments in both low – and high-level programming, creating user interface, modern methodologies of software design, high-efficiency computations.

Hardware-oriented courses acquainted me both with analog and digital electronics, showed basics of microprocessors, arithmetic-logic units, memory chips, computer networks, peripheral units, methods for constructing printed circuit boards, methods of synthesis of digital machines, HDL-design etc. Particularly memorable are lections by Boris Gusev, Vladimir Krasnokutskiy, Vladimir Lapko, Yuri Gubar, Alexey Krasichkov, Irina Zelenyova, Oleg Dyachenko, Yuri Zinchenko, Vladimir Mikhailov, Yuri Dostlev.

Turned to be interesting some general education subjects, such as «Political science» by Nikolay Ragozin and «Ukrainian language for professional direction» by Tatyana Machay.

Manufacturing practice I passed in the enterprise «Donbassenergo», located in Gorlovka. There for the first time I dealt with real-time computations and SCADA-systems. Such experience, I am sure, will be quite useful in the future professional career.

Boris Gusev – person with deep knowledge and experience in different branches of science and technology – became my first supervisor of studies. Under his leadership I acquainted with logic modeling, systems of computer aided design (CAD), also published several articles and was awarded with diploma on the department competition for the scientific work «Digital signature data system development».

Master's degree and future

After receiving bachelor's degree, for improving my engineering qualification and having completed higher education, I made the decision to get master's degree. Moreover, in this period of time, I changed the theme of my scientific researches and directed efforts on searching and realization methods of synthesis and optimization for Moore FSM. Interest to this sphere appeared during mastering the course by Irina Zelenyova devoted to the systems of programming support of digital machine's design. Desire to study and analyze this subject domain influenced on the decision to receive master's degree either.

With the help of Irina Zelenyova and Sergey Tsololo – experts in the field of digital design – I am implementing research and development of the process of synthesis and optimization of Moore FSM on FPGA, actively using Verilog HDL and Xilinx ISE. The main goal of my work is to decrease hardware amount of Moore FSM logic circuit. Named problem is quite actual because of extensionality and costliness of modern projects.

Besides, my scientific work «Development of software model of computer network Token Ring» got prize diploma within the department contest.

After receiving master's degree I would like to find worthy job, connected with software development or digital device's design. As for my opinion, professional specialist's improvement have to last uninterruptedly. That's why I am going to deep my knowledge, for example thorough acquaintance with technologies .NET, ASP.NET and programming language C# is among my nearest plans.