The important
alloys of copper and tin from an industrial point of view are the
bronzes comprised within certain limits of tin content. As in the case
of the brasses, the addition of tin to copper results in the formation
of a series of solid solutions. The constitutional diagram of
copper-tin alloys is very complex, but that part of it which deals with
alloys of industrial importance is reproduced.
The addition of tin to copper
results in the formation of a series of solid solutions which, in
accordance with usual practice, are referred to in order of diminishing
copper content as the á, â, a, etc., constituents. The diagram may be summarized as follows:
Constituent just below the freezing point
Constituent after slow cooling to 400°C
100 to 87
0 to 13
87 to 86
13 to 14
á + â
86 to 78
14 to 22
á + â
á + ä
78 to 74
22 to 26
â–>(á + â)
á + ä
Further changes on cooling from
400°C to room temperature are so sluggish that they only occur in
conditions very far removed from actual practice.
The á solution is the softest of
the constituents; it may be rolled or stamped cold, but it hardens
under this treatment much more rapidly decreases than á-brass.
The â and a constituents do not exist
in the alloy slowly cooled to room temperature: this is due to
successive changes occurring at 586°C and 520°C whereby â is resolved into á +aand a into á + ä.
The ä constituent has the crystal
structure of a-brass.
It has a narrow range of composition corresponding approximately to the
formula Cu3lSn8 and,
like all intermetallic compounds, is extremely hard and brittle. The
ä -> (á + l) change at 350°C does not occur in
commercial practice, though alloys richer in tin may contain the a
constituent, which corresponds to Cu3Sn, and the ç
solid solution, which approximates to the composition CuSn.
95:5 Copper-Tin
On cooling
from the liquid condition, the solid solution which first forms
contains only about 2 percent of tin. Thus the cast metal has a cored
structure and the coring is very marked because of the long range
between liquidus and solidus; but it may be eliminated by diffusion on
cooling more slowly or by annealing.
Any absorption of oxygen
occurring during manufacture results in the presence of SnO2 in the alloy, tending to
make it brittle. A deoxidizer such as zinc is therefore frequently
added. The addition of zinc, as in coinage bronze, causes no change in
the microscopical appearance of the homogeneous á constituent.
The zinc, however, exerts its deoxidizing effect in the liquid, and
slight hardening effect on the solid solution. The structure of a
bronze coin shows marked deformation of the crystals. On annealing,
recrystallization takes place with subsequent crystal growth. Twinning
is a characteristic feature of the cold-worked and annealed alloy.
90:10 Copper-Tin
This is
typical gun-metal, most varieties of which, however, contain a
deoxidizer, frequently zinc (e.g. Admiralty gun-metal, copper 88%, tin
10%, zinc 2%). The structure of the cast material depends on the rate
of cooling, both through the range of solidification and below.
On account of the wide
solidification range of the alloy and the slow rate of tin diffusion,
the apparent solubility limit of the á solution is well below
that shown in the diagram. The cast structure is always definitely
dendritic and if coring is pronounced, some â solution may be
formed at 798°C This interdendritic â, on cooling, gives rise
to the hard ä constituent. On the other hand, after slow cooling
or prolonged annealing, the homogeneous á constituent may be
produced. A chill-cast gun-metal will therefore be very different in
structure and properties from one which has been annealed.
85:15 Copper-Tin
This chemical
composition is typical for a number of bronzes used as bearing metals,
most of which, however, contain a little zinc as a deoxidizer. It is
also the approximate composition of bell metal.
Immediately after solidification
the alloy consists of the á and â constituents. If rapidly
cooled, these are preserved. If slowly cooled, the â (or a) is
completely broken down below 520°C into a complex á +
ä. The á + â structure is being replaced by á
+ (á + ä) complex in the slowly cooled alloy. This accounts
for the fact that sand castings of this alloy are much harder than
chill castings. It also provides the basis of heat treatment method,
applied in the one case to bells and in the other to bearing metals.