Dmitry Balandin
Dmitry Balandin

Physical-Metallurgical Faculty
Speciality: Metallurgy of ferrous metals

Theme of master’s work:
Research of influence of technology deoxidizing effect and a steel alloying on degree of mastering of alloying elements
Scientific adviser: Sergey Hrapko


Own publications

  1. Technology deoxidation and alloying of steel on the degree of assimilation of the alloying elements (text in russian only).
  2. Author: Balandin Dmitry
    Description: Master's article, which describes a new, alternative possibility of replacing the FeSi complex reductants — silicon carbide (SiC), a certain fraction and chemical composition.

Thematic publications

  1. Automatic control system for deoxidation and alloying of steel (text in russian only).
  2. Authors: Hrapko S., Starosotsky A.
    Description: this article highlights the possibility of expanding optimization of doping, deoxidation and refining the metal, as well as optimization of slag-forming materials.
  3. Thermodynamics and kinetics of phase interaction in ladle treatment (text in russian only).
  4. Author: Hrapko S.
    Description: the article describes how to build models for the development of automated process control systems for smelting and processing of steel in metallurgical aggregates, such as the selection criteria of balance, the choice of equations of state of the metal and slag, the account of the kinetic shift of thermodynamic equilibrium, the calculation of hydrodynamic steelmaking unit.