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Vyacheslav Volkov

Vyacheslav Volkov 

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Speciality: System programming

Theme of master's work:

Development and research of load balancing subsystem of a distributed parallel simulation environment

Scientific adviser: Svyatniy V.A. 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Name: Viacheslav Volkov
Date of birth: April 29, 1989
Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk
Schools: 1996 - 2002 school ¹ 62, 2002 - 2006 school ¹ 17
University: 2006 - 2011, DonNTU
Middle mark in uni: 4,79
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian (perfect). Technical English, German (reading, writing)
Hobbies: Programming, table tennis, indoor soccer
Personal qualities: Ability to be quickly taught, responsibility, punctuality, purposefulness, industriousness
Programming languages: Ñ, Ñ++, C#, Java, Assembler, VBA, Pascal, HTML, VHDL
IDE, programm tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, Eclipse 3.6 Helios, NetBeans IDE 6.9.1, Microsoft Office, C++ Builder 6.0, Active-HDL 8.1, Xilinx ISE 9.2, Microcap 9, PCAD 2006, Matlab 2010
Operating systems: Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000 / ME / 98, Linux (Ubuntu), DOS
Technologies, libraries: Windows Forms, Java SE, Java ME, Multithreading, Win32 API, VCL, MPI
Trainings: Institute of automation and software technique (Institut fur Automatisierungs- und Softwaretechnik), Stuttgart, Germany
Future plans: Completion of studies, defence of master's degree work, employment in an IT
Contact information:
E-mail: ICQ: 477145231 Skype: slava_256