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Vladimir Zaslavskiy
Faculty of computer siences and technology
Speciality "Information Management Systems and Technologies"
Department of Automated Control Systems
Optimization system of client requests to the servers of a distributed database
Scientific adviser: Ph.D. ACS Associate Professor Elena Savkova
Birth date: 23.07.1989
Birth place: Donetsk, Ukraine
Schools: Progimnaziya (1 – 3 grades, 1996 – 1998), DNJSC ¹99 (5 – 8 grades, 1999 – 2002), Donetsk Lyceum "Intellekt" (9 – 11 grades, 2003 – 2005)
College: DonNTU (bachelor, 2006 – 2009; graduate, 2010 – 2011)
GPA: 3,94
- Russian (perfectly)
- Ukrainian (perfectly)
- English (average level)
Computer skills:
- Operation systems: Windows, Linux, DOS
- Programming languages: C, C++, Ñ#, Pascal, Delphi, PHP, Javascript, Assembler, Visual Basic, Matlab, SQL, Cache object script, csp
- Development enviroments: Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, Borland Builder, Delphi, Visual Studio, Notepad, Notepad++, NetBeans IDE, AVR Studio, Matlab, Microsoft Office package, various MySQL GUI, Microsoft SQL Server, Adobe DreamWeaver, Macromedia HomeSite, Cache